IK \^ ZEBULON B. VANCE. GOVERSOR, 186a-1866L HISTORIES SEVERAL REGIMENTS AND BATTALIONS NORTH CAROLINA GREAT WAR 1861 -'65. . VRITTEN BT nEMEERS Of THE RESFECTIVE COnrLftNDS EDITED BY WALTER £LARK, (Lieut. -CoLOJfKL SEVE^TIETH Regiment X. C. T. ) VOL. III. ^ PUBLISHED BY THE STATE. XASH BROTHERS. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, GOLDSBORO, N. C. 1901 I 5H whecked THE NEW YORK' PUBLIC LIBRARY 264072 ASTOR. LE' TILOEN <--- R .--. — s CONTENTS. PAGE. Forty-Third Regiment, by Colonel Thomas S. Kenan,..^ 1 Fortv-Third Regiment, (Company A.) by Colonel Thomas S. Kenan • 19 Forty-Fourth Regiment, by Major Charles M. Stedman '21 Forty-Fifth Regiment, by Sergeant Cyrus B. Watson 35 Forty-Sixth Regiment, by Lieutenant J. M. Waddill 63 Forty-Seventh Regiment, bii Captain John H. Thorp 83 Forty-Seventh Regiment, by Lieutenant J. Rowan Rogers 103 Forty-Eighth Regiment, by Captain, W. H. H. Lawhon 113 Forty-Ninth Regiment, by Lieutenant Thomas R. Roulhac 125 Forty-Ninth Regiment, by Captain B. F. Dixon 151 Fiftieth Regiment, by Lieutenant J. C. Ellington 161 Fifty -First Regiment, by Lieutenant A. A. McKethan 205 Fifty-Second Regiment, by Adjutant John H. Robinson 223 Fifty Third Regiment, by Colonel James T Morehead 255 Fifty-Fourth Regiment, by Lieutenant J. Mai-shall Williams 267 Fifty-Fifth Regiment, by Adjutant Charles M. Cooke 287 Fifty-Sixth Regiment, by Captain Robert D. Oraham 313 Fifty-Seventh Regiment, by Colonel Hamilton C Jones 405 Fifty-Eighth Regiment, by Major G. W. F. Harper. 431 Fifty-Eighth Regiment, by Captain Isaac H. Bailey 447 Fifty-Ninth Regiment, (Fourth Cav.,) by Lieutenant W. P. Shaw.. 455 Sixtieth Regiment, by Lieutenant- Colonel James M. Ray 473 Sixtieth Regiment, by Captain Thomas W. Patton . . 499 Sixty First Regiment, by Captain N. A. Ramsey 503 Sixty-Second Regiment, by Lieutenant- Colonel B. G. McDowell 515 Sixty-Third Regiment, (Fifth Cav.), by Major John M. Galloway. . 529 Sixty-Third Regiment, (Fifth Cav. ), by Private Paul B. Means. . . . 545 Sixty-Fourth Regiment, by Captain B T. Morris 659 Sixty -Fifth Regiment. (Sixth Cav.), by Captain M. V. Moore... 673 Sixty-Sixth Regiment, by Adjutant George M. Rose 685 Sixty-Seventh Regiment, by Lieutenant- Colonel Rufus W. Wharton 703 Sixty-Eighth Regiment, by Corporal J. W. Evans 713 Sixty-Eighth Regiment, by Sergeant W. T. Caho 725 Sixty-Ninth Regiment, 6?/ im(ie?ia/i/-CoZo?ie^ W. W. String field 729 ASTOfi, ■-^NOX AND ^i2s^:c. FORTY-THIHD REGIMENT. J. Thos. S. Kenan, Colonel. 2. W. Gaston Lewis, Lieut. -Colonel. 3. James (i. Kenan, Captain, Co. A. 4. Rufflu Barnes, Captain, Co. C. 5. Drury Lacy, Adjutant. 6. Wtti. R. Kenan, -M Lieut, and Arigade was permitted to retire a few hundred yards and rest. We had lost heavily. The battle was then raging all along the line of Ewell's Corps and continued until after nightfall. In the darkness we arranged our lines and worked most of the night throwing up earth works. Early the next morning the firing betw^een the picket lines began. From time to time during the day we sent forward men to strengthen the picket line. This picket fire continued all day with a light fire of artillery at intervals. During this day, the 6th of May, the dreadful fight was raging on our right between the Corps <^f Hill and Longstreet and the greater part of Grant's army. We remained in our position Forty- Fifth Regiment. 45 during the night of the 6th and all day of the 7th with con- tinued heavy picket and artillery firing. Early in the night of the 7th we moved out by the right flank, having been cau- tioned to make as little noise as possible, and commenced what turned out to be, a hurried flank movement to Spottsyl- vania Court House. We marched all night, and the whole of the next day, and in the afternoon heard heavy firing in the direction of Spottsylvania Court House, We hurried on. Now and then we passed through sections where the woods were on fire and would become enveloped in choking smoke, but nothing delayed us. Late in the afternoon, as we were approaching the field where Longstreet's Corps, now" com- manded by General Anderson, was engaged in an unequal fight with the assaulting columns of the enemy, the march became more hurried, frequently breaking into a double- quick. The afternoon was hot. The men, worn out by the long march and from loss of sleep, were dropping exhausted along the way. A little before sunset, and as we reached a point almost in range of the enemy's rifles, but in the rear of Longstreet's right, we were halted, the regiment closed up and ordered to a front. General Daniel dashed along on horseback in front of the brigade, halting in the center of each regiment, and announced that Longstreet's Corps had for hours been successfully resisting the repeated attacks of the enemy that had been thrown against him in almost over- whelming numbers ; that we were now in half mile of his ex- treme right ; that the enemy would, within a few minutes, turn his flank and get possession of a most favorable posi- tion unless we arrived in time to prevent it ; that the only question was whether we should arrive in time to save the position or retake it after it had been secured by the enemy. This only occupied a few minutes, but it gave the tired men these few minutes to recover breath. The announcement of General Daniel was greeted by each regiment with a shout. The brigade was ordered into column, and, in a rapid run, we passed the last regiment on Longstreet's right and discovered that the splendid brigade of General Ramseur, the front brigade in our corps, had passed Longstreet's last regiment, had turned by the left flank, and 46 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. was moving forward in a beautiful line to meet the enemy that had just arrived and was advancing to turn Longstreet's right. Our brigade pressed on until its last regiment had passed General Ramseur's right, when it, in turn, halted and closed up its ranks, fronted, and under the immediate eye of General Eodes, our commander, who had by this time ar- rived on the spot, raised a yell and dashed at the enemy. In rapid succession the brigades of Generals Doles and Battle passed in our rear, and with a similar movement turned the enemy's flank, whose whole advancing line was driven back. The fight continued in the woods until after nightfall, the two respective lines firing at the flash of the adversary's guns. Slowly the firing ceased, the litter-bearers came in along the line and bore away the wounded. The dead, for the time, and in many instances perhaps for all time, were left undisturbed where they fell. THE HORSE SHOE. Soon after the firing ceased, our lines were drawn back for a short distance and preparations for the next day's fight were begun. A sergeant from each regiment of our brigade was called for and assembled at brigade headquarters. I was detailed as one. We were placed in charge of Captain W. L. London, now of Pittsboro, IST. C, (and I could write many pages about the courage and faithfulness of this staff officer). Captain London carried us forward in the dark, and selected, what appeared to be, the highest point of a low ridge between the lines. He posted us, one at a place, along the crest of this low ridge, until he had posted each guide about the length of a regiment apart, giving each instructions to remain in the pine thicket where we were placed, "until we heard the signal come down the line from our right," and then to take it up and repeat it as often as it came, until the regiment formed upon us. In leaving the place where I stood. Captain London cautioned me not to sit down, for fear I might go to sleep, but to stand and rest upon my gun. I must have stood there for more than an hour listening to the strange cries of the wounded, doubtless of both armies, some begging for water, and one poor fellow, as I remember, who Forty-Fifth Regiment. 47 had perhaps been wounded in the head, was delirious, and now and then would change his cries and groans into a sound like the bark of a dog. After what seemed to me a long time, I heard away on my right coming down the line, a low "Halloo." This passed down the line and continued until we heard the tramp of the regiments as they came up and formed upon us. This was doubtless done all along most of the lines of Ewell's Corps, and done in many places in the dark- ness of a pine thicket. I have never been able to account for the forming of this salient, which was soon to become what is known as the historic "Bloody Angle," except in this way ; we threw up breastworks all night, and, when daylight came^ we found that a part of our division, and perhaps all of Johnson's Division and a part of Hill's men, were occu- pying breastworks formed in the shape of a horse shoe, with the toe upon elevated ground and the sides running back to the caulks, which were not, as I now see the ground, more than 500 yards apart. All day of the 9th we encountered a deadly fire from the sharpshooters and a heavy fire of artillery from the enemy, to which we replied in kind. This died away after nightfall and was renewed in more aggravated form on the morning of the 10th, and continued until late in the afternoon. Sud- denly, at about an hour by sun, the enemy broke from cover to our right, and poured in overwhelming numbers upon the line occupied by General Doles' Georgians. These gallant men were overpowered by sheer force of numbers and driven from the works. The enemy poured through the breach, captured quite a number of men on the extreme right of our brigade; forced the brigade to retire to avoid the enfilading fire, and caused us the temporary loss of sixteen pieces of artillery. Our brigade slowly fell back firing as it retreated, the enemy advancing and taking possession of our abandoned guns. In a short time we were in line at right angles to the works ; the enemy massing in great numbers in our front. It seemed even to the eye of a private soldier that a dangerous crisis was upon us. Suddenly a single horseman came dash- ing up to the rear of our regiment. He was instantly recog- nized by the men who saw him, as General Ewell, our corps 48 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. coininaiKk'r. lie had outstripped his staff officers who were following- him, but not then in sight. He luilted in the rear of the Forty-lif th Keginient, and called out, "Don't run boys ; I will have enough men here in five minutes to eat up every d — d one of them." His eyes were almost green. The line steadied and poured volley after volley into the enemy. Presently we heard a yell up the line in our rear as we stood, and Battle's Brigade of Alabamians were seen coming to our support. They ran down the line by us. We raised a yell and dashed forward. jS^ow, what became of Battle's men, whether they passed around us forming a line parallel with the works and then charged with us, I cannot tell. I did not then know. I only know that we went forward in a full run ; found the enemy standing where we had left our batteries ; the gnins all withdrawn from their embrasures, turned upon us, but not firing, while the infantry fired into our faces. They stood their ground until there were but a few paces be- tAveen the lines. A fine-looking Federal officer stood in the front of their line wuth drawn saber, encouraging his men. He fell dead, within a few paces of the writer, shot through the neck. I ascertained the next morning that his name was Colonel Huling, of the Sixth or Seventh Maine Regiment, temporarily connnanding the front brigade in this assault. He was a brave fellow and deserved a better fate. When he fell, his men breaking in confusion leaped over the breastworks, and we went in near the same place we had left them. My re- collection is that these lines were restored by our brigade. Bat- tle's Alabama Brigade, one or two regiments from Bamseur's Brigade and a part of the brigade of General B. D. Johnston. But I reiiKMubor well that a few days thereafter, we had in the company a Richmond paper, giving an account of the battle as connnunicated by an army correspondent, as having been won and the lost line recovered by certain Virginia brigades ; this, indeed, was (]uite a common thing with the Richmond papers. As we recaptured the line the brave artil- lerymen, one company of which was the Richmond Howitz- ers, as fine a body of men as ever wore a uniform, rushed up with rannners in hand ; wheeled the guns to their places and commenced pouring canister into the ranks of the re- Forty-Fifth Regiment. 49 treating foe. We then saw why it was that we had not been fired upon by our own guns. The artillerymen had carried away the rammers. Thus ended the bloody engagement of 10 May. The gTound was covered with the dead and wounded from both armies. The gallant Colonel Brabble, of the Thirty-second ]^orth Carolina, of our brigade, was among the former. If space permitted, I would be glad here to give instances of individual acts of heroism witnessed by me in this and subsequent engagements in this bloody angle. The morning after this fight, I was asked by a wounded Sergeant belong- ing to the Sixth Maine Regiment, to help him down under the hill where he would not be exposed to the artillery fire from his own batteries. I did so, and made him as comfort- able as I could. I filled his canteen with water, and learned from him the name and rank of the officer killed the evening before. I observed among the enemy's dead inside our lines, what I thought was an unusual proportion of non-commis- sioned officers. I asked this Sergeant how this happened. He answered that the evening before, just before his brigade led the assaulting column upon our works, that this same Col- onel Huling addressed the regiments of the brigade ; re- minded them that during the preceding battles many com- pany officers had been killed or permanently disabled, and that he expected to keep an eye on the non-commissioned of- ficers of the brigade and see to it that commissions should be given the deserving ones. He said : "We came in front looking for promotion, and you see the result." He himself had a badly shattered leg below the knee. The 11th of May passed with nothing more than heavy skirmishing and severe artillery firing at intervals. Early in the morning of the 11th, General Rodes placed our brigade at the right of the division and in the space previously occupied by General Doles. The brigade took this as a compliment, and General Daniel, soon after the brigade was so placed, passed down the line behind the men and said to ns : "I want you boys to remember that if the enemy come over these breastworks today, you are to receive them on your bayonets." 4 50 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. The night of tho 11th was dark and drizzly. We sat with guns in hand the entire night, with a man to eaeh company whose business it was to see that the men kept awake. We were so near the enemy's lines that I heard them knocking open cracker boxes and heard them call to the men to come and get their rations (giving '*a'' the long sound). We could hear, during the night, the sound of axes. They were evi- dently engaged in clearing away the pine bushes near the toe of the horse shoe to unmask their batteries. Just as the light was beginning to show on the morning of the 12th, we heard a sharp rattle of musketry away to the right, and suddenly the enemy came rushing over the line of works occupied by Edward Johnson's Division. They did not come in front of our brigade. The Forty-fifth Regiment occupied the posi- tion at the extreme right of the brigade next to Johnson's Division. It seemed to me then, as I remember now, that they captured almost the entire division down to the extreme left, and up to our right. I saw very few men go to the rear. We instantly sprang to our guns at the first firing. Our brave brigade commander came running up the line from near the center of the brigade to our regiment and observed that the enemy on our immediate right was confused in gath- ering up prisoners. He called the regiment to attention; gave the command, "About face," and, as I remember, moved the regiment at a right wheel, thus turning the regiment upon a pivot on the left company, and in this movement threw our backs to the enemy. While we were executing this movement, we were ordered to fire to the rear, which we did as rapidly as we could. When we had reached a point at almost right angles Avith the works, we were halted, ordered to about face, where we stood for a minute or two firing into the enemy's lines enfilading them. We were shortly com- manded to right face and double-quick, the brigade following us. This threw us partly across the lines between the two •caulks of the horse shoe, perhaps half the brigade occupy- ing that position. In the meantime the battalion of artil- lery, down the line to our left, drew their guns from the breastworks and threw them into line about fifty yards to our rear, in a position several feet higher than the position we Forty-Fifth Regiment. 51 occupied. We dropped upon our knees and opened fire upon the enemy, every man loading and firing as rapidly as possi- ble. Immediately the artillery in our rear opened fire over our heads. For a little while the rush of canister and shrap- nel above us seemed dangerous, but the conflict was on and in a short time we became accustomed to it. By the time the prisoners of Johnson's Division had been disposed of, the enemy in unbroken lines reaching back as far as we could Bee, came sweeping on in our front, but this combined fire of infantry and artillery was more than human flesh could stand and it was impossible for them to reach our line. The first men that came to our assistance was that brigade of North Carolinians commanded by the peerless Ramseur. This brigade always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. It came up and formed on our right, as I remember, in an open field, lay down for a moment, but soon, at the command of its leader, sprang up and dashed forward into the horse shoe. For a moment it seemed to me our brigade ceased firing and held its breath as these men went forward, apparently into the very jaws of death. They were soon en- veloped in smoke, which the heavy atmosphere of a misty morning caused to linger over the field. Now, from this time until dark I know nothing of what took place, except that which occurred in my immediate neighborhood. Without moving at times for hours, we fired into the advancing columns of the enemy who were trying to carry our position, while Ramseur's Brigade, and doubtless many other brigades, were fighting on our right. We made during the day during the little intervals between the enemy's assaults, a little temporary protection composed of fence rails, poles and earth, behind which w^e sat on our knees and fired. We went in with sixty rounds of cartridges each. This supply of ammunition was replenished from time to time during the day. How many rounds were fired no man knew. The pine saplings standing at intervals in the field in front of us and along on the sides of the old breastworks of John- son's Division, were torn and shattered by minie balls. The enemy would take shelter sometimes behind the captured works, which formed an acute angle with the line we occupied 52 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. and several times during the day I saw pine saplings perhaps six or eight inches in diameter, finally bend, break and fall, from the fire of musketry aimed at the top of the breast- works. From some point along this line, the stump of a white oak, perhaps ten inches or more in diameter, that was cut down in this way, during the day, was taken up by the Federal forces after the battle and carried to Washington, and is there now presented to show the efl^ect of the mus- ketry fire. There was not a moment, as I now remember, from daylight in the morning until long after dark that the battle did not rage in this horse shoe. The fire of the en- emy's artillery from the higher ground near the toe of the horse shoe, and also from the right where Hill's men fought, was terrific the entire day. Just after a severe cannonading, I heard General Daniel, who was sitting at the root of a little tree in the rear of my company with watch in hand, say to Captain London: ''London, how does this ar- tillery fire compare with the second day at Gettysburg." I do not remember Captain London's reply, but General Dan- iel continuing, said : "I have been holding my watch and counting the shells as they came into these lines, and part of the time they have averaged more than one hundred to the minute." I do not think I am mistaken in my figures. When night came on, the tired regiments fell asleep upon the wet ground. The men were in no condition to sit up and discuss the losses. We knew that General Daniel had been borne from the field mortally wounded. We knew that two senior Colonels succeeding him in command of the brigade during the day had also fallen, and that when night came on the brigade was in command of Lieutenant-Colonel Jas. T. More- head, of the Fifty-third Regiment. After the night's sleep, the soldiers looked about tliem and found that our losses had been terrific. The next morning we occupied a new intrenched line that had been fortified during the night, by whom I know not, and we were again ready for the enemy. There was little fight- ing of any consequence along our part of the line until the morning, as I remember, of the 16th, when the enemy ad- vanced just at daylight in heavy forces, but were easily Forty-Fifth Regiment. 53 driven back without much loss on our side. On the 17th or 18th and after the enemy had drawn back their line into the woods, giving up the entire field where the conflict raged on the 12th, I asked permission of Lieutenant Frank Erwin, commanding my company, to pass the picket line and go over into this angle to make observations. It was a bright May day. There was no fighting on any part of the line, and by his permission I went. The pickets permitted me to pass, and I went over the breastworks to that portion of the field which had been occupied by our brigade, and then to the right, to the position which had been occupied by Eamseur's Brigade. On my arrival in this angle, I could well see why the enemy had withdrawn their lines. The stench was almost unbearable. There Avere dead artillery horses in considerable numbers that had been killed on the 10th and in the early morning of the 12th. Along these lines of breastworks where the earth had been excavated to the depth of one or two feet and thrown over, making the breastworks, I found these trenches filled with water (for there had been much rain) and in this water lay the dead bodies of friend and foe commingled, in many in- stances one lying across the other, and in one or more in- stances I saw as many as three lying across one another. All over the field lay the dead of both armies by hundreds, many of them torn and mangled by shells. Many of the bodies swollen out of all proportion, some with their guns yet grasped in their hands. Now and then one could be seen covered with a blanket, which had been placed over him by a comrade after he had fallen. These bodies were decaying. The water was red, almost black with blood. Offensive flies were everywhere. The trees, saplings and shrubs were torn and shattered beyond description ; guns, some of them broken, bayonets, canteens and cartridge boxes were scattered about, and the whole scene was such that no pen can, or ever will describe it. I have seen many fields after severe confiicts, but no where have I seen anything half so ghastly. I returned to my company and said to old man Thomas Carroll, a private in the com- pany, who was frying meat at the fire, "You would have saved rations by going with me, for I will have no more appe- 64 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. tite for a Avcck." On tlie 19th our corps marched in the af- ternoon around the enemy's right, crossed one of the prongs of the Mattapony River, and attacked the enemy on his right flank and rear. We carried no artillery, and, as it happened, that which we had hoped would be a successful surprise to the enemy turned out to be a desperate and unsuccessful battle. We found a large body of fresh troops coming up as re- inforcements from Fredericksburg. We attacked them. The engagement began perhaps two hours by sun and lasted until in the night, and under cover of darkness our corps returned to its former position. In this engagement our regiment suf- fered severely. The Colonel of our regiment, the brave Samuel H. Boyd, was killed while leading a charge. My own company came out of tlie fight with not an officer nor non-commissioned officer left. In this last charge the writer received a severe wound from which he has never entirely re- covered. The next day the armies commenced a movement toward Richmond, confronting each other and fighting almost daily, which finally culminated in the great battle of Cold Harbor, 3 June, in which battle the enemy received awful punishment, and our regiment again suffered severely. While this battle was raging, I was lying helpless in the Win- der Hospital in Richmond, listening to the roar of the guns. After nightfall the wounded began to arrive from the field. I remember liow the wounded in my ward lay upon their beds and inquired, as the Avounded were brought in from their companies and regiments, as to the result of tlic battle and as to friends engaged. There I first learned of the death of Major Smith. The Avard masters and nurses were prin- cipally composed of disabled men, assigned to liglit duty. I remember that about 10 o'clock tliat night, a man was brought in from an ambulance upon a stretclier, and when brought to the light, was found to be the only brother of our ward mas- ter, and iiKirtally wounded. The next morning I learned of the death of a dear friend and school mate, a meud)('r of Manly's Battery, M. F. Cummins. He was sliot tlirough the head while mounted ou the breastworks, ea]i in liand, watching the effect of a sliell fired from his gun ; a brave, gallant fellow. Soon after this battle, the regiment was sent Forty-Fifth Regiment, 55 to join General Early, and with his comma;id marched down the Valley, crossing the Potomac about 5 or 6 July, and had a severe engagement with the enemy's forces, commanded by General Lew Wallace, near Monocacy Junction. The regi- ment marched from there to the suburbs of Washington and lay there for a day or twO' drinking water from the spring of Hon. Montgomery Blair, and, as the boys afterwards told me, they interfered with the milk and butter in his spring house, but this is hearsay and therefore not evidence. On 14 July the command recrossed the Potomac with quite a number of prisoners and camped about Martinsburg and Winchester for some time, occasionally skirmishing with the enemy until 19 September, when Sheridan advanced with an overwhelming force and attacked Early's Corps, driving it from the field. In this battle our division lost its com- mander, General R. E. Rodes, He was a superb officer and beloved by every man in his division. The army retreated to Fisher's Hill, where it was again attacked on 22 Septem- ber, both of its flanks turned, resulting in a disastrous rout. On this occasion, as I was afterwards informed by the men of my regiment, the regiment held a position across the turn- pike, which it maintained after the troops both on the right and left had fallen back, and retired in good order but not till it became apparent that to remain longer would result in its capture. The courage and fortitude of the regiment on this disastrous day served the purpose of holding back the enemy and covering the retreat of the arm3^ It was on this occa- sion that Colonel John R. Winston, coming up the pike with his regiment in the rear of the retreating army, was accosted by one of his soldiers, who was lying on the roadside disabled by a wound, and who pleaded with his Colonel not to leave him to fall into the hands of the enemy. He rode to where he was lying, reached down and took him by the hand, pulled him to his feet, removed his own foot from tlie stirrup of his saddle, assisted the soldier in placiug his foot in the empty stirrup, lifted him into his lap and brought him off the field. The army fell back to Cedar Creek, where it remained until 19 October. On the night of the 18th the regiment participated in the flank movement which resulted in the 56 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. rout of Sheridan's army in the early morning of the 19th, which splendid victory in the early morning was turned into a disgraceful defeat later in the day, through the inexcusable blunder of some one. This ended Early's campaign in the Valley. Later in the fall the brigade returned to Lee's army and took a position in the line engaged in the defense of Pe- tersburg. Here it remained through the winter of 1864 and 1865 in the trenches, almost continually under fire. The regiment had suffered severely during the Valley cam- paign and by the spring of 1865 had become a mere skeleton. During the month of March, the regiment occupied a posi- tion a little to the right of Petersburg and just to the left of Port Mahone and near the Crater. Just in front of the left of the regiment stood Fort Steadman which the boys called Port ""Hell," a powerful earthw'ork of the enemy. On the night of 25 March, the regiment participated in an assault upon Port Steadman directed by General Gordon, and again suffered severely. Hence Proctor^ a private in my company, was one of the skirmishers who first entered the fort about daybreak. Inside of the fort bomb proofs were occupied by officers and men. Llence was a fine soldier, full of fight and fun. He poked his head into one of these bomb proofs, and called out with ugly words, to give emphasis to his command, "Come out of there. I know you are in there." He wore long hair. An officer, startled by this unexpected command, sprang out of his bertli in his night clothes, snatched his saber from its scabbard, seized Hence by the foretop and commenced to slash him about the head with his saber. Hence backed out of the bomb proof, the officer con- tinuing his hold, coming out with him. On getting outside in the open, the fight became an uiuMiual one. Hence's fixed bayonet on the end of liis gun while thus held by the hair, was no match for the saber in the hands of liis adversary, and but floping a biting and stinging power hitherto unknown to tlie up-country men composing the regiment. Rations were scarce and Commissary Sergeant Shell made PUBLIC 1I«8ARY. A8T0R, a*«o« A»» FORTY-SIXTH REGIjyiENT. 1. Thomas Troy. Lieutenant, Co. G. 3. W. C. Bain, Sergeant, Co. G. 2. Henry C. Latta. 2d Lieut., Co. E. 4. James A. Crews, Sergeant, Co. E. (Killed at Petersburg, Nov. 12, 1864.) 5. C. R. Thomasson, Private, Uo. E. Forty-Sixth Regiment. 71 affidavit before Serg'eant-Major Troy that "thirteen typical South Carolina cattle yielded only eleven hundred pounds of blue beef." With shouts of joy, the regiment bade adieu to Pocataligo about 20 April, proceeding to Topsail Sound, near Wilming- ton, where the usual anny ration was totally disregarded for the luscious oyster, to be had in the sound for the getting. 8 ]\lay camp was broken and the regiment moved to Goldsboro, from whence it took a bloodless part in the Kin- ston campaign. 6 June the command left Xortli Carolina for Virginia, where it was stationed near Hanover Junction. Various camps were occupied near Richmond, the brigade being stationed here for the protection of the city, while the main army marched to Gettysburg. Nothing of interest occurred here except a most brilliant engagement at South Anna bridge, between Company B, of the Forty-sixth, supporting a battery, and a force of T'uion cavalry, about 6 July, in which that company covered itself with glory. Thirty-three fresh graves were counted on the Federal position of the engagement. Loss in Com- pany B, four killed and ten wounded. Late in July, 1863, found the regiment near Fredericks- burg, where it remained until 30 Augiist. During this time the death of Adjutant ]\lallett, at the hands of deserters from another regiment, whom he was endeavoring to arrest, cast a gloom over the entire regiment. Tliis gallant young officer had endeared himself to every member of the regiment by his excellent bearing in the field, as well as the genial good nature manifested in his daily duties in camp. A detail under Lieutenant Mallett had been sent in pursuit of the party of deserters. By some means he became separated from most of his small force and coming up Avith the refugees he, with his usual fearlessness, rode up to them, demanding their surrender, when one of the party shot the noble fellow dead. 1 September, 1863, the regiment bade a final adieu to Fredericksburg, proceeding by the way of Guinea's Station to Taylorsville, where it remained some days, when on 25 Sep- 72 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. tember orders were received to repair to Gordon sville, wliere a quiet sojourn was had until 9 October, removing on that day to Madison Court House, this being the first day's march in the fatal flank movement to Bristoe. On this date Cooke's brigade (now composed of North Carolina regiments, as fol- lows. Fifteenth, Twenty-seventh, Forty-sixth, Forty-eighth and Fifty-fifth) was attached to General Harry Heth's Divis- ion, and was thus attached until the close. The Division w^as composed of following brigades: Cooke's North Carolina, Kirkland's North Carolina, Davis' Mississippi, Archer's Tennessee, Walker's Virginia. Heth's Division formed a part of A. P. Hill's Corps, composed of the divisions of Heth, Wilcox and Anderson. From 9 to 14 October the command made a series of most difficult marches over the ridges and across the rapid run- ning streams which characterize the foothills of the Blue Ridge — in the effort to reach Manassas ahead of Meade, who was being pressed toward that point by General Lee. Much of the distance was covered at night, over such roads as language fails to describe. . On the morning of 14 October, Cooke's Brigade took the advance and in the afternoon struck the Union forces in a strong position behind the railway embankment at Bristoe Station, with a number of field guns on the eminence in the rear. Before any support came up General Cooke, under orders, imme.liately attacked with great gallantly. In the charge ma(k> hy this devoted brigade, the gallant Cooke fell, shot in the forehead, when the connnand devolved on Colonel E. D. Hall, of the Forty-sixth. The unequal struggle was waged, with no result, save the loss of valuable lives ; indeed a disaster was only averted by a rapid change of front by the Forty-sixth under Colonel Hall's immediate lead by which the enemy's left flank movement was checked. This movement, made under a heavy fire from both infantry and artillery, elicited great praise, and added new laurels to the record of the Forty-sixth for steadiness and deliberation. The effort to dislodge the enemy from liis posi- tion proving fntile, the command was withdrawn in g(^od or- Forty-Sixth Regiment. 73 der, out of rifle shot, which position it held until the next morning, bj Avhich time the enemy had disappeared. It was said that General Lee most severely criticised Gen- eral A. P. Hill for this blunder — that of sending a force of only two small brigades (Cooke's and Kirkland's) against overwhelming odds strongly intrenched, with ten or twelve regiments in reserve, who never fired a gun. Such a course was then, and is yet unaccountable, on the part of a command- ing officer of undeniable ability. In this unfortunate affair the Forty-sixth had about sixty casualties — the configuration of the ground over which it fought only saving it from a much severer loss. On 18 October the command crossed the Rappahannock on pontoons, which were necessary, the river being much swollen, and went into what was at the time supposed to be winter quarters. About this time the Forty-sixth lost its brilliant Colonel, E. D. Hall, who resigned to accept a civil office in ISTorth Car- olina. Col. Hall had brought the regiment up to a high stand- ard in every respect — a brave man, a good disciplinarian, the service lost, in his resignation, a most valuable and efficient officer — and it was with much regi'et that his regiment bade him farewell. On the hillside, near the Rapidan, huts were built and the men proceeded to make themselves comforta- ble, but the hope of a winter's rest was rudely dissipated by being suddenly ordered, on 8 November, to a position two miles from Culpepper Court House to oppose Meade's threat- ened advance, who had already captured a large portion of Hoke's and Hayes' Brigades. Expectations of a general en- gagement were not realized, and 12 I^ovember found the Forty-sixth in camp near Rapidan Station, on the south bank of the river, from which on 27 of l^ovember it again moved to confront IMeade at Mine Run. Here the army entrenched and awaited the attack, which never came. The artillery was at times engaged, and there were a few casualties in the brigade, but no loss in the Forty-sixth. From this date until 8 February, 1864, the regiment oc- cupied its winter quarters near Rapidan, the monotony varied 74 North Carolina Troops, 1801 -'65. by one or two bloodless and brief expeditions to tbe left wing of the annj, caused by Federal cavalry demonstrations. On 8 February, new quarters near Orange Court House having been constructed, the command again moved. This cam]) was the best yet occupied, in a well-wooded and w-atered section, and the severe winter of 1863-'6-i — what re- mained of it — was spent here in comparative comfort. The monotony here was unbroken by any event w^orth re- cording save possibly the gTcat battle of ''The Snow," which took place on 23 March, the snow being about fifteen inches deep and is thus chronicled. On the morning of this eventful day, the Twenty-seventh North Carolina challenged to mortal combat the Forty-sixth North Carolina. As the two regi- ments were getting into position, a long line of gTay skir- mishers from the direction of Kirkland's camp announced the fact that Cooke's command was to defend itself from the onslaught of that gallant brigade. Hastily sending word to the other Cooke regiments to come to the support, the Twen- ty-seventh and Forty-sixth rushed upon Kirkland. For an hour the fight raged furiously, ending in the utter rout of the brave Kirklandites who were driven pell mell out of their quarters, the victors appropriating to their own use and behoof all the cooking utensils to be found therein. That evening orders were issued to company commanders to see that all such utensils were promptly returned. Diligent search was made, but as every man found in pos- session of a cooking vessel vowed tliat *iie liad owned it for many months," it is doubtful if a single article was ever re- turned. Tlie Kirkland men being dissatisfied, sent a foi-nial chal- lenge to r\:>oke, for a "settlement" the next day, which was had in a ceremonious Avay in ]iresence of an immense crowd of onlookers, including a nuniher of general officers with their staft's from other commands. The result was disastrous in the extrt'iiic, to (^toke's com- mand, which was utterly rontccl, losing nearly one-half its of- ficers and men as prisoners of war, who were confineil and informed that they would be detained until the "skillets" were prodnceil, l)nt the approach of night an. II. Bunn (since menilx-r of United States Congress) and Tlioiiias Wostray. Company B — Franklin County — After Crudup, its first Captain, was promoted, Joseph J. Harris was made Captain ; was wounded, captured and remained a prisoner. Its Lieu- tenants were Harvey D. Griffin, who died ; Sherrod J. Evans, Hugh H. Perrv and William B. Chamblee. Company C — ^Vahe County — The first Captain of Com- pany C was Edward Hall, who died 1 September, 1862, when Cameron T. Iredell became Captain, was killed 3 July, 1863, and George ^l. Whiting became Captain, taken prisoner at Gettysburg and died after the war of disease contracted in prison. The Lieutenants of this company were Xathaniel L. Brown, David M. Whitaker, ]\larmaduk^ W. Norfleet and A. H. Harris. Company' D — Nash County- — John A. Harrison was first Captain of Company D, resigned in November, 1862, and Lieutenant Geo. jST. Lewis became Captain, was elected to the State Legislature in August, 1864, when Richard F. Drake became Captain. Its Lieutenants were Benjamin F. Drake, resigned ; William H. Blount and John Q. Winborne. Co:\rPANY' E — Walxe County — John H. Xorwood was the first and only Captain of Company E. Its Lieutenants were Erastus LI. Ray, Benj. W. Justice, promoted A. C. S. af tlie regiment; Lconidas W. Robertson and William A. Dunn. Company F — FranJclin County — W. C. Lankford was the first Captain of this company, and when he was promoted, Julius S. Joyner became Captain. Its Lieutenants were J. J. Tliomas, promoted A. Q. M. of the regiment; Sylvanus P. Gill, W. I). Harris (resigned) and H. R. Crichton. Company G — Franl-Jin and Granville Counties — Joseph J. Davis was the first Ca])tain of Com])any G, and was wounded, captured and a prisoner 3 July, 1863, and remain- Forty-Seventh Regiment. 85 ing a prisoner, no other could succeed to the Captaincy. Its Lieutenants were P. P. Peace, Richard F. Yarborough, pro- moted to Colonelcy of another regiment ; W. H. Pleasants, George D. Tunstall and George Williamson. Captain Davis was afterwards member of United States CongTess and Jus- tice of our Supreme Court. Company H — Wake Cotmty — Charles T. Haughton, first Captain of Company H, died in June, 1863, when Lieuten- ant Sydney W. Mitchell became Captain and was, to the close of the war. Its Lieutenants Avere T. L. Lassiter, Syd- ney A. Hinton, J. D. Xewsom and John T. Womble. Company' I — Wal-e County — I. W. Brown was the first Captain of Company I, and killed at Reams Station. Its Lieutenants were Charles C. Lovejoy, transferred to another regiment; William Henry Harrison, J. Wiley Jones and J. Rowan Rogers, a brother of the first Colonel of the regi- ment. Company K — Alamance County — Robert H. Faucette was the first and only Captain of Company K, and as Senior Captain- commanding the regiment, signed the paroles of the commanders of companies on 9 April, 1865. Its Lieuten- ants were James H. Watson, Thomas Taylor, Jacob Boon and Felix L. Poteat. After a short stay at Camp Mangaim, in Raleigh, during which time it was drilled incessantly, the regiment was camped between Xew Bern and Kinston, where several weeks were spent in guarding our outposts, marching to near-by points where attacks were threatened, but never escaping to be drilled daily, and taught the duties of a soldier by the never-tiring General, J. G. Martin. It was here the men went through the sick period consequent upon the change from civil to military life ; through measles and mumps and malarial fevers, from which quite a number died. Very few escaped sickness in passing through to the toughened condi- tion. At this time the predominant desire was to g'o to the scenes being enacted around Richmond, where General Lee and his illustrious co-generals were entering on that career which as 86 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. leaders of the Army of Northern Virginia, made them so famous. But the boon is not jet gi^anted us. In July we go to Drewry's Bluff, at this time a position that must be held, and General Martin goes with us, and carrying us into a hot field, in view of delightful shade, continues his incessant drilling from morning till night. After a stay of three weeks the regiment is appropriately made provost guard of Peters- burg. So thoroughly trained itself, it efficiently executed the delicate duties of guard in this important city, then a mili- tary center. During its stay the strongest of friendship was formed between civilian and soldier. Not a single unpleas- ant incident is recalled. Early in November, to meet a threatened attack, we were taken to Weldon, where we took our first snow storm in camp without covering except such as the men hastily made with bark and boughs and dirt. The regiment had returned to Petersburg when, on 14 December, it was rushed by rail to Kinston to resist the Fed- eral General Poster in his attack on that town. We arrived late in the evening just as the Confederate General, Evans', Brigade was retreating across the bridge over the Neuse. In a jiffy we were unloaded from the cars, which Averc run of? immediately, ordered to pile our knapsacks, overcoats and blankets, which we never heard of afterwards, and double- quicked to tlic rescue. As Colonel Rogers formed us in line of battle. General Evans learning of our arrival, ordered us to the north of the town to cover the retreat of his brigade which had been overpowered, and showing our full regimental front received General Foster's messenger, who bore his demand to surrender, and replied : ''Tell General Foster I will fight him here." Foster did not come, but night soon did, and Ave had again escaped a battle. At nightfall General Evans collected his scattered brigade and retreated to Falling Creek. The next day Company A, of the Forty-seventh, reconnoitered tAVO miles toAvard Kinston Avithout finding the enemy, and aftei* night A and K Avent to Kinston to learn that Foster had ad- vanced up the south bank of the Neuse. He attempted to cross at White Hall, but Avas driven back and continued his Forty-Seventh Regiment. 87 march toward Goldsboro, to which the Forty-seventh was inarched on the following day. On our arrival at Goldsboro we were marched across the county bridge and formed line of battle, in which we remained all this cold December night, to find at light that Foster had retreated and was now far away. A few days afterwards the regiment is on Blackwater un- der General Roger A, Prior, protecting Eastern Virginia. I^ow for rigid marching. Every day marching thirty miles. All foot logs and small bridges are cut away ahead of us that the men may lose no time in breaking from column of four, and we must take the mud and water in the roads through this boggy section. And so, as we had been perfected in the drill and tactics by Martin, we were now Romanised by Prior. Frequently during this time a battle was immo- nent, but one did not occur. It was skirmishing, retreat- ing, advancing on another distant point, over a large extent of territory to keep the 6nemy pushed within his limited lines. ATTACK ON NEW BEKN. Thus inured to the vicissitudes of war, except actual battle, the Forty-seventh was, early in 1863, brigaded with the Eleventh, Twenty-sixth, Forty -fourth and Fifty-second, under that splendid General, J. Johnston Pettigrew, and re- turned to Eastern Xorth Carolina. The points of Rocky Mount, Magnolia and Goldsboro, as they Avere threatened, were quickly covered, and thence we were marched in D. H. Hill's army to the vicinity of New Bern, which town Hill threatened. Here about the middle of March, 1863, after a forced march of several days in bleak winter, Pettigrew, in the early dawn, drove in the enemy's pickets and passed one of his block houses, which protected !N^ew Bern, but by failure of other troops to co-operate time Avas lost and the enemy got one of his gunboats in action, Avith wliich our brigade was terribly shelled. PettigrcAv being unable to reply with can- non, or to cross the Avater Avith his infantry, Avithdrew his bri- gade in regiments by echelon in such masterly manner, the men exhibiting the utmost coolness, that not a man Avas lost, 88 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. though the retreat was a long waj over an open, level field. Soon after this we went to Greenville and thence to Wash- ington, crossing the Tar in canoes in high water, when the regiment threatened the town and waked np the enemy's gnnboats again ; we lost one man killed and several wounded. But the main oliject, on the part of the Confederate au- thorities, of these operations in Eastern jSTorth Carolina, to- wit : to gather in the supplies of this rich section, having been accomplished and General Lee making preparations for his second invasion, Pettigrew's Brigade, early in May, 1863, became a part of Heth's Division in A. P. Hill's Corps. Thus after more than a year, perhaps well occupied, both in doing arduous, but less conspicuous service as in be- coming thoroughly efficient for the sterner activities of ac- tual battle, the Forty-seventh Regiment is at length, and henceforth to the end, will be with the Army of JSTorthern Virginia. It was well it had a thorough training, for soon it was to go tlir(^ugh fiery trials, its ranks to be torn by shot and shell, to be depleted of its officers, leaving it to be led in great emergencies by a Captain, and the companies some times by a private. Whenever and wherever tried it was equal to the emergency. It responded with promptness to the command "Charge!" to the very end. It was early in May, 1863, when we arrived at Hanover Junction, thence we marched to Fredericksburg, thence to Culpepper Court House, across the Blue Ridge mountains, through Winchester, and crossed the Potomac at Shepherds- town. On the nortli bank of the Potomac the disciplinarian, Pettigrew, delivered his strict commands against interfering with private rights and property, and right well were these commands obeyed. As we passed through Hagerstown, the eyes of our men were dazed l)y the fullness of an opulent city, but no one dared to loot it. On 20 June we camped near (~^ashtown, and on the 30th were marching rapidly into Get- tysburg with the avowed object of shoeing our bai'efooted men. Already the non-combatants had gotten (as they always do when danger is far off) to the front, and we were almost at o\ir destination when a person in citizen's dress, on a farm horse, rode leisurely from the adjacent woods up Forty-Seventh Regiment. 89 to the fence, on the other side of ^^'hich we were moving, in- quired for onr commander, and paced up to the head of our column. On his arrival there the command ''Haiti" rang down our line. Was this a spy ? ''About face — quick time, march I" and back we went ; but not without several shots at long range being fired at us from both sides of the road. So we escaped the ambuscade that had been set for us. GETTYSBURG. Early on 1 July the Forty-seventh was in the line which opened the battle of Gettysl)urg. It is rememlxn-ed that Company A had eighty-two trigger pullers, each with forty rounds of ammunition, and the other companies were per- haps as large. The morale of the men was splendid, and when it advanced to its first grand charge it was with the feelings of conquerors. We were met by a furious storm of shells and canister and further on by the more destructive rifles of the two army corps confronting us. One shell struck the right company, killing three men, and exploding in the line of file closers, by the concussion, felled to the earth every one of them. The other companies were faring no Ijetter. Still our line, without a murmur, advanced, delivering its steady fire amid the rebel yells, and closed with the first line of the enemy. After a desperate struggle this yielded and the second line was met and quickly l)roken to pieces. The day was a hot one, and the men liad difficulty in ramming down their cartridges, so slick was the iron ram-rod in hands thoroughly wet with perspiration. All expedients were resorted to, but mainly jabbing the ram-rods against the ground and rocks. This, with the usual causes, undressed our advancing line; still all were yelling and pressing for- ward througli the growing wlieat breast high, toward a body of the enemy in sight, l)ut beyond the range of our guns, when suddenly a third line of the enemy arose forty yards in front, as if by magic, and leveled their shining line of gim- barrels on the wheat heads. Though taken by surprise the roar of our giins sounded along our whole line. We had caught the drop on them. Redoubled our yells and a rush, and the work is done. The earth just seemed to open 90 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. and take in that line which five minutes ago was so perfect. Just then a Federal officer came in view and rode rapidly forward bearing a large Federal flag. The scattered Fed- erals swarmed around him as bees cover their queen. In the midst of a heterogeneous mass of men, acres big, he approach- ed our left, when all guns in front and from right and left turned on the mass and seemingly shot the whole to pieces. This hero was a Colonel Biddle, who (if he were otherwise competent) deserved to command a corps. It was with gen- uine and openly expressed pleasure our men heard he was not killed. The day is not ended, but the fighting in our front is over, and the Forty-seventh dressed its line and what re- mained of it marching to the place whence it started on the charge, bivouacked for the night, intoxicated with victory. Many were the incidents narrated on that beautiful, moon- light night. On the 2d we were not engaged save in witnessing the mar- shaling of hosts, with much fighting during the day, and at night a grand pyrotechnic display, this being the struggle on the slope of Little Round Top for the possession of the hill. On 3 July the Forty-seventh was put in the front line pre- paring to make that celebrated, but imprudent charge, famil- iarly called Pickett's charge, though just why called Pickett's instead of Pettigrew's charge, is not warranted by the facts. And why it has been said that PettigrcAv supported Pickett instead of Pickett supported Pettigrew, is also incompre- hensible. It is certain that the two divisions (PettigreAV led Heth's Division to-day) started at the same time, in the same line. Pickett's distance to traverse was shorter than that of Pettigrew. Both went to and over the enemy's breastworks, but were too weak from loss of numbers to hold them. Pick- ett's Division was perfectly fresh. Pettigi'ew's had just passed through 1 July in which even its commander (Heth) had been knocked out. If further witness be sought, the respective numbers of dead men in the correctly recorded spots where they fell, sup- ply it. But let it be distinctly understood Pettigrew's men appreciate that it was not the brave Pickett and liis men, who claimed for themselves pre-eminence in this bloody affair. ^0"E^^1 -t\lo£'^_ FOOf k) ^ 1'^/ >^ u {^ FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. 1. J. D. Newsom, 2d IJeut , Co. I. 2. J. Wilie Jones, 2(1 Lieut., Co. I. 3. J. Rowan Rogers, 2(1 Lieut., Co. I. 4. Thomas Westray, 2(i Lieut., Co A. 5. B. H. Buim, 2d Lieut., Co. A. George B. Moore, Sei'tjeant, Co. C. Luke E. Estes, Private, Co E. Jolin Wesley Bradford, Private, Co. G. (Picture in Supplementary Group, 4tli volume.) Forty-Seventh Regiment. 91 They remember, vividly remember, how Pickett chafed while waiting to make his spring, like an untamed lion for hia prey. Perhaps the assault was a Confederate mistake. So good an authority as General Lee is quoted as saying this much, but that the stakes for which he was playing was so great (it being Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington) he just could not help it. Later a similar excuse was plead by General Grant for the slaughter at Second Cold Harbor. The late Captain Davis, ''Honest Joe," who led Company B in this charge, and who charged over the enemy's breastworks and became a prioner, said the enemy was literally torn to pieces. But, then our "hind sights are better than our fore- sights." And may be, after all the best conclusion is that a kind Providence had heard the prayers for the Union that has ascended from both sides, though uttered not so loud from the South, and in answer, just wrote doAvn in the book of Fate: "Gettysburg, 3 July, 1863, the beginning of the end." The writer, who was in the line of sharpshooters which preceded the main line of battle, witnessed an incident which (although not belonging to the Forty-seventh Regi- ment) ought to be recorded. Lie saw Brigadier-General Jas. H. Lane, on horseback, quite near the stone wall, riding just behind and up to his men, in the attitude of urging them forward with his hand ; a moment later a large spurt of blood leaped from the horse as he rode up, and rider and horse went down in the smoke and uproar. This was about the time of the climax of the battle when darkness and chaos obscured what followed. Surely the rank and tile of the army of Xorthern Vir- ginia did not realize the bigness of the event that had just happened ; nor can we believe the Army of the Potomac did, inasmuch as it behaved so nicely while we spent several days in the same neighborhood. The Forty-seventh now had had its ups and its downs. On the 1st as it double-quicked on Reynold, it had an equal chance with the enemy and had hurled 80,000 bullets in their faces. On the 3d they had attempted to march 1,000 yards in quick time through a raking fire of cannon and minies, with virtually no chance to use their minies — a soldier's 92 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. main weapon. The skeleton of its foniier self it returned to the ])lace Avhence it l)eo-an its charo-c and l)eg'an business with- out a held (tthcer, and duriiiii" tlie balance of the day and the succeeding- night welcomed the retuni of several of our mem- bers who, miscatlied or Avounded in various degrees, crawled from the field of cariuige, for the space between the armies continued neutral ground, being covered bv the wounded of both. On the -itli General Pettigrew t(dd us that had we succeeded the evening before, no doul)t onr army would have been on the road to Washington and ])erhaps negotiations for peace would then be on foot. Surely the c'6-prit de corps of our regiment was undaunted. On the night of the 4tli we moved off leisurely toward Funktown, where we stood up on the 11th to meet a threat- ened attack which did not materialize, and on the 14th were in the rear guard of the army at Falling Waters to cover the crossing of the Potonuic. Here a drunken squad of Federal cavalry rashly rode on us while resting. Of course they were dispatched at once, but in the melee General Pettigrew re- ceived a pistol ball in the stomach from which he died in a day or two. Major John T. Jones, of the Twenty-sixth, was now the only field officer left to the brigade, and as we began to retire to cross the river the enemy furiously charged up and took quite a nund^er of prisoners mainly by cutting our men ofF from the pontoon liridge. BRISTOE STATIOX. A few daA'S rest was taken at Bunkei' Hill, tlience we marched to Orange Court ILaise, where we recu])erate(l rap- idly by the return of those who had been wounded and a goodly number of recruits from home. So that on 14 Oc- tober the Forty-seventh carried (piite a strong foi-ce into the battle of Bristoe Station. In this battle Kirkland's and Cooke's Brigades, being in the van of Lee's army, overtook Warren's Corps of ^leade's retreating army, and without awatiug reinforcements made a furious attack against it thor- o\ighly entrencli(Ml. This was a gross Idunder on the ])art of our corps' general ( A. P. Hill) who sent ns in. Let it be Forty-Seventh Regiment. 93 recalled that the gi-ciimd over which we charged sloped down to the railroad embankment behind which were the enemy's in- fantry, and sloped np from their infantry to their artillery. Under these circumstances their artillery would have driven back any infantry in indefinite numbers. Of course we were repulsed with heavy loss. An incident in this fight was that the skirmishers of the Forty-seventh, forty strong, in going in this charge, saw a space of the enemy's front, not reached by the left of our advancing line, passed the front of the Eleventh or left regiment, and filled the space. The ground was more favorable for us on this end of the line, and the Eleventh and the skirmishers of the Forty-seventh captured the breastworks with the enemy behind them. The Confederates here were herding the enemy in squads to send them to the rear as prisoners, when the rest of the line l)eing repulsed, these too, were compelled to retire. Our loss was heavy, including General Kirkland among the wounded. As on 3 July, at Gettysburg, we fell back to the point from which we started the charge, and for the same reason as on that day could not bring off our wounded who lay on the field of bat- tle all night. The next morning, General Meade having made good his retirement on the fortifications at Manassas, we returned to the Rapidan. Here and at Orange Court House we wintered without military incident, save in fre- quent manoeuvering ; ^feade and Lee, like two big bulls, each trying to put his head into the other's flank, and once at Vidiers^'ille an imminent battle was avoided by the two gen- erals doing like the king of France who, ''with 40,000 men, marched up the hill and then marched down again." The Forty-seventh lost a man or two at Vidiersville by the en- emy's artillery. The health of the men of the Forty-seventh is excellent, perhaps in part, because of short rations, and by the spring the regiment is pretty full again by returning convalescents and recruits from home. General Grant is now in command of the Army of the Po- tomac, and by his hammering process proposes "to fight it out on that line if it takes all summer," which summer ran sharply into the following spring. General Kirkland has 94 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. returned to the command of the brigade, and Colonel Fari- bault to the command of the Forty-seventh. THE WILDERNESS. On 5 May, 1864, Grant moved out on Mine llun and the Forty-seventh Regiment deployed as skirmishers in the van of Lee's army, opens the battle, beginning with that of the Wilderness and continuing (with little intemiission in the winter) till 9 April, 1865. We first struck the enemy's cavalry, dismounted, and grad- ually pushed them back over five miles, during which we now and then lost a man, till the middle of the evening, Avhen we came up to Cooke's Brigade just engaging the enemy's in- fantry in the tangled brush, the battle of the Wilderness. The Forty-seventh went in and mingled with Cooke's men in the fight, and so severe was the rifle fire and the opposing armies so near each other that neither advanced on the other. The night was spent in this position, and lines were not put in or- der; our men having been ordered to rest, as Longstreet's Corps was to relieve Hill's during the night. Longstreet did not arrive, and at dawn the enemy having ascertained our dis- ordered condition, promptly advanced. Our men began to retreat sullenly, and fighting back at first, but as the day grew on our confusion increased until about 10 o'clock, when we met the welcome Longstreet. This splendid Corps came into line of battle by the order of "By the right of com- panies into line," and without any halt continued their ad- vance in the face of the, 'till now, victorious Federals. It was a terrific battle in which the Confederates pushed the Federals over the same ground tliey had taken in the morn- ing, mingling vast numbers of dead Federals among the Con- federates slain a few hours before. The Forty-seventh lost no prisoners in this battle, but heavily in killed and wounded. On the 10th the Forty-seventh was prominent in the battle of Wait's Shop, when General Early pressed Hancock back across the river after an engagement of several hours, wherein the Confederates advanced steadily, the Federals retreating Avithout much resistance. This was a battle in Avhioh the powder used far exceeded a commensurate loss of men on Forty-Seventh Regiment. 95 either side. The loss of the Forty-seventh was, perhaps, twenty. But the object of the Confederates was effected. Hancock left the important place at which he tried to break through our lines. On the 12th at Spottsylvania the Forty-seventh was but slightly engaged. It supported our artillery which did great havoc near the bloody angle. The succeeding fifteen days the regiments was more or less engaged, some of it at least being under daily fire, under which we seemed to grow stronger. BETHESDA CHURCH. On 1 June Kirkland's and Cooke's Brigades were desper- ately charged behind breastworks. The Forty-seventh was in splendid fighting trim on this occasion, and as the enemy started across an open field the order was given us not to fire until a certain cannon fired, and company commanders were to order the fire by file. The Federal officers threw them- selves in front of their men and most gallantly led them, but when the cannon sounded the signal, our deadly fire opened on them within fifty yards and it was so steady and accurate, for our men were perfectly cool, that before the companies had fired a round, the enemy was completely broken and routed, a large number of them killed and wounded. Our loss was almost nothing as the enemy, depending on giving us the bayonet, withheld their fire, until they were repulsed. The sharpshooters of the two brigades, having previously been or- dered, rushed after and harrassed their rear for two miles. This was the battle of Bethesda Church, and amid the tre- mendous events occurring, was the occasion of a dispatch from General Lee to the Secretary of War complimenting the two brigades. While the sharpshooters were pursuing, the main body of the two brigades was ordered off towards Cold Harbor and participated in another battle at that place the same even- ing. In this last fight in which the Confederates charged the enemy out of their good breastworks, General Kirkland was again wounded and did not return to this command. General William MacBae succeeded to the command of our 96 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. bi"ii;;i(k' al)out rliis lime, and tlii'nuiili every vicissitude proved the equal of any brigadier in tlie army, (^uite a nnniber of the men of the Forty-seventh were killed and wounded in the engagement. General lletli, with his division, remaiuers, and our division took position on the extreme right of General Lee's long line of defense extending from the Chickah road. 1'his being done, a forward iiio\-cnicnt by the Fbrty-seventh and Fifty-second was again orth-rt'd, one on the right and one on the left, which was gallantly done without any loss cxccpi four or iiv(» slightly wounded. The <>neniy broke and tied to- wards Gettysburg at the second volley from the two regi- ments. The Eleventh ami Twenty-sixth wci'o not engaged in this skirmish. Marching in the rear, thcv did u(>thave room to form in line in time, for the Forty-seventh and Fifty-sec- ond had alwjut 1,:>00 num in line in both regiments. After re])ulsing llic attack at this ])oint \\c auaiii mai"clu'(l back to the road, called in our skirmishers and took up our niai'ch, which was continual about one mile, when we were sul)jeeted to a severe eannonadiu"- from liattcries in our front and here Forty-Seventh Regiment. 105 we commenced to get into position and form line of battle for the great struggle whicli was about tO' take place on 1 July, 1863. Then the Fifty-second ISTorth Carolina, under Colonel Marshall, formed on the right of the Forty-seventh, being thus on the right of Pettigrew's Brigade, the Forty- seventh next, it being on the right center, the Eleventh and Twenty-sixth were on the left centre and extreme left, but I have never known which one of these regiments was next to the Forty-seventh. The line being thus formed, was advanced for a short distance tO' the front, where it was again halted with its line stretching far to the right and left, for whatever history may say. General Pettigrew had in line of battle that morning nearer 3,000 soldiers than he had 2,500, and they were all good and gallant men. Before night the Twenty- sixth ami Eleventh ISTorth Carolina had lost two-tliirds of their numbers, for when the word of command was given they iiished forward against a largely superior force which was statione^d in the skirt of woods just in their front. The Forty-seventh suffered less severely on that day than those two regiments because of their disadvantages. The Forty-sev- enth was the next in loss, the Fifty-second being on the right of the line, suffered less than any other of the brigade on that day. But to go back, after our line was formed we were or- dered to halt, and as the enemy was keeping up a rather hot fire upon our main line, skirmishers from our regiment were ordered to advance and drive them back out of reach of our line, which was done, but not until several of our regiment were wounded and our gallant Lieutenant-Colonel, John A. Graves, was slightly wounded on the leg, the ball first having hit the iron scabbard of his sword, which was hanging by his side. But see on our left our boys have charged the Yan- kees who are stationed upon a hill, and we drive them down the hill on the other side, pell luell. But now our gallant boys are met half way down the hill by a fresh line of the enemy and a severe^ contest ensues ; our lines are thinned and the Yankees are continually bringing up fresh troops, but our boys stand it manfully. A part of Anderson's Division was on the immediate left of Pettigrew's Brigade at the first stage of heavy fighting on 106 North Carolina Troops, 1801-'G5. the morning of 1 July. Now when the rattling of musketry is gi'owing to a perfect line of fire, the Forty-seventh is ordered forward. It is a grand spectacle. In the line of the Forty- seventh there are over 650 muskets, the men marching stead- ily to meet the foe, who are on their own soil and strongly posted, with a heavy infantry force and with artillery which at every step rakes tlirough our lines, cutting great gaps, which are quickly filled up by our boys closing into the places of those who have just fallen. We cross a stream and then up a hill through a wheat field, and then in our front, not over seventy-five yards off, we see the heavy lines of Yankee soldiers with their guns shining and flags waving ; the struggle grows hotter and hotter, men are falling in every direction, but the Forty-seventli and Fifty-second are push- ing the enemy steadily back, and are going forward; the Twenty-sixth and Eleventh are contending with heavy odds both as to numbers and position. While the Forty-seventh and Fifty-second have the foe in an open field, the Twenty-sixth and Eleventh have nothing to shelter themselves any more than we have, and thus it is that the Fifty-second and Forty- seventh, having driven back the enemy in their immediate front, their lines swing around to the left. In this position • they are charged by Yankee cavalry in our rear and on our right. Colonel Marshall was equal to this emergency, for he faced three of his companies about and met this charge, quickly driving the cavalry off with heavy loss to them. While tliis was going on the infantry in our front tried hard to rally their somewhat broken lines and regain the gTound they had lost. This was a hot time for the Twenty-sixth and Eleventh. Men had fallen woimded and killed like hail from a heavy hail storm. The attention of the Forty-seventh was diverted from the enemy in our immediate front and almost before we knew it the enemy had rallied and was at- tempting to charge our lines. Besides, they had a number of pieces of artillery helping them, wherever the opposing lines were far enough apart for them to use artillery vdthout striking their own men. At this critical moment Captain Cam. Iredell, who commanded Company C, wliich was the color company of the Forty-seventli, seeing one of his men Forty-Seventh Regiment. 107 fall mortally wounded, rushes to his side and says, ''My dear boy, I will try to avenge your hurt." He took his musket and continued to use it until he was struck by a shot from the en- emy which caused his death, not, however, until he had seen the enemy again turn and flee. The Forty-seventh lost heav- ily in this fight of 1 July. On 2 July we rested, cleaned our guns and attended to the wounded. Early on 3 July the Forty-seventh with the bal- ance of Pettigrew's Brigade, was ordered considerably to the right of where it had fought on 1 July. It reached its position about 9 o'clock 3 July and remained quietly in line just in the rear of a Confederate battery until about 1 o'clock p. m., when a very heavy cannonading commenced between the opposing batteries, which continued until aboiit 3 p. m,, at which time the grand advance upon Meade's lines was made. On that part of the line where the Forty- seventh advanced, it was about three-fourths of a mile or per- haps a mile from our batteries to the enemy's lines. Our battery was situated about twenty-five yards in front of where the Forty-seventh had taken up our line. About 3 o'clock a slight cessation in the firing of artillery occurred and then the voice of our Colonel, George H. Faribault, was beard loud and clear, ''Attention, Battalion," and this was repeated by the brave aiid beloved Lieutenant-Colonel, John A. Graves. Every man sprung into line and was ready to go forward, the men knew not wjiere, for the ridge just in front of the Forty-seventh Regiment obstructed the view of the Regiment beyond twenty-five yards. The order was soon given to move forward, which was done in good order and without any confusion. Passing our batteries the field was before us, it Avas entirely open except here and there an old homestead, and one or two roads with a number of strong rail and post fences, some of them high and difficult to pass over, i^o one hesitated, no one faltered, but a good, steady quick-step was kept up. After leaving our batteries about fifty or one hundred yards the enemy commenced a terrific cannonade and kept it up until we were soclose that they could not use their cannon. As our regiment advanced great gaps would be knocked in our lines by the Yankee artillerymen, 108 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. at almost every five or ten steps, but they were immediatly filled ill by our brave boys closing in and filling; up the gaps. This continued until our line of battle came to where our skirmishers were situated, when we received a few shots from the enemy's skirmishers in addition to the cannon shot and shell which cou tinned to pom- in on us from the time we started until we were so close under their iiims that they could not use them upon us without shooting their own men. As our regiment advanced its ranks were thinned at every step by shot and shell from the hands of the enemy. ]\Iany a brave man from our regiment fell dead upon the field and many more were slightly and others badly wounded. Here it was that Captain J. W. Brown, of Company I, was shocked by the bursting of a shell and carried back to the rear and almost immediately after tliis Lieutenant J. Wiley Jones was shot through the thigh heaving Lieutenant J. Rowan Rogers as the only officer with Company I. x\s Lieutenant Jones was wounded and fell he raised his sword and cheered his men on. J. D. Newsom, Lieutenant of Company H, was slightly wounded in the shoulder almost at the first shot from the musketry, whicli was fired after the charge was started and he rushed to his Captain (Mitch- ell) and says to him, "Captain, they have wounded me, but I want to lead Company H," and gallantly did he lead it. He fell terrildy wounded with his foot u])on one rail of the fence that ran along the road, next to the rock fence l>ehind which the Yankee line was posted. Our color- bearer, a mendier of Company K, Faucett's Company from Alamance county, succeeded in passing over this fence, but fell nioi'tally wounck^d. He died that night with his face to the enemy. Our cohn-s fell with our brave color-bearer not ten steps from tli(^ rock wall. About 150 yards from the rock wall, while crossing one of the many fences, which i-an across the ground we were charging over, 1 was shot in my left leg and thrown from the fence. When T arose the ivmnant of our once fine regiment was redu('('(] ti» a mci'c handful of brave men, still going forward from tliirty to as close u]i as ten steps to tlu^ rock wall. Seeing this and having recovered from mv fall and niv leg not seeming to be badlv hurt, T made Forty-Seventh Regiment. 109 a nish to join the set of brave men nearest the enenij, when I was startled to hear the command given the Yankee skirmish- ers "To the front," and immediately I heard onr brave Lieu- tenant-Colonel Graves give the order for the handful of brave men to lie down, hoping thus to hold his position until rein- forcements should come ; but none came. The Forty-seventh acted bravely, coolly and none faltered. The largest number of those who got out of that charge were those who had been slightly wounded before they got too close to the breastworks to fall back, and those who were wounded early enough in the charge to be carried back by our own men. Among those who were so close to the enemy's works that they could not retreat were Lieutenant-Colonel Graves, Captain Jos. J. Davis, aftei'\vards member of Con- gress and Justice of our Supreme Court ; Lieutenant Watson, of Company K, and a number of others I cannot recall, in all a mere handful, for they had all been shot down or exhausted and overcome by heat. I have seen somewhere that the Forty-seventh Regiment lost, wounded and killed and miss- ing, 351. This is certainly a mistake. The proportion was larger than that in my company (I). We lost 57 and we had officers who were present and could report correctly the number of the killed and wounded. I thinlv three companies lost all their officers and no correct report was given from those. They reported the smallest number of men killed, wounded and missing. As I have stated above, there was no faltering on the part of the Forty-seventh on 3 July, 1863. All did their duty and acted the part of brave soldiers. FALLING WATERS. After General Lee left Gettysburg our first halt for more than one night was at Hagerstown, Maryland. Here the Forty-seventh was engaged in skirmishing with the enemy's outpost and did some picket duty on or near a stream called Antietam. We then moved in line of battle and built breast- works not far from Hagerstown, towards Falling Waters. When General Lee recrossed the Potomac, Pettigi*e\v's Brig- ade was again given the post of honor which was to bring up the rear of our retreating army. At Falling Waters, or 110 XoRTH Carolina Troops, lSt)l-"65. abc'Ut one and a half miles from there, while our regiment was halted to give our wagon train and the troc'ps who were to cross at Falling Waters protection while passing the river, we were surprised and charged by a squadron of chivalry. Our beloved General J. Johnston Pettigrew was on the ex- treme right of our line and was shot while drawing his pis- toL It happened thus : General Pettigrew with a number of his staff (Captain Young, of Charleston, being one of them, who I understand is still living) were resting near their horses, when the word passed up the line. "The Yankees are charging us.*' The general ordered his horse, but about the time he took hold of his horse to mounts a Yankee officer rid- ing on the left of their line and a little in front, ordered him to surrender. General Pettigrew did not notice the Yankee farther than to mount his horse and commence drawing his pistol, his horse, however, reared and plunged and the Yan- kee seeing that Pettigrew did not intend to stirrender. fired and hit him. General Pettigrew f eU from his horse and the fight was hot around and about him for fifteen or twenty minutes. We succeeded in killing all the Yankees except eight. The men in the charge were evidently all dnmk. A heavier force coming up, we fell back to the river disputing every step with the enemy, so as to give our men as much time to cross as j)ossible. When a few days thereafter we camped at Btmker Hill, our regiment numbered 98 men for duty. My company (1) lost at Falling Waters eight men killed, wounded and captured. I remember the loss particu- larly, because I was acting adjutant of the regiment, our gal- lant Adjutant Thomas Powell having been captured at Get- tysbuig. WtLDEE2fZ.SS. At the Wilderness, the Forty-seventh R^ment had the honor of bringing on the fight. We were in front of our lines and struck the Yankee pickets about 9 o'clock, driving them with our skirmish line back until their numbers in- creased so that Company I was first ordered to reinforce the skirmish line, then another company, then another, until the entire regiment was engaged and then, I think the Forty- Forty-Seventh Regiment. Ill fourth regiment was the first regiment after the Forty-sev- enth to l^ecome engaged. When the enemy was driven back upon their main line and the fight of the first day became general, the Forty-seventh was ordered at first to take posi- tion on the left of the road, but was soon moved over to the right of the road, where we held our position for three hourSj the enemy charging us almost continuously. During this time the heaviest fighting took place which, with our regi- ment, was about 2 o'clock p. m. The black-jack saplings were skinned by the bullets like a yoimg apple tree is in tiie spring of the year by the rabbits. Without giving more of the particulars of this battle, here it was that the best friend of my boyhixwi fell mortally wounded through the neck. William H. Haywood, son of the late United States Senator W. H. Haywood and brother of Duncan Haywood, who fell at Seven Pines. I would like if I could, to tell about the fights in which the Forty-seventh was engaged at Spottsylvania Court House, Hanover Jimc- tion. Second Cold Harbor and the battle of Turkey Ridge on 2 and 3 June. 1864. where I was wounded and so kindly treated by my Brigadier General (Kirkland) who was wounded in the same battle. I had just arrived at the field hospital When he heard me speak he knew my voice and called me to his tent, had my woimd dressed and carried me to Ward B. Jackson Hospital. Richmond. Va.. early next morning. Had it not been for his kindness I doubt much if I should now be living, for I was out of my head for several days after I was woimded. On account of this wounding I missed the battles which took place from then tintil the day after the Reams Station fight (25 August, IS 64), where the Forty-seventh covered itself with glory as did all the troops engage«i. all being Xorth Carolinians, viz: Cooke's. Lane's and MacRae's Brigades, the last being the one to which the Forty-seventh then be- longed. I was thenceforward with the regiment imtil 2 April, 1865. 2 APBTT., 1865. On that day I was captured on the Cox road about five 112 North Carolina Troops, 15()1-'G5. miles west of Petersburg, while with the skirmishers of the Forty-seventh Kegiiuent holding the enemy back till the handful of Lee's anny crossed to the north side of the Appomattox river, thus placing a barrier between them and the great host of Grant's army, which was then pressing him. After the Reams Station tight the Forty-seventh, like almost all the Southern troops which were on the south side of Petersbiu-g, was engaged in a daily battle, and often nightly ones, until the close of the war ; some of these was larger and heavier than others, and their names are recorded in history, for instance "Davis' Farm," "Jones' Farm," "Burgess' Mill," "Battery 45," southwest of Peters- burg, and a number of other battles where many a brave man fell. I wish it was so that I could meet some of those of the Forty-seventh who were at the final scene when General Lee surrendered, but I have met only two. Lieutenant J. Wil- lie Jones, of Company I. and Corporal Rufus Sandere of Company C, who are now living in Wake county. After 2 April the Forty-seventh had very few men but its organ- ization was kept up till General Lee surrendered. On the '2d the Forty-seventh was bringing up the rear of Gen- eral Lee's shattered heroes and here it was that with the larger portion of the remaining members of the Forty- seventh I was captured. I had orders Avhen placed in charge of the skinnishers of the Forty-seventh Regiment on that day to hold our position at all hazards. The enemy was never able to break through my skinnish line, but it was completely surrounded and we were captured by the enemy coming from our rear. Gaston H. Mooneyham, a private of Com- pany E, Forty-seventh Regiment, who is now living in Bar- ton's Creek To^^^lship, this county, was with mo when I was captured and stood manfully by me in this fight, the last fight we made for the Confederacy. J. RowAX Rogers. Raleigh, N. C , 9 April, 1901. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDSN FOUNDATIONS. FORTY-EIGHTH KKUIMENT. 1. Samuel H. Walknp, Colonel. 4. Jolin R. Winchester, Adjutant and 2. William Hogan Jones, Major. 1st Lieut. 3. W. H. H. Lawhon, Captain. Co. D. 5. John A. Thompson, 1st Lieut., Co. G. FORTY-EIGHTH REQinE/NT. By W. H. H. LAWHON, Captain Company D. The great civil war began in 1861. Several companies made up in the summer of 1S61, composed of volunteers for twelve months, in the Spring of 1862 reorganized for three years or the war. The battles of Big Bethel, First Manassas and others had been fought ; the result of which had given the Southern troops courage, and some men in North Carolina, who had been opposed to secession, were now changing their minds, so that in the Winter of 1861 and 1862 preparations were being made on both sides for the next summer's cam- paign. The Federal aniiy was recruiting so rapidly that the authorities of the Confederacy saw that they would have to meet a heavy force in the field the next summer, so a draft was ordered in Xorth Carolina 25 February, 1862. At this time volunteer companies were being raised in all parts of the State. Many of the patriotic sous of North Car- olina volunteered, most of the men who were drafted joined some company then being raised. A few hired substitutes Avho joined and thus the companies were rapidly filled up and hurried off to the camp of instruction, near Raleigh, and as they arrived they were formed into regiments. The For- ty-eighth was composed of the following companies : Company A — Union County — Francis L. Wiatt, Captain. Company B — Davidson County — Albert A. Hill, Captain. Company C — Iredell County — Arthur M. Walker, Cap- tain. Company D — Moore County- — Benjamin R. Huske, Cap- tain. Company E — Union County — John W. Walden, Captain. Company F — Union County — Samuel H. Walkup, Cap- tain. 114 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. Company G— Chatham County — William H. Jones, Cap- tain. Company H — Davidson County — Jolin Michael, Captain. Company I- — Union County — Elias C. Alexander, Cap- tain. Company K — Forsyth County — Jesse W. Atwood, Cap- tain. It was organized on 11 April, 1862, choosing: Robert C. Hill, Colonel, of Iredell County. Samuel II. Walxup, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Union County. Benjamin E. Huske, Major, of Cumberland County. As many drafted men had furnished substitutes, some being old men and some mere boys, the Forty-eighth Regiment was made up of men of all sizes, and the reader, if acquainted with military tactics, will at once see the difficulty in drilling such troops uniformly. In marching the old men would step too long and slow, the boys too short and fast. But Col- onel Hill, who was a military man, lost no time in drilling and disciplining his regiment. We were at Camp Mangum, but in a short while we moved to Goldsboro, where we were in camp until about the second week in June, when we went to Petersburg, Va., and camped on Dunn's Hill. Here we were attached to General Robert Ransom's Brigade. Under his orders we marched one evening to City Point, arriving about dark; threw out a strong skirmish line, and a detail was made to load some wagons with ice from an ice house, which was near the bank of the James river. The Yankees were near by in gunboats. (The ice was to be car- ried to Petersburg.) The next morning General Ransom opened fire with two or three small pieces on the gunboats, which were down the river, a mile or more. The Yankees returned the fire very promptly and threw out among us what the men called "churns," cutting off tree tops, and digging holes in the ground. They fired the woods, and it looked like they would clear, burn and plow the ground all at the same time. Only a few rounds were fired. We fell back in or- der and disorder, but mostly in disorder. A horse was cut Forty-Eighth Regiment. 115 on the leg witli a piece of shell. This was all the blood lost on our side, and I do not suppose there was much lost on the other side. One of our men claimed to be hit on his shoulder with a piece of shell, but it is more likely he tore his coat running through the brush ; we went back to our camp having, as we thought, tasted a little of war and seen a little of its danger. And we all knew we had smelt gunpowder. ISTot a few of the men told of narrow escapes. Some of them were certain they felt the wind of the shells, while others felt the heat of them as they passed by, and still others were jarred by the explosions. On 24 June, we marched to Richmond and camped that night in the capitol square, ^ext morning we marched to the front line and about 4 p. m., had our first battle, at French's Farm. General Robert Ransom ordered Colonel Hill to advance through an open field on a brigade of Yankees, who were behind a fence on the edge of the wood, and ordered a Virginia regiment to support us on the right, but from some cause the Virginia regiment never came up, and the Forty- eighth fought a brigade of Federals for some time. They were in woods beliind a fence and we in an open field. How- ever, a Georgia battalion flanked the enemy on our left, and thus we were enabled to hold the ground. We lost Major Huske, Captain Clegg, Company T), and Captain Atwood, Company K, killed ; and Captain Michael, Company H ; Captain Walker, Company C ; Lieutenant Anderson, Com- pany D ; and Lieutenant Stilts, Company A, were wounded. We lost non-commissioned oflicers and men: Killed 21, wounded 46 ; and of the 46 wounded, 19 died, according to the Xorth Carolina Roster. Some unpleasantness occurred between General Ransom and Colonel Hill, which resulted in the Forty-eighth Regi- ment being detached from Ransom's Brigade and on the next day, the 26th, we marched to Gaines' Mill, on the extreme left of our lines, where Stonewall Jackson had been fighting, and when we arrived Jackson had driven the enemy some two miles. So we camped on that battlefield that night and the next morning recrossed the Chickahominy river and went from place to place, until we joined General Walker at White 116 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. Oak Swamp, on 1 Julj. We were a little too late to take part in the Malveni Hill battle, but were under a severe shelling from gunboats, which were then on the James river at or near Harrison's Landing. This was the end of the seven days' battles around Richmond. We then went back to Petersburg, where we were in camp until August. Some time in August while at this camp oui* regiment was recruited by conscripts and before we had time to drill them we M'ere ordered to march and were now on the memorable Maryland campaign. We took part in the cap- ture of Harper's Ferry 15 September, 1862. General J. G. Walker with his own and Ransom's Brigade occupied the Loudon Heights between the Shenandoah and Potomac, and we were in full view of the town when it was surrendered. We then marched to Maryland, crossing the Potomac at Shep- herdstown, and on the night of the 16th were placed to guard a ford on the Antietam river, about two miles soutli of Sharps- burg. The battle on the left opened very early on the morn- ing of the 17th, and about 0 o'clock a. m. Walker's Division^ (Ransom's and Walker's Brigades), were ordered to the left to support Stonewall Jackson. We arrived at the Dunkard Church, one and a half miles north of Sharpsburg, at about 11 o'clock. Jackson's line had been broken at that point Kershaw's and Hood's Brigades had been driven out of a piece of woods west of the church and the enemy was com- ing into the gap. Walker's Division drove them back and held the field. If we had been a few minutes later the Con- federate army might have been destroyed. The Forty-eighth Regiment occupied that part of the line at the church. The church was about the center of the regiment. We drove the enemy out of the woods, and charged their line east of the church, but >vere cut all to pieces. We lost about one-half of our men, killed and wounded. So closely were we pressed in this battle that brigades were divided. The Twenty-sev- enth ISToi-th Carolina Regiment and Third Arkansas Regi- ment, a part of Walker's Brigade, were sent to the right, and the Forty-eighth North Carolina and Thirtieth Virginia Reg- iments to the left, leaving a gap between us that would have required several men to have filled, but fortunately for us^ Forty-Eighth Regiment. 117 the enemy did not see it. Then, about 4 o'clock p. m., Colo- nel Hill was ordered with his regiment, the Forty-eighth, to the extreme left of the line, where there was some hard fightr ing. We marched in quick time a little over a mile, but when we arrived, Jackson's men had driven the enemy back some distance. We then marched back, and arrived at the Dunk- ard Church about dark, where we remained until the night of the 18th, when we recrossed the Potomac. After the Army of ITorthern Virginia had returned south of the Potomac, the army was more thoroughly organized into brigades, divisions and corps. Before, it seems, we had some regiments not permanently attached to any brigade. The Fifteenth, Twenty-seventh, Forty-sixth and Forty-eighth Regiments formed General John R. Cooke's Brigade, belong- ing to General H. Heth's Division and A. P. Hill's Corps. The next battle we were in was at Fredericksburg, Va., 13 December, 1862. Here the Forty-eighth suffered another heavy loss, being in the hottest of the battle. Major. A. A. Hill was wounded ; Captain J. C. Stafford, Company K ; Lieutenant Peter W. Plyler, Company E ; Lieutenant M. S. Brem, Company C, and Lieutenant H. C. Banner, Company K, were killed. Captain J. D. Dowd, Company D ; Cap- tain John Moore, Company I ; Captain J. F. Heitman, company H ; Lieutenant J. K. Potts, Company C ; Lieuten- ant H. A. Gray, Company F, and Lieutenant Edwin Tyson, Company G, were wounded. The loss of non-commissioned officers and men was very heavy. From Fredericksburg Cooke's Brigade was sent, in Janu- ary, 1863, to Pocataligo, S. C, where we remained until April, and were then ordered back to Eastern !N'orth Carolina until July. While here we did a good deal of marching, were in a little skirmish at Gum Swamp, and drove the Yan- kees as far as Red Banks, eight miles from New Bern. Then we went from place to place. We were at Little Washington, Tarboro, Weldon and other places until about 1 July, when we went to Richmond, and were around Richmond several days guarding the city. In August we went back to Freder- icksburg, were there about a month; then to Gordonsville, where we joined the regular army and marched to Bristoe 118 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. Station on 14 October, 1863. We had missed all the hard marching on the campaign to Pennsylvania and the great battle of Gettysbui'g, but at Bristoe we suffered the heaviest loss of any battle we had yet been in, charging a heavy body of the enemy entrenched behind a railroad. From here we fell back to Orange Court House, where we went into winter quarters. The next battle was at the Wilderness, 4 May, 1864. Heth's Division fought a heavy force of the enemy for two hours before we were relieved. At no time during the war did his division do better fighting. The writer heard Gen- eral Lee tell General Cooke that night that he (Gen. Cooke), and Kirkland, with their brigades, had held 25,000 Yankees in check for more than two hours. Our loss was not heavy, but the enemy's was very great. There seemed to be as many dead men in our front as we had men engaged. The ground on which we fought was a dense thicket of small grow^th, which was cut dowm by minie balls before we were relieved, so that we could see the enemy's lines as they would come up to relieve one line after another, which they did about every fifteen or twenty minutes. And to show that the undergTowth w^as cut down principally by our balls, the tree tops in the rear of us were cut all to pieces, while but few balls struck trees near the ground, showing that the enemy shot over us. We were relieved a little before sunset by Wilcox's Division, and after dark were marched out and formed in line in an old straw field, where we lay until morn- ing. At daylight the skirmish firing began. At sunrise the enemy advanced in several lines. In the meanwhile a battery of small gims was brought in and opened on the ad- vancing lines of Federals which were between us and the ris- ing sun. This was all the cannon used in the battle. The smoke from the cannon was so dense the Captain could not see what he was doing. The writer was ordered by General Cooke to go in front to see where the shells were falling. I soon saw that they were going over their lines and doing no execution at all. I informed the commander of the distance of the enemy. The next fire he began to cut lanes through the advancing lines, but the artillery had time only for a few Forty-Eighth Regiment. 119 rounds, when General Longstreet's Corps advanced and drove them back into and out of their breastworks and took pos- session of the same. This was a most gallant act. Long- street with one line drove several lines of Federals back, leav- ing the ground strewn with Federal dead. That night when we were in the captured breastworks and all was perfectly still. Gen. Lee rode across the line on the extreme right. Some one cried out "Three cheers for General Lee," which was taken up on the right and went the rounds to the extreme left — the grandest rebel yell of the war. The rear guard of the retreating Federals fired and ran. Some of them, cap- tured a few days afterward, reported that several corps were ordered back as they thought we were advancing. The reg-iment had a heavy skirmish on Po river and was severely shelled. The Federals, in falling back at this place, fired the woods on us, but the fire, like their shells, did not stop us in our advance. This all amounted to but little. At Spottsylvania Court House we were engaged on 12 May, but the loss of the Forty-eighth was not so great as that of some other regiments, as we were not in the hottest of the battle. However, we did some hard marching through the brush and some fighting. From here we were on the memorable march to Richmond, and exposed to an awful heavy shelling on 25 May, near Han- over. The solid shot were falling and bouncing thick on the ground. The only casualties I remember were Sergeant C. Lawhon and Corporal M. C. Yon, Company D, Forty-eighth ISTorth Carolina, both killed with the same shot. Our next en- gagement was at a place called Turkey Bend, or Turkey Hill. Wilcox's Division was fighting in front of us, and a heavy body of Federals were moving on his left flank. We were preparing to meet them, throwing up some temporary breast- works under a sharp skirmish fire. Lieutenant W. C. How- ard, of Company F, Forty-eighth, was killed. Some four or five men wounded, were, I think, all of those lost by the Forty-eighth in this engagement. The enemy was moving in line of battle to our right. We were ordered to move in quick time and make no noise. While on this rapid march an amusing incident occurred, which I will relate : We were 120 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. passing througli a ravine where some Yankee prisoners were under guard. A very large, gruff looking Yankee was stand- ing up slurring the rebels. He asked : ''Why do you rebels wear such dirty, ragged clotlies ?" An Irishman by the name of Forrest, belonging to Company D, Forty-eighth Kegimentj and as good a soldier as was in the regiment, answered: "Faith and be jabbers, we Southerners always put on our sorriest clothes when we kill hogs, and it is hog killing day wath us now," pointing to a dead Yankee near by. This Avit of the Irishman caused a laugh, and forgetting the order to be quiet, some two or three men raised a yell, which was taken up along the line — -a regular rebel yell. The enemy's lines halted, broke and fell back, so we did not get into any further engagement. Whether it was this yell that caused them to fall back, I cannot say, but I don't suppose they knew we were near them until the yell betrayed our whereabouts. Our next engagement was at Cold Harbor, on 3 June, 1864. Cooke's Brigade was on the extreme left of the Confed- erate lines, only some cavalry being on our left. This was, with us, probably the very hardest-fought battle of the war. Just as wc got in position on an old road — and it was about sun up — the Federals, in heavy force, made a charge Avhich wc met and after a hard struggle, which lasted some time, repulsed. They soon made another charge. We were as- sisted in repulsing this one by a batteiy of artillery, which had just come up. The enemy would reinforce and come again, but we repulsed every charge and during the day, working between attacks, built a very good breastwork. The last of the several charges was made about 6 o'clock p. m. Several lines came forward. One line would fire and fall down, another step over, fire and fall down, each line getting nearer us, until they got MTthin sixty or seventy-five yards of some portions of our line, but finding themselves cut to pieces so badly, they fell back in a little disorder. Our men seemed to rise all at once, Avith a rebel yell, and poured lead into them, cutting down numbers of them. Tlic old field in front of us was almost covered witli their dead. At no time during the war did the Forty-eighth and Twenty-seventh do better fighting. Forty-Eighth Regiment. 121 Our position was a good one, and an important one to be held. We lost several good men in this battle. Lieutenant M. D. Clegg, of Company D, was wounded. At 9 o'clock that night we took up the line of march, went from place to place for several days, spending about one week at Deep Bottom. At this place we had no battle, except with flies. I never saw so many flies in all my life. Then we went to the right of Petersburg. We were on the line about one half mile to the right of the ''Blow-up," as it was called. The day before the springing of that mine we were ordered to the left of Petersburg and had crossed the Appomattox, and were marching toward Richmond, when we heard the ex- plosion. We returned and on the next day took up our quar- ters in the trenches. The Forty-eighth occupied that posi- tion which had been blown up. Here we remained for sev- eral weeks, when Ave were moved to the extreme right and built our winter quarters on Hatcher's Run. General Heth was ordered to attack the enemy whenever he attempted to ex- tend his lines. So we had several engagements, one at the Yellow House. This was in August, 1864, and on the 25th of the same month we were in the battle of Reams Station, where we charged a heavy force of Federals behind a breast- work, broke their line and captured several hundred prisoners and several pieces of artillery. This was a brave assault. Two attacks had been made by other troops (I forget which) that had failed to dislodge them. This had given the enemy courage, and was rather discouraging to us, who had to make the third attack. The timber for fifty or seventy-five yards in front of their works had been cut down, the limbs sharp- ened, making it very difficult to reach the works. The posi- tion of the Forty-eighth was near the centre of the line, tlie timber in our front being thinner than in other portions. We succeeded in gaining the works sooner than those on the right or left, who had more brush to go through. The first part of the line broken was on the left wing of the Forty-eighth, but the whole line was surrendered in a very few minutes. We lost several in this charge. Lieutenant M. D. Clegg, of Company D, was killed on the works about the time the line 122 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'6o. was broken. Lieutenant C. W. Shaw, of Company D, was wounded before be reached the works. The next day we marched back to Petersburg to our posi- tion on the right of the lines. The next march we took, and I think it was in December, was to Bellliekl, where we had a skirmish with Yankee cavalry. Sergeant H. B. Cox, of Com- pany D, lost his foot by a shell. This was all the loss I re- member. We remained on Hatcher's Run until the Confed- erate lines were broken, 2 April, 1865. We had several skir- mishes while here. On 25 March the troops on our left had made a charge on the enemy's lines at Hare's Hill and had carried their front works near the Appomattox river, but had to abandon them the same day. We were ordered around there in the morning and returned in the evening to our quarters to find the Yankees in possession of our picket post. They had captured all of our pickets and could have been in pos- session of our breastworks and winter quarters if they had known it, as we had left only a few men in camp, who were unfit for duty. Captain Henry R. McKinney, of the Forty-sixth Regiment, who was commander of the brigade sharpshooters, formed his line on the right, near the creek, and made a very brave and successful charge, recapturing our picket post in this charge. Lieutenant Austin, of the Forty-eighth Regiment, a very brave and good officer, was killed, and I do not remember that any other was killed or wounded. T believe that Lieutenant Austin was the last man killed in the Forty-eighth as I do not remember any oth- er being killed afterwards. We only liold our picket post about two days, as our pickets Avere captured on 2S or 29 March, and on 2 April, the lines to our left were broken. We took up the line of Uiarch to the right, and crossing the creek, moved to Jarrett's Station, where in the evening we had a skirmish, but were about to be surrounded and made haste to get away and were on the mem- orable retreat to Appomattox Court House, losing more or less of our men every day. The last skirmish we were in was on Thursday evening before the surrender on Sunday, 0 April, 1865. The Twen- ty-seventh and Forty-eighth Regiments were ordered out to Forty-Eighth Regiment. 123 the right to protect the wagon trains, but before we arrived the enemy had set fire to a part of the wagons, and a heavy force of infantry was marching up the road the wagons were on. Here we had a narrow escape. A squadron of cavalry got in our rear, cut us off and we were scattered on both sides of the road. Several of our men were captured. Every man was left to take care of himself. Company D, which had only thirty-seven men at Petersburg 2 April, had been reduced to eleven and in this affair lost ten, leaving only one man and the Captain to witness the surrender. On Sunday morning, and in the race through the woods on Thursday evening, the Cap- tain lost his hat, running from a Yankee horseman, and would have been captured had it not been for a deep gully near by into Avliich he went and got out of the horse's way. At the surrender the Forty-eighth Regiment had been re- duced in number until we did not have men enough to make more than one full company. K'ow a few words in regard to the officers of the regiment, and I close. Colonel R. C. Hill was a very fine military man, very strict and much beloved by his men, but being in bad health he was often absent. He only commanded the regiment in the cam- paign of 1862 and 1863. He died in December, 1863. Lieutenant-Colonel S. H. Walkup was made Colonel. He was one of the bravest officers in the Army of J^orthem Vir- ginia. He ^^■as often laughed at on dress parade and brigade drill for his awkwardness, but when in battle all that knew him were satisfied that Walkup was there and that his regi- ment would do its duty. Lieutenant-Colonel A. A. Hill was a good and kind officer. All his men liked him. He made a very fine appearance and was always with his men. I think he was one of the two or three officers of the regiment who missed no part of the march or duty imposed on the regiment during the memora- ble campaign of 1864. Major B. R. Huske was a very mild, gentle and kind- hearted man, a well posted and good officer. The whole regi- ment was grieved at his death, which occurred on 15 July, 124 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. 1862, from wounds received in the battle of French's Farm, 25 June. Captain F. L. Wiatt, of Company A, vas promoted to Major at the death of Iluske. He was an old man, and won the respect of the whole regiment; was wounded at Harper's Ferry, 15 September, 1862, and resigned in October of the same year and was with us only a short while. Captain W. H. Jones, of Company G, was made Major on the death of Colonel Hill, 4 December, 1863, but owing to bad health was not with us much. He was a very good man and kind hearted. He loved his men and was loved in re- turn. H. A. Gunter, of Wake, was our first Adjutant. From some cause he was not with us in the battle of French's Farm. Lieu- tenant J. H. Anderson, of Company D, was acting Adjutant and was wounded in that .battle. Adjutant Gunter was wounded in the battle of Sharpsburg, and died soon after from wounds. Lieutenant John R. Winchester, of Company A, then be- came Adjutant and was with us all the while. He was a very good officer and soldier. He was a cheerful and lively man and was generally ready for any fun with officers or men. The men all liked Winchester. Several of the company officers are worthy of special ref- erence in this history, and the -svriter would be glad to give it, but failing to get any answer to his letters of inquiry and having to depend solely on his memory, can not recall the names and company to which they belonged. Each company had its brave men. Many of these are entitled to mention in this sketch, but for the reason stated above the writer will have to leave them out, but feels assured that he can say that the Forty-eighth Regiment did as much hard marching and fighting as any regiment from North Carolina. From first to last, it had about 1,300 men, many of them as brave and as obedient as any soldiers in the Confederate army. W. H. H. Lawhon. Moore Co., N. C, 9 April, 1901. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN POUNOATIONS. FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1. S. D. Ramseur. Colonel. 2 James T. Davis, Lieut. Colonel. 3. John A. Fleniniing, Lieut. -Colonel. (Killed at Petersburg ) 4. Cicero Durliaiii. Captain and A. Q. M. 5. Henry A. Chambers. Captain, Co. O- 6. Edwin V. Harris, Captain, Co. E. FORTY-NiniH REGIMENT. By THOMAS R. ROULHAC, First Lieutenant Company D. The Forty-ninth Kegiment of Xorth Carolina State Troops was composed of ten companies of infantry, raised in the counties of ]\IcDowell, 1 ; Cleveland, 2 ; Iredell, 2 ; Moore, 1 ; Mecklenburg, 1 ; Gaston, 1 ; Catawba, 1 ; and Lincoln, 1, which assembled at Garysburg, in the month of March, 1862. It was constituted, at its formation, wholly of volunteers, many of whom had sought service in the earlier periods of the war, and all of whom had responded to the call for sol- diers, as soon as it was practicable to furnish them with arms and equipments. In the latter part of March, or early in April, 1862, organization of the regiment was effected, by the election of : Stephen D. Ramseue, Colonel. William A. Eliason, Lieutenant-Colonel. Lee M. McAfee, Major. Lieutenant Richmond^ Adjutant. George L. Phifek^ Sergeant-Major. Captain E. P. Geoege^ Commissary. Captain J. W. Wilson^ Quartermaster. De. John K. Ruffin^ Surgeon. Reginald H. Goode, Assistant Surgeon. Peter iSTicholson, Chaplain. The non-commission staff was completed with James Hol- land, Quartermaster-Sergeant ; Harrison Hall, Hospital Steward, and James H. Geiger, Ordnance Sergeant. The history of Ramseur is known to all the people of J^J'orth Carolina, ^o one of her sons ever contributed, by his devo- tion to her service, skill and heroic bravery on the field of bat- tle, and fearless exposure and ultimate sacrifice of his life, more to the historic lustre of the name and honor of this, one 126 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'(55. of the greatest of the American States. He gave untiring en- ergy and masterly judgment to the rapid organization, drill, discipline and preparation for active service in the field of his regiment. A graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, and fur a few years an officer in the regular army, en- doAved A\ith a mind of great strength and quickness, constant in purpose, daring and brilliant in execution, prepared for the science of war and revelling in its dangers and fierce en- counters, and with a spirit fired with a determination to excel in the profession of arms ; it is not to be wondered at, that, un- der his capable authority and the influence of his stirring ex- ample, the regiment rapidly took form and shape as a strong, disciplined and efficient body of men ; nor that the impress of his spirit and the effect of his training should, as its subse- quent career demonstrated, be retained, not alone to charac- terize the natural development of veterans, but, likewise, as a part of its heritage of honor, so long as the flag under which he arrayed them claimed an existence amid the heraldry of nations. Short as was the length of his authority over them, the force of his activity, zeal and fearlessness was felt and recognized by the Forty-ninth (Ramseur's) Regiment through all its struggles and hardships, in the camp, on the march, in making or meeting assaults, advancing or retreat- ing, in sunshine and storm, through the long and w^earing siege of Petersbnrg, where it rushed alone into the cavalier line after Grant's mine was sprung, and at skirmish distance in the works held the Federal advance at bay for three hours — the slender link by which the two halves of General Lee's army were united, until re- inforcements could be brought seven miles to retake the cra- ter; both when disaster fell fast and fierce on the cause for which they fought, as well as when before their steady charge the foe gave Avay, and victory perched on their well-worn bat- tle flag; when deatli had thinned its ranks and suffering made gaunt the survivors, until at last its lines were crushed — its shout and shot the last to be heard — on the field of Five Forks. N^orth Carolina, whose soil has been made sacred by the ashes of so many great and strong men, her jurists, her statesmen, her magistrates, her teachers, her ministers and Forty-Ninth Regiment. 127 priests, lier soldiers and her patriots, holds within her bosom the dust of no nobler or more perfect man than that of Stephen Dobson Ramseiir, The regiment was officered by men of education, and, for the most part, in the full vigor of young manhood. Its rank and file were taken from the Piedmont region of the State, which then contained, as extended observation ena- bles the writer to say, a population second to none for self- reliance, integrity, just respect for authority and modest worth and courage. Many of them were descendants of the people who made the Honiets' Xest of North Carolina a fortress of independence and a terror to their country's invad- ers. Soon after its organization Lieutenant-Colonel Eliason re- signed, Major McAfee succeeding him, and Captain John A. Fleming, of Company A, was promoted to Major. MALVERN HILL. When the operations of McClellan's army around Rich- mon, culminating in the seven days' battles, began, the regi- ment was assigned to General Robert Ransom's Brigade and participated in several of those engagements. At Malvern Hill it bore a conspicuous part, leaving its dead and wounded on the field next in proximity to the enemy's works to those of the Twenty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, then commanded by Colonel Zebulon B. Vance. In this ill-advised assault the command suffered heavily in killed and wounded. Colonel Ramseur among the latter. His handling of the regiment and its conduct during those con- flicts led to his prompt promotion to Brigadier-General, and to his assignment, as soon as he recovered from his wound, to another command. On 1 November, 1862, Lieutenant-Colonel McAfee was commissioned Colonel, Major Fleming was promoted Lieu- tenant-Colonel, and Captain Pinckney B. Chambers, of Com- pany C. was made ]\Iajor. During the summer of 1862 Ad- jutant Richmond fell a victim to typhoid fever, and the life of this brave and capable ofiicer was thus destroyed — no less an offering on the altar of patriotism than if he had laid it 128 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. down on the battletiokl. Cicero A. Durham, of Cleveland county, prior to the war a cadet of the Military Institute of General D. IT. Hill, at Charlotte, and who afterwards became so famous throughout the army as the fighting quartermaster, was appointed adjutant. He sei-ved in this capacity with great efficiency and distinction until 2 May, 1863, when he was promoted Assistant Quartermaster to succeed Captain George, who was transferred to other duties. William H. Dinkins, who had been Scrgeant-Major, was appointed Adju- tant, and continued in that position during the remainder of the war, actively on duty until some time in the spring of 1864, wlion bad health caused his absence to the close of hos- tilities. By reason of the losses in front of Richmond in this cam- paign, both of officers and men, changes in the roster of of- ficers were numerous. It has been impossible at this late day to procure anything like full or correct reports of the killed, wounded, or missing in these battles. The aggregate was considerable, and the casualties told the story of the fierce struggles in which the command was engaged, but access to the reports cannot be had. George W. Lytle succeeded to the Captaincy of Company A; Henry A. Chambers was, on 10 December, 1862, ap- pointed to the command of Company C ; Columbus H. Dixon was made Captain of Company G, on lY November, 1862, in the place of Captain Rufus Roberts; Charles F. Connor, on 1 February, 1863, succeeded Captain W. W. Che- nault, of Company I, and George L. Phifer became Captain of Company K, in the place of Peter Z. Baxter, on 24 July, 1863 ; changes occasioned by the losses of 1862. Correspond- ing changes ensued in the other grades of company officers. sharpsbukg. Fi'oiii Kiclnnond the scene of action was speedily trans- ferred by General Lee to the Potomac and beyond ; and tlien back to the capture of Harper's Ferry, thence to Sharpsburg, or Antietam, the command moved under tlie orders of that groat fignre in our military history. At Shai'psburg it Forty-Ninth Regiment. 129 shared with the rest of the brigade the honor of retaking and holding the famous "West Woods." Here the gallant Lieutenant Greenlea Flemming, brother of Lieutenant-Col- onel Flemming, was killed and a dozen men of his com- pany killed or wounded by a shell which fell in its ranks as the brigade was moving by the flank to change its position just before sunset. It was the rear company of the Forty-ninth and Colonel M. W. Ransoin and Adjutant Wal- ter C*lark, who were riding at the head of the Thirty-fifth^ were close behind and barely escaped the shell which was evi- dently directed by the enemy's signal corps at the moving line of bayonets, glistening in the setting sunlight, for it came from a battery on the other side of the Antietam. Returning to Virginia, the regiment was in the battle of Fred- ericksburg, beginning 11 December, 1862, where it took posi- tion to the left of the plank road, and during the four days that the fighting there continued it was subjected to heavy cannonading and some infantry fighting, several officers and men being killed and wounded. After this battle the Forty-ninth remained in winter quar- ters near Fredericksburg until 3 January, 1863, when it was marched, by the Telegraph road, to Hanover Junction, thence to Richmond, and from there to Petersburg, which it reached on the evening of the 7th, and remained until tlie 1 7th, when it left for eastern ^North Carolina. From this time on until the spring of 1864, the regiment, w^ith the Twenty-fourth, Tw^enty-fifth, Thirty-fifth and Fifty- sixth Regiments, composed Ransom's Brigade which protected the line of the Wilmington & W^eldon Railroad from those two terminal points, and that of the road from Goldsboro to below Ivinston ; being constantly on the move, appear- ing one day at the other end of the line from that at which they w^ere the day before, and vigilantly guarding the teri'itory of Eastern ^STorth Carolina, from which such abund- ant supplies w^ere contributed for the support of our armies. Strategically, it was the right wing of the Army of Vir- ginia ; and General Scott, whose plan of camynie right, not till the Federals in front were beginning to give way, a Federal line of battle, which had extended around our right under cover of a piece of woods, opened a galling Wvo in our rear, and ad- vanced to the charge from the woods on our right. But brave Durham had his skirmishers there; and though they were few in nuud)er, he was ever a lion in the ])atli of the foe. Foot by foot he contested the ground until the charge in our front was broken, when the Forty-ninth and Twenty-lifth Regiments leaped over the works and poured a destructive volley into the ranks of the flanking ]:)arty, before which their line melted away. Poor Durham — truly a Chevalier Bayard, if ever na- ture placed a lieai't in man which was absolutely without fear and a soul without reproach or blemish — received here a wound in his arm, necessitating amputation, from which he died. Occupying a position which did not call for his pres- ence in lialtJe, he never missed a tight; was always in the thickest ai tlie forefront of the tempest of death; he gloried in tlie fray, nnd earned a reputation throughout the army as the lighting (ijuartermaster, which added lustre to the valor of our troo]>s, and which i^orth Carolina and Xorth Caroli- nians shouhl not suffer to perish. He was but a boy, an hundde, (hn-out Christian, as ])ure and chaste as a woman, and in the intensity of his love foi' his State and the cause she had espcHised he counted t]\c sacrihce of death as his simplest tribute in defense of her honor. General M. W. Ransom was here wounded in the arm, and the brigade was aftei-wavds eomniandcd during tlie summer and till hi< return at differcMit limes, by Cohmels Clarke, Rutledge, McAfee, l''aison and Jones. The Fifty-sixth Reg- iment being hotly assailed in falling back, lost a number in kilh^d and wounded ; hut repulsed every assault with telling effect. The lurtv-ninth los>t eleven killed and a consid- Forty-Ninth Regiment, 137 erable number of wounded in this engagement of the even- ing of 13 May. Brave Captain J. P. Ardrey, of Company F, was wounded, and left in the enemy's hands, and died before he could be removed. Lieutenant S. H. Elliott, of the same company, was wounded, and Lieutenant Line- barger, of Company H, was mortally wounded. Dr. Goode, Assistant Surgeon, and three litter-bearers were cap- tured, in attending upon the wounded. The 14th and 15th of May were passed in repelling repeated charges of the enemy upon our lines and efforts to advance his own from our outer line of fortifications, which had been aban- doned to him on the evening of the 13th. Severe loss was inflicted upon them in each attempt. 16 MAY, 1864. The morning of 16 May was obscured by a dense fog. Preparations began at 3 o'clock on the Confederate side foi* an attack, and by daylight Beauregard moved his entire army forward for an attack, en echelon by brigades, left in front, the left wing being under the immediate command of General Koliert Hansom. Pansom struck the enemy on their extreme right, carried their works, and turned their flank, each brig- ade in turn assisting to open the way to the next attacking one. Blow after blow fell thick and fast on Butler's army. All parts of his line were heavily pressed, so that none could ren- der assistance to the other, and before noon his army, largely exceeding in numbers the attacking force, thoroughly equipped and confident of victory, was completely routed, and Beauregard luid gained one of the best fought battles of the war. In boldness of conception and execution, tactical skill, thorough grasp of all the conditions of the situation, and couunand of his forces, conducted by him in person on the field, it was unsurpassed by any fight on this continent; and but for Wliiting's moving from his position on the turnpike in Butler's rear, thus allowing him to escape without moles- tation to Bermuda Hundreds, it would have resulted in the capture of his entire army. It is difficult now to under- stand how 60 many blunders could have been committed at 138 North Carolina Trooi-s, 1801-65. critical moments by Confederate generals in important com- mands, save that the hand of Fate had penned the decree o£ our defeat: but of all those, which contributed to our down- fall, that of Major-General Whiting, on the afternoon of 16 May, 1864, was one of the most glaring and stupendous. Soon after the battle opened the Twenty-fourth and Forty- ninth Ivegiments were ordered to the right flank of Bushrod Johnson's Brigade, on the right of the turnpike facing to- wards Petersburg, and which was heavily engaged on the immediate right of our brigade. Moving at double-quick through thick woods we came upon the enemy's first line of works, and drove them from it Avith great loss. Pursuing the foe, we advanced to the attack of the second line under a very heavy fire in our front, and a severe enfilade from our right. Colonel W. J. Clarke, of the Twenty-fourth com- manded the brigade. Under his orders, and following that regiment, we turned to the right, and drove the enemy from the position, which enabled the enfilade fire to harass us, capturing his colors, inflicting heavy loss upon him. Moving directly forward, we again attacked the second line of their works, and had nearly reached them, when we were ordered to fall back and reform our lines. This was done under shel- ter of a skirt of woods ; and in a short time Major James T. Davis, Colonel Mc.\fee having been wounded, and Lieuten- ant-Colonel Flemming having been left in command of the brigade skirmish line when we were moved to the right, gave the command to advance with Captain Chambers' com- pany deployed as skirmishers at an oblique angle to our right. In this attack, aided by the flanking movement from our left^ the works in our front were readily taken. In these two charges of this day the Forty-ninth lost heavily in officers and men. When the works had been taken the dead body of Cap- tain Ardrey was recovered. Besides the wounding of the Colonel, Lieutenants W. P. Barnett, of Company F, and H. C. Conley, of Company A, were killed. Captain G. W. Lytle, of Company A, was mortally woimded. and Lieutenants Dan- iel Lattimore, of Company B, and B. F. Dixon, of Company G, were severely wounded. Forty-Ninth Regiment. 139 BERMUDA HUNDKEDS. The next day we continued the pursuit of Butler's army, and assisted in his "bottling up" at Bermuda Hundreds. Several brisk skirmishes and picket fights were had there until the lines were established, but none were of serious importance. In a picket charge on the night of 1 June, Cap- tain George L. Phifer, of Company K, was wounded. Com- panies C, F and K of the Forty-ninth were on the picket, and sustained a loss of three killed and seventeen wounded. In June, 1864, Dr. Buffin resigned, and Dr. Dandridge was appointed Surgeon, in which position he continued to the close of the war. On 4 June we crossed the James at Drewry's Bluff, and confronted the enemy on the Chickahominy, at the York Biver Railroad bridge, and strengthened the fortifications there. On the 10th we were relieved by Kirkland's North Carolina Brigade, and returned, by a forced march, to the south side, and thence to Petersburg, to meet Grant's advance across the James. From this time on Ransom's Brigade be- came a part of Bushrod Johnson's Division. After march- ing all night of the 15th we reached Petersburg about 8 o'clock on the morning of the 16th, and were hurried to our fortifications on Avery's farm. At a run we succeeded in getting to the works before the enemy reached them. Through a storm of sliot and shell we gained them, just in time to meet their charge, and drive them back. In the afternoon we were hurried to Swift Creek, where the Fifty-sixth North Carolina, under Major John W. Graham, and Grade's Brigade, drove back the Federal cavalry which had attempted to cut our communications with Richmond, and enter Peters- burg from that direction. We were then marched along the Richmond pike until about midnight, when we opened com- munication with the head of Longstreet's Corps. By the first light next morning we were hurried by train back to Petersburg, where early in the morning the enemy had cap- tured a considerable part of Bushrod Johnson's old brigade and several pieces of artillery. Hastily we threw up a line of rifle pits; and now commenced Beauregard's magnificent grapple with Grant's army until Longstreet's command could 140 North Carolina Trooi's, 1861-65. reach us. With scarcely more than 5,000 men and eighteen pieces of field artillery Beauregard kept in check Grant's army, coming up from City Point, all the day and night of 17 June, until sunrise of the 18th, when Longstreet came over the hill at Blandford cemetery on our right. ^Vhen flanked on our right, we would fall back to meet the flank at- tack, re])ulse it, and then, being massed, Beauregard would hurl his shattered but compact battalions against the Federal lines, and force them back, to reform and again press upon us. Through the 17th and the succeeding night every foot of ground from .Vvery's farm to Blandford cemetery was fought over and over again. Kansom's Brigade played a conspicuous part in these move- ments. First Lieutenant Edward Phifer, of Company K, received his death wound through the lungs in this battle. A bright, noble boy and faithful, light-hearted soldier. At times during this engagement our troops would be lying on one side of the works and tliose of the enemy on the other; and it is said that the flag of the Thirty-fifth Regiment was lost and regained a half dozen times, until the Michigan Reg- iment with which it was engaged in a hand to hand encounter, surrendered to it. It was desperate fighting, and the most prolonged struggle of the kind during the war. With anx- ious hearts we saw ihe night wear on, not knowing what fate the morning would bring us, if we sundved tO' see it; and it was with a glad shout tliat, as the sun rose, and the Federals were massing on our right flank to crush us, we welcomed the head of Longstrcet's cfdumu coming at a trot to our right wing. The contem]ilated charge upon us was not made; rifle pits were hastily dug and strengthened into formidable entrenchuHMits on the ucw line; and thus began the siege of Petersburg. From this (bite until M) March, 1S()5, just nine months, in tlu' lines east of Petersluirg, occu])ying at ditfereut times positions from the Ap])omattox river to the JerusahMu plank road, often not a hundred yards from the works of the enemy, constantly ex])osed to danger autt liocame Cap- tain. Company E — Iredell County — Ca])tain Alex. 1). Moore. Company F — Mecldenhurg County — Captain Davis. Captain Davis was promoted to Major and Lieutenant James P. Ardrey was promoted to Captain, ^lajor Davis was killed in front of Petersburg 25 IMarch, 1865, just a few days be- fore the surrender. He was a brave and true soldier. Cap- tain Ardrey w^as killed at Drewry's Bluff. I could not keep Forty-Ninth Regiment. 153 back the tears when they told me that he was killed. I loved him like a brother. He was succeeded as Captain by Lieu- tenant John C. Grier. Company G — Cleveland County — Captain Roberts. Cap- tain Roberts resigned on account of ill health and C. H. Dixon was made Captain. He was killed by a mortar shell in front of Petersburg and Lieutenant B. F. Dixon was pro- moted to the Captaincy, which he held to the close of the war. Company H — Gaston County — Captain Charles Q. Petty. Captain Petty was promoted to Major and Lieutenant J. 1^. Torrence became Captain. Company I — Catawha County — Captain W. W. Chenault. Lieutenant Charles F. Connor after^vards became Captain. Lieutenant Connor always made me think of a game rooster in battle. He was tall and straight and his eye was full of fire. Company K- — Lincoln County- — Captain Peter Z. Baxter. Upon his resignation Lieutenant George L. Phifer and later James T. Adams became Captain. In the organization of the regiment the following gentle- men were elected Field Officers : Stephen D. Ramseur, of Lincoln county, Colonel. He afterwards became a Major- General and was killed in battle 19 September, 1864. W. A. Eliason, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Lee M. McAfee, Major ; Cicero Durham, Adjutant ; Dr. Ruffin, Chief Surgeon. Col- onel Eliason resigned and Major McAfee was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, and after the promotion of Colonel Ram- seur, McAfee became Colonel of the regiment and com- manded it to the close of the war. Cicero Durham became Quartermaster of the regiment, but was in every battle in which the regiment was engaged and always at the front. He had command of the shai*p- shooters and was killed at Drewry's Bluff while bravely lead- ing his men. I would be glad of the opportunity of naming many more of the Forty-ninth Regiment on account of their magnificent soldierly qualities, but as this is a sketch of the regiment and not of individuals, I must desist. While the Forty-ninth Regiment was engaged in most of the battles in which the Army of !Northern Virginia partici- 154 North Carolina Troops, ISGl-'Go. pated, and always with honor, and while I would be glad to tell the story of their devotion and fortitude and bravery on all these bloody fields, still I have not the time to go into these matters, and will confine myself to a brief synopsis of tho doings of this regiment during the great siege of Petersburg. I do not believe that any soldier in any war, either civilized or savage, ever suffered more than the men who filled the ditches around Petersburg from June, 1864, until the last of March, 18G5. Half-clad and half-rationed these brave, devoted men held the lines for nine long months, including one of the most ter- rible winters that ever spread its white uumtle over the earth. Barefooted in the snow, the men stood to their posts on picket, or at the port-holes. Lying in bomb-proofs, so-called, with mud and water to the ankles, and tho constant drip, drip, of muddy water from above, clothing and blankets saturated, with a fire that only made smoke, these men passed through the winter of 1864 and 1865. The mortar shells from the enemy's guns fell in the ditches or crashed through the bomb- proofs day and night, while the sharp, shrill hiss of the minie ball, and the shriek of shell and solid shot made the hours hideous day after day, and night after night. For nine months it was certain death for a man to raise his head above the works. Yet with joke and laughter these men dodged the mortar shells and elevated their old ragged hats on ramrods to see how many holes would be shot through them in a given time. I have seen a dozen men gather in the ditch to watch for the coming of a "mortar" as they called it, and when they saw the awful thing curving towards them, they would run with shout and gibe around a traverse while it exploded in the ditch. I saw one of these mortar shells fall in the ditch and lie there frying, when a brave soldier from Lincoln county nushed out of liis l)oml>proof, caught it up in his hands, and tossed it over the breastworks. When asked why he had gone out of a place of safety tri do such a rash act, he said : "I thought maybe the pieces might hit some of the fellers." One night there was a fearful rainfall and the next morning it was discovered that a part of the dam across a small stream had been washed away and all the water in the , Forty-Ninth Regiment. 155 pond had disappeared, leaving an opening of some fifteen feet through which the bullets from the Yankee lines could come on the least provocation. Being ofiicer of the day, my attention was called to a crowd of soldiers gathered on either side of the chasm, and upon investigation, I discovered the amazing fact, that these men were trying to see who could run across without being killed, or wounded. There was not the slightest necessity for any of them to cross, but in a spirit of wantonness and fun, they were making the effort. A fellow would take his okl hat in his hand, step back to get a good start, then with a shout, he would rush across and kick up his heels at a great rate, if he happened to get over safe. I had to place a guard there to make them stop such foolishness. I give this incident to show how^, under constant danger, men became indifferent to it. The morning sun, as he came from his chamber in the east, day by day, made plain the path for the minie ball, and the "torch" of the mortar shell lighted up the heavens by night. The morning was a call to battle and the night was hideous with bursting sheik No wonder men became inured to dan- ger, and sought excitement in playing with death. In all these months I do not remember a single, solitary complaint made by any of the men, because of short rations, or cold or nakedness. ISTo intimations w^ere made against the character of canned beef — we had none — a piece of fat bacon and a hard and mouldy cracker were luxuries. A sol- dier in the trenches asked me to write a letter to his wdfe at home. This is the letter in substance: ■'^Dear Wife: — The Captain is writing this letter for me, and I wish to say that I am well and getting on first-rate. George Gill had his brains shot out yesterday and Jack Gib- bons' son and three others were torn all to pieces with a shell, but thank God they haven't hit me yet, and if I get home I wall make up for all lost time in taking care of you and the children. I was sorry to hear that you didn't have enough to eat and the children were crying for bread, but you must be brave, little woman, and do the best you can. I think we will whip the Yankees in a little while longer, and then I can come home and everything will be all right. I pray for you 15G North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. and the little ones every night and morning, and I know the good God will not let you sutfer more than you are able to bear. Your loving husband, etc." This man was barefooted in January, 1865, when he dic- tated the letter above. He had not eaten anything all day (this was in the evening), because he had nothing to eat; he was without a coat for his back, and yet the soul within him kept him fed and warm. A Confederate soldier standing barefoot, in tattered trousers, coatless and hatless, witli an Enfield rifle on his shoulder, and his cartridge box full, was as brave a man as ever met an enemy on any field of battle in any country, or in any age. Nimble as a deer, long- breathed as a hound, he could run with the horsemen with- out weariness and fight all day mthout hunger. He taught the whole world how to fight, and when I meet him to-day I lift my hat and stand bareheaded till he passes by. The For^ ty-ninth Regiment was in General M. W. Ransom's Brigade during all these weary months, together ^vith the Twenty- fourth, Twenty-fifth, Thirty-fifth and Fifty-sixth North Carolina Regiments. This brigade stood between Peters- burg and the enemy, and if you will ask any citizen of that city he will tell you how they loved and honored Ran- som's Brigade. General Ransom was then the same courtly and kind-hearted man he is to-day. Fearless in danger, courteous and kind always, the true gentleman everywhere, he was the idol of his men. Although we were fighting every day while the siege lasted, there were many extraordinary battles during this period. I have not time to notice but one or two, and notably among these was the battle of the Crater. This battle occurred on 30 July, 1864. About daylight the mine, wliich the enemy had charged with eight thousand pounds of powder, was fired and a terrific explosion was the result. ]\Iany thought tlie judgment day had come. The earih, with all it contained, was thrown into the air, leaving a hole 100 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 30 feet deep. Men and cannon Avere thrown hundreds of feet into the air. Sim- Tiltaneoiis witli the explosion the enemy opened two hundred pieces of artillery on our lines. The Forty-ninth was to the Forty-Ninth Regiment. 157 left of the ravine, and we were moved rapidly across the ravine and up the works to the crater. And until the enemy, which had taken possession of our lines, was beaten hack, we stood in the position assigned to us and fired our guns. The enemy, white and black, came in solid phalanx shouting: "No quarter to the rebels." They held their position until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when Mahone's Brigade ar- rived and with the Twenty-fifth jSTorth Carolina Regiment of our brigade and a regiment of South Carolina troops, drove them out. I saw the Twenty-fifth Regiment as they came dashing up the hill towards the Crater. How we cheered them ! They rushed up to the Crater which was full of the enemy, white and black, fired one volley and then turn- ing tlie butts of their guns, they let them fall, crushing the skulls of negroes at every blow. This was more than mortal man could stand, and in a little while the lines were re-estab- lished and the dead of tlie enemy lay in heaps upon the ground. I mention this battle for the reason that, taken un- awares as we were, mth the heavens filled with dust and smoke, and the earth rocking beneath our feet, with out-speak- ing thunders in our ears, if that portion of Lee's army which held the lines around Petersburg had not been made up of some of the coolest and bravest men that ever fired a musket, they would have stampeded then and there and Grrant would have taken the city and Lee's army could have been de- stroyed. This is doubtless what the enemy expected us to do, but instead of that, our brave boys never wavered for an instant, but marched to the rescue of the gallant South Car- olinians, as if they were going on dress parade. General Ransom being absent, the brigade was commanded that day by Colonel McAfee, of the Forty-ninth. Another notable battle in which the Forty-ninth was en- gaged was the battle of Hare's Hill, on 25 March, 1865. In this battle the Forty-ninth lost fully one-half its number in killed, wounded and missing. Somebody blundered here. On the morning of the 25th a corps of engineers and sharp- shooters crossed over the space between the lines, and without the loss of a single man, captured the enemy's works, includ- 158 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'Go. ing Fort Stead man, together with a largo nnmber of prison- ers. The iiiain body of our army followed and took posses- sion of the works and then lay down and waited until the enemy could reinforce their lines, and still w'aited until they came \\\)on us in front and by Hank in numbers so great that they c(»uld not l)e counted, then we were ordered to fall l)ack to our own lines, which wo did through such a storm of shot and sliell as I never dreamed of before. How any man es- caped death I have never been al>le to see. I remember starting on the perilous run never expecting to reach our lines, and the terrible thought would come to me, ''I am to be shot in the back." I have always been able to find some sort of excuse for failures, but in this instance I stand to-day as I did on that day, and. unhesitatingly say, "Somebody blundered." The last battle I shall mention was that of Five Forks, the loss of which caused the fall of Petersburg and practically ended the war. After the disastrous struggle on 25 March the Forty-ninth Regiment marched tlirough Petersburg for the last time in a drenching rain, and lay at Battery ISTo. 45 all night ; then we were moved daily from place to place until the morning of the 31st we moved in the direction of Dinwid- dle Court House, and after marching and counter-marching, we finally lay down on our arms near the enemy, and waited for daylight, fully expecting to be ordered into battle every minute. We were doomed to disappointment, however, for early in the morning of the first day of April we were ordered to Five Forks, with the enemy following close in our rear. Reaching Five Forks, we quietly threw up a line of breast- works, and the enemy came thundering on in front, then in the rear, the men of the Forty-ninth blazing away with the same calm deliberation that had characterized them on scores of battlefields before, but it was no use. The Yankees sim- ply run over us and crowded us so that it became impossible to slioot. They literally swarmed on all sides of us, and by and by, as I looked toward the center of the regiment, I saw our old tattered banner slowly sinking out of sight. A few men escaped by starting early, but most of the true and tried men of this gallant old regiment were prisoners of Forty-Ninth Regiment. 159 war and in a little while were on their way to Point Lookout, or Johnson's Island. It is unjust to all the other regiments of the North Caro- lina troops to claim for any one regiment any special bravery or devotion to the Lost Cause. There was not a regiment, so far as my information goes, that did not meet all require- ments of the service and fill the measure of its responsibility to the South. But while I do not claim any special honor for any one body of soldiers from North Carolina, I do claim this for my State as against other Southern States. With a population in 1860 of 629,942, and 115,000 vot- ers, North Carolina sent 127,000 soldiers to the Confederate armies. She furnished 51,000 stands of arms, horses for seven regiments of cavalry, artillery equipments for bat- teries, etc. North Carolina expended, out of her own funds, $26,663,000 and never applied for a dollar of support from the Confederate Government. She lost 37 Colonels of regi- ments killed in action, or died of wounds. She had six Major-Generals in service, and three of them, namely : Pen- der, Ramseur and Whiting, were killed in battle. There were 25 Brigadier-Generals from this State, four of whom were killed, and all the others were wounded. The first vic- tory was won by North Carolinians at Bethel, 10 June, 1861, and they fired the last volley at Appomattox. In the seven days' fight around Richmond in 1862, there were 92 Confederate regiments engaged, and 46 of them were from North Carolina — just one-half — and more than one-half of the killed and wounded were from this State. At Chancellors ville in May, 1863, there were forty North Caro- lina regiments, and of the killed and wounded over one-half were from this State. At Gettysburg 2,592 Confederates were killed, and 12,707 wounded. Of the killed 770 were North Carolinians, 435 Georgians, 399 Virginians, 2,588 Mississippians, 217 South Carolinians, and 204 Alabamians. The Northern army lost in this gTeat battle 3,155 killed and 14,529 wounded. North Carolina lost during the war 41,000 men who were killed in battle or died in the service, 14,000 of the above number were 160 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. killed upon the battlefield, against 9,000 as the highest num- ber from any other Southern State. These are facts and figures which do not properly belong to a sketch of the Forty-ninth Regiment; still they are true as to the part which our good State played in that dreadful war, and I want our North Carolina boys and girls to know what sort of forefathers they had in the times which tried the souls of men. Peace to the ashes of the brave men who gave their lives for the Lost Cause! "They sleep their last sleep, they have fought their last battle, and no sound can awake them to glory again." May God bless the living! Some of them are watching, day by day, for the sunset's glow, or stand listening to the beat of the surf as it breaks upon the shores of eternity. May God give them victory in the last battle ! B. F. Dixon. Shelby, N. C, 9 April, 1901. FIFTIETH RE(iIMENT. 1. .John C. Vanhook, Lieut.-Colonel. 3. J. T. Ellington, 1st Lieut., Co C. 2. Wm. A. Blalock, 1st Lieut., Co. A. 4. J. C. Ellington, 2d Lieut., Co. C. FIFTIETH REGIMENT. By J. C. ELLINGTON, Second Lieutenant Company C. Tlio Fiftietii Eegiixiiut !N"orth Carolina Troops was or- ganized 15 April, 1862, at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh^ composed of the following companies : Company A — Person County — Captain John C. Van- Hook. Company B — Robeson County — Captain E. C. Adkinson, Company C — Johnston County — Captain R. D. Luns- ford. Company T) — Johnston County- — Captain H. J. Ryals. Company E — Wayne County — Captain John Griswold. Company E — Moore County — Captain James A. O. Kelly. Company G — Rutherford County — Captain C W. An- drews. Company H — Harnett County — Captain Joseph H. Ad- kinson. Company I — Rutherford County — Captain John B. Eaves. Company K — Rutherford County — Captain Samuel Wil- kins. Marshall I). Craton, of Wayne county, was elected Colo- nel ; James A. Washington, of Wayne county, Lieutenant- Colonel; George Wortham, of Granville county, Major; Dr. Walter Duffy, of Rutherford county, was appointed Surgeon ; E. B. Borden, of Wayne county, Quartermaster ; E. S. Par- ker, of Wayne county. Commissary; W. H. Borden, of Wayne county. Adjutant ; Jesse Edmundson, of Wayne, Ser- geant-Major; Dr. R. S. Moran, Chaplain. The six weeks following the organization of the regiment were spent at Camp Mangum, and we were subjected to al- most constant drilling from morning till night. There was 11 162 North Carolina Trooi-s, 1861-65. not, during tliis time, a single nuisket in the regiment, but as a substitute we were armed with what was then known as the "Conf('(lei"a1(' })ike.'' Tliis formidable implement of war con- sisted of a wooden haudle about ten feet long, at one end of which a dirk-shaj^ed spear was securely fastened, and a1>- tached to lliis spear at the sliank, or socket, was another steel blade in the form of a brier hook in order, as the boys said, that they could get them "a-going and a-coming." These were not very well adapted for practice in the manual of arms, but at the end of the six weeks the regiment w^as re- markably well drilled, considering all the circumstances. Ou •31 May we were ordered to Garysburg, near Weldon, where the same routine of daily and almost hourly'drill was kept up until 19 June, when we were ordered to Petersburg, Va., and w^ent into camp at Dunn's Hill, near the city. In a short while ■\ve were moved from here to Pickett's factory, on Swift creek, where we remained until 26 June, on which date we were or- •dered to Drury's Bluff, on the James river, below Richmond. We were now organized into a brigade composed of the 'Thirty-second, Forty-third, Forty-fifth, Fiftieth and Fifty- third ISTorth Carolina Regiments, and Second I*Torth Carolina Battalion, with General Junius Daniel in command of the brigade. I^T TKONT OF RICHMOND, 1862. On Sunday, 20 June, we were made to realize for the first time that we were actually a part of the great Confederate army, when we received orders to prepare at once for a forced march to reinforce our troops who had already been fighting for several days in succession around Richmond. Taking the Forty-third, Forty-fifth and Fiftieth ISTorth Carolina Reg- iments and Brcm's (later Grahaui's), Battery, General Daniel crossed the James river on a pontoon bridge, and after a hard day's march over almost impassable roads, we reached a point near the two contending annies and camp for the night. About daybreak on the morning of 30 June we resumed the march. Just at sun rise, and immediately in •^our front, at a short distance, a balloon sent up by the enemy for the purpose of locating our lines and discovering the Fiftieth Regiment. . 163 irnovements of our troops, made its appearance above the tree tops. Our line was iiumediately halted and a battery quickly gotten into position, opened fire on the balloon, which rapidly descended and passed from view. We resumed the march, but being thus timely warned, changed our course. We are soon joined by Walker's Brigade, moving on a different road, and together reached Kew Market at an early hour. At this place we were joined by General Wise, with the Twenty-sixth and Forty-sixth Virginia Regiments, and two light batteries, he having left Chafiin's Bluff soon after Daniel's Brigade left Drewry's Bluff', for the purpose, as he states in his official re- port, of supporting General Holmes at his urgent request. The aforementioned troops, together with a squadron of cavalry under command of Major Burroughs, constituted the conunand of General Tlieo-. H. Holmes, w^hich, early on the morning of 30 June, took position near New Market on the extreme right of the Confederate line. We remained in this position for several hours, when we received orders to move down the River road to support some batteries in charge of Colonel Deshler, which had been placed in position in a thick wood near the River Road between Malvern Hill and the James river. The three regiments of General Daniel's Brigade took position in rear of Colonel Deshler's Battery with the Forty-fifth North Carolina Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Morehead, on the right; the Fiftieth, commanded by Colonel Craton, in the center ; the Forty- third, commanded by Colonel Kenan, on the left. The right of the Forty-fifth rested a little beyond where the roads forked, and was partially protected by the woods ; the Forty- third had the slight protection afforded by woods on both sides of the road ; the Fiftieth occupied the open space made by clearings on both sides of the road at this point. About the time the formation of our lines in the road was completed, we were startled by the explosion of a single shell just over our heads, as if dropped from the skies above. We could form no idea whence it came, but were not long kept in doubt, for in a few minutes there was a perfect shower of shells of tremendous proportion and hideous sound hurled from the heavy naval guns of the Federal fleet on the James river, 164 North Carolina Troops, 1SG1-'65. just opposite and about 900 yards distant, with a perfectly open field intervening. The scene was awe-inspiring, espe- cially to raw troops who were under fire for the first time. Such a baptism of fire for troops not actually engaged in bat- tle lias very rarely been experienced in the history of war. There was a slight depression in the road-way, and across the open space occupied by the Fiftieth Regiment was a plank fence. We were ordered to lie down behind this for such protection as it and the embankment on the road side might afford. About tliis time a squadron of cavalry, which was drawn up in line on the right of the road and just opposite the position occupied by the Fiftieth Regiment, was stam- peded by the explosion of a shell in their ranks, and in their wild flight rushed their horses against the plank fence which, like a dead-fall, caught many of our men who were held down to be trampled by the horses, until we could throw down the rail fence on the opposite side of the road and allow them to escape, which they were not slow to do. In the confusion in- cident to this afl'air, and the effort of the men to escape in- jury from the wild horses, the color-bearer of the Fiftieth Regiment escaped to the open field to the right of the road and planted the colors in full view of the fleet on the river, thereby concentrating their fire on our part of the line. It was some time before he was noticed standing solitary and alone in the open field, grasping his flag staff, which was firmly ]danted in the ground, as if bidding defiance to the whole Union army and navy, and the rest of mankind. As soon as order had been restored, Colonel Deshler was notified that the infantry support was in position, and he was instructed to open fire on the enemy's lines, which were now occupying Malvern Hill. This served to divert a portion of the fire of the gunboats from our part of the line, but at the same time drew upon us the fire of the enemy's batteries on jNIalvern Hill at short range with grape and canister, together witb solid shot and shell. We were now under a heavy cross fire, wifli no protec- tion from the fire of these batteries. The Confederate bat- teries in our front under command of Colonel Deshler, were suffering terribly, and although many of the men were either killed or disabled by wounds, and most of the horses lost, Fiftieth Regiment. 165 they never wavered, but stood by their guns and served them to the close of the fight. As the fire from Malvern Hill con- tinued to increase, new batteries being constantly added, General Holmes requested General Daniel to send forward the guns of Brem's batter^' to reinforce Colonel Desh- ler. A short while after these passed to the front. General Daniel received an order from General Holmes to advance a portion of his infantry to their support. The Forty-fifth and Fiftieth Regiments promptly moved forward in column down the road, but had proceeded only a short distance when we were met by Brem's Battery in wild flight, dashing through our ranks, knocking down and running over many of our men with their horses and guns. About this time the Federals posted a battery on our right flank at short range. As it was impossible to withstand this flank fire, we were ordered to leave the road and take position under cover of the woods on the right. The writer remained in the road, but took advantage of such protection as was afi^orded by an oak gate post about eighteen inches square standing on the right of the road. I had been here but a short while when General Daniel came riding slowly along the line, speaking to and encouraging the men, his horse bleeding profusely from a wound just received. There was a perfect shower of shot and shell along the road all the while, but as he reached a point opposite where I was standing, a shell from the gun- boats exploded just above the road, and I saw him fall from his horse. He was soon able to rise and walk to the gate post, where he remained until he recovered from the shock, after which he walked to the rear, secured another horse, and returning to where I was ordered me to go across the road, form my company, which was the color company of the regi- ment, march it to our former position on the road and have the regiment form on it. We were all soon back in our first position on the road, where we remained until about 10 o'clock that night, when w^e were marched back up the road to a piece of woods and camped for the night. On the fol- lowing day, 1 July, v.-e took position near that of the day be- fore, and remained in line of battle during the day and all night. For six days in succession the Confederates had been 166 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. successful in battle, and the Federal army, under General McClellan, was whipped, demoralized and in full retreat, hoping almost against hope, that they might by some chance reaeli cover of their gunboats on the James river. The battle of Malvern Hill, the last of the seven days' battles, proved disastrous to the Confederates. There was a fearful sacri- fice of life and all for naught, as on the following morning, 2 July, we stood for hours and watched the Federal column moving along the roads to their haven of safety under cover of their gunboats at Harrison's Landing, and we were pow- erless to interpose any obstacle. Without presuming to criticise the conduct of this battle, or fix the responsibility for failure to capture McClellan's en- tire army, a result which at this time seemed almost abso- lutely certain, I will simply recall the fact that as early as the night of 29 June, and all day of the 30th, General Holmes was within a short distance of the naturally strong position of Malveni Hill with more than 6,000 troops, and could easily have occupied this position. During the day of 30 June, General Porter, of the Federal army, took advantage of this opportunity to occupy and fortify these heights, and thereby cover the retreat and make possible the escape of McClellan's army, Avhile the 6,000 troops under General Holmes for two days and nights served no other purpose than to fumisli tar- gets for the Federal gunboats and batteries. On 2 July we commonced the march back to our former camp at Drewrv's Bluff, reacliing tliere about S o'clock the next moniing. On 6 July we were ordered to Petersluirg, where for sev- eral weeks we were employed in constnieting breastworks around the city and doing picket duty nlong the river. II AIMIISOX^S LAXDIXG. On -'51 July, just one luoutli after tlic battle of ^lalvern Hill, the infantry bi'igades of Generals ^Manning and Daniel, and the artillery brought over by General Pendleton, consist- ing of forty-three pieces, together with the light batteries be- longing to General D. JT. Hill's command, making seventy pieces in all, left Petersburg on a secret mission. In order Fiftieth Regiment. 167 to conceal the real design, the report had been freely circu- lated that it was a demonstration against Suffolk. We left Petersburg at 7 o'clock a. in., inarched seven miles and were halted at Perkinson's Mill, where rations were issued to the men. Late in the afternoon we resumed the inarch, having received orders that all canteens or anything that was calcu- lated to make unnecessary noise, should be discarded, and that no one should speak above a whisper under penalty of death. The night was intensely dark, as a heavy thunder storm pre- vailed. This caused much trouble and consequent delay on the part of the artillery, which was following in our rear. About midnight General Hill, with the infantry brigades of Manning and Daniel, reached Merchant's Hope Church. In a short while General Pendleton arrived and reported to General Hill that it would be impossible to get his guns in position ill time to make tlie attack that night, as had been contemplated and planned. General Hill expressed great disappointment and fear that the expedition would prove a failure, as our troops would undoubtedly be discovered the next day. He turned over the command to General S. G. French and returned to Petersburg that night. The infantry moved back from tlie road in a thick wood just opposite the church, where they remained concealed the balance of the night, all of the next day and until midnight of 1 August. About the time we reached our position on the night of 31 July, tlie rain, which had been threatening during the fore part of the night, broke loose in a perfect torrent, thoroughly flooding the flat, swampy ground upon which we were com- pelled to lie until midnight of 1 Augmst. This day, 1 August, was the date set apart by the State au- thorities of ISTorth Carolina for the casting of the soldier vote in the State election, which was then held on the first Thurs- . day in Augiist. We, therefore, had the novel experience of conducting an important and exciting election while lying flat on the gTound in mud and water, and "no one allowed to move or speak under penalty of death." It is needless to state that Colonel Z. B. Vance, who was recognized as the soldiers' candidate for Governor, received an overwhelming majority of the vote cast. The writer, who was then eighteen 168 North Carolina Troops, 1SC1-'65. years of age, had the pleasure of casting his first political vote for this favorite son of the Old North State. For fear that some member of Congress, over zealous for the mainte- nance of "the purity of the ballot," may introduce a "joint resolution" to inquire into the legality of this election, I will state that in the army "age" was not one of the qualifications inquired into, but the carrying of a musket or sword was con- sidered all-suflicient. After it had been decided that it was impracticable to make the attack on the night of 31 July, General Pendleton gave orders to his subordinate officers to take such steps as would effectuallv conceal their guns and horses from the observation of the enemy when they sent up their balloon next morning, which w^as their custom each morning as soon as it was light enough to see distinctly. They had barely completed this task when the balloon was seen slowly ascending, but fortu- nately they were not discovered. Each commander of a bat- tery had certain specific work assigned him by General Pen- dleton, and they spent the entire day in selecting locations and routes by Avhich they could reach the same the follomng night. They also took advantage of the day time, when everything was in full view, to range stakes by which to direct their fire at night. The long range guns were directed on McClellan's camp across the river, and the short range on the shipping on tlu; river. The plan was to make the attack pre- cisely at midniglit, but it was 12 :30 before everything was in readiness. Forty-three of the seventy guns had been placed in position on tlic bank of the river, some of them at the very water's edge. The otlier guns were not considered of suffi- cient range, and were, therefore, not brought into action. By 12 o'clock the infantry lind been quietly formed, moved across the road, and drawn up in line between the church and the river, in rear of our g\ms. We were held in suspense for half an liour wlioii tlic expected "signal" gim was fired. Im- mediately and sinniltaneously the forty-three guns were dis- charged. Each of tlie guns liad been supplied with from twenty to thirty rounds, with instiiictions to fire these as rap- idly as possible, hitcli np and retire. The noise and the flaslies of light produced by the rapid and continuous fire of Fiftieth Regiment. 169 these guns in the dead of a dark, still night, immediately on the water front of the river, was awe-inspiring in the extreme, and the consternation produced among the shipping on tlie river and in the camp beyond was indescribable. In less than ten minutes many of the vessels were sinking and many others were seriously damaged. In a few minutes after we opened fire several gunboats, which were up the river on the lookout for the Confederate "Merrimac" ISTo. 2, which they were momentarily expecting to come down the river, and which were constantly kept under a full head of steam and prepared for instant action, steamed past our position at a rapid rate of speed, raking the banks of the river with their fire, but not halting to engage our batteries in fair action. Our only casualties were one man killed and two wounded by the explosion of a shell at one of the batteries served by Cap- tain Dabney. The damage inflicted on the enemy will per- haps never be known. General McClellan, in his first re- port to Washington next morning, states his only damage to be one man slightly wounded in the leg, but in a later report the same day, admits the loss of ten men killed and twelve wounded, and a number of horses killed ; but he strangely omits any reference to the damage inflicted on the shipping on the river where most of the guns were directed, and at much shorter range than his camp, where, as stated in his re- port, "For about half an hour the fire was very hot, the shells falling everywhere from these headquarters to Westover." As evidence that the damage to the shipping must have been serious, on the following morning as the tide came in the whole face of the river was covered with floating wreckage. Thus ended one of the most interesting, as it was one of the most mysterious afPairs of the war. After the affair just related, we returned to Petersburg and thence to our former camp at Drewry's Bluff, when we were again employed in constructing fortifications and doing such picket duty as was required. On 14 August General McClellan commenced very sud- denly and hurriedly to abandon his camp at Harrison's Land- ing, and a few days thereafter the writer rode down the river and went through and took a general survey of the camp. I 170 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. have never witnessed so great destruction of property as I saw then. Articles of clothing and blankets (all new) by tlie thousands, were piled in great heaps and apparently sat- urated with oil and fired. Great heaps of corn and oats in sacks were similarly treated and guns by the hundreds and various other articles of value were scattered over the camp^ indicating that they must have left in a very gi'eat haste. Tn the early part of the war it was persistently charged and as persistently denied, that the Federal troops used "steel breast-plates" for protection. I can not certify as to the truth of the charge, but will state that I saw a number of their breast-plates which were left in McClellan's camp. We remained at and around Drewry's Bluff the balance of the year. In December we constructed comfortable log cabins in which to spend the winter. We completed them in time to move in just a few days before Christmas. We en- joyed a jolly Christmas and congTatulated ourselves on being comfortably housed for the winter, but on the last day of De- cember the brigade received "marching orders," and on 1 Jan- uary, 1863, we started for iSTorth Carolina and reached Golds- boro on 3 January. We remained here until 3 February, when we started on tlie march to Kinston in a very heavy snow storm. We reached Kinston on 7 Feliruarv, and went into caiiip. A'l'TACK ox NEW BEUX. A plan for a general and concertc^l mov(Mnent along the coast region between Xorfolk and Wilmiiigtnn had l)ecn ar- ranged for tlie early spring. A part of \hv \)\i\n was to make a simultaneous and cond)ined attack t)n New Bern from three points. General Pettigrew was to open the attack from the north side of the Neuse river and General Daniel with his brigade was to follow on the south side, while General Bob- ert Bansom moved down the Trent river, these last twx:) com- mands to attack fi'om tlie land side and tlie rear of the city. The Forty-third, Forty-Hfth and Fifticlh Bogiments of Dan- iel's Brii^adc Icfl t1ic caiiip ncnr Kiiislnn dn the nioi'iiing of 12 ^larch, moving down on the south side of Xeuse river, accom- panied by General D. IF. Hill in person. Late in the after- Fiftieth Regiment. 171 noon of 13 March, we encountered the enemy in considerable force of infantry, cavalry and artillery, and strongly forti- fied at "Deep Gully," a small stream a few miles west of ]^ew Bern. General Daniel led the attack in person, and after a lively skirmish the enemy retired liastily and in much confusion. After thoroughly shelling the woods in front, we occupied their abandoned works for the night. During the night the enemy was reinforced by three regiments of Massachusetts in- fantry, together with cavalry and artillery. At daybreak on the following morning we moved to the east side of the stream and took position in the following order: Forty-fifth Regi- ment in the centre, Forty-third to the right, and Fiftieth to the left of the road. A strong skirmish line was immediately thrown forward by the Fiftietli Regiment to feel for the en- emy in the thick wood in our front. When they had ad- vanced only a few paces in front of the main line they re- ceived a volley from the enemy, to which they promtly re- plied, and then followed a lively skirmish, our line slowly, but steadily, advancing all the w^hile. The enemy resisted stubbornly, but were forced back on their main line. This our men were instructed to do, and then to slowly fall back in the hope that the enemy would follow and be drawn on our main line and thus bring on a regular engagement, but they remained behind their fortifications. While the Fiftieth Regiment was thus engaged. Colonel Kenan, with his Forty- third Regiment, gallantly drove the enemy from his front on the right of the road. We were in suspense in the meantime, waiting for the sound of Pettigrew's guns on the north side of the river, which, by arrangement, was to be the signal for our advance to the attack of the city from the rear. Owing to the soft, miry character of the soil on the flat lands on the north side of the river, he found it impossible to move his gxxns near enough to be brought into action, and without these nothing could be accomplished, and he concluded to withdraw his line and this forced us to retire from our position, which we did the following day and returned to Kinston. 172 North Carolina Tkoops, 1861 -'65. washington^ n. c. On 25 JMarcli, 1863, the Fiftieth Kegiment left Kinston for Greenville, and on the 29th, crossed the Tar river, and join- ing Garnett's Brigade moved on Washington, which we in- vested for sixteen days. The regiment first took position with Garnett's Brigade on the east side, and near the town, but was afterwards ordered to meet a strong force of the en- emy, which were reported to be advancing from Plymouth. They afterwards recrossed the Tar river and rejoined their old brigade (General Daniel's), which had been recalled from Virginia, at the Cross Roads near Washington, on the south side of the river. On 9 April the Fiftieth Regiment was sent by General Daniel, at the request of General Pet- tigrew to aid him in the affair at Blount's Mill. After this we returned to our brigade at the Cross Roads, and on the night of the 14th the Fiftieth Regiment moved down the 'Grimes Road" and took position in a small clearing to the right of the woods a few hundred yards from the bridge at the town. We were exposed to heavy fire from the Federal guns, which had perfect range of the road for more than a mile. We were located by the small clearing which we oc- cupied and were subjected to heavy fire from the combined batteries throughout the night, but having the protection of the timber in the intervening swamp, suffered very little. On the 15th the entire brigade took position near the river be- tween the town and Rodman's Point. The Fiftieth Regi- ment was sent across the low land and took position immedi- ately on the bank of the river. In a short while our batteries at Hill's and Rodman's points opened a heavy fire, which lasted only for a short while. We supposed that the enemy's boats, which were constantly attempting to "run the block- ade," had been driven back, as usual, but in a few minutes were taken completely by surprise when a small gunboat made its appearance in front of us and discovering our line drawn up on .the bank of the river, greeted us with a succes- sion of broad sides with grape and canister, until we "double- quicked" across the open ground and found cover behind a swamp. The gari'ison now being relieved by an ample sup- Fiftieth Regiment. 173 ply of rations and ammunition, as well as reinforcement of fresh troops, the siege of Washington, which had lasted for sixteen days, was raised, and on the 16th our troops retired to Greenville. The Federal commander, General Foster, in his official report, states that the ''Escort," which succeeded in running the gauntlet of our batteries, was struck forty times by the guns at Hill's and Rodman's points, and that the pilot was killed by a rifle shot. On 1 May the brigade Avas ordered to Kinston, and on the 7th moved down near Core creek, on the Atlantic & ISTorth Carolina Railroad, and tore up several miles of the railroad track. Together with Colonel Xethercutt's Battalion, we made repeated incursions into the enemy's territory around New Bern, capturing a number of their pickets and scouts. On 17 June the brigade was again ordered to Virginia, and we reached the depot about midnight; but before we were all aboard our train an order was received for the Fiftieth to return to their camp, and thus for the second time we were separated from our brigade, which we never rejoined. On 21 June we were ordered to Greenville and attached to Martin's Brigade. We were engaged in constructing forti- fications around the town and occasionally raiding the en- emy's territory around Washington until 3 July, when we returned to Kinston. pottery's raid. On 19 July, 1863, we received orders to intercept General Potter, who was raiding the eastern counties from Kew Bern to Rocky Mount. This expedition, composed chiefly of the Third ISTew York Cavalry and "J^orth Carolina Union Troops," mostly negroes, left J^ew Bern on 18 July and reached Street's Ferry on their return 22 July. They burned the bridges at Greenville, Tarboro, Rocky Mount; also the railroad bridge and trestle at this place, the Battle cotton factory, machine shops, engines and cars, store-houses, flour mills, a Confederate iron-clad gunboat, with two other steam- boats, all provisions they could find, and eight hundred bales of cotton. Some of the above might be excused as being 174 North Carolina Troops. 1S in tinio of war, but the conduct generally through the country traversed was wholly inexcusable, cowardly, and infamous in the extreme. Where they visited plantations they ordei-ed the negroes to take the horses, wagons, buggies and carriages and plunder their owner's houses, taking what- ever they wished and join the procession. General Potter, in his otHcial report, states that some three hundred of these negroes reached New Bern with him. Tliis is a very small proportion of the number we intercepted and captured at the "Burney Place," where Potter succeeded in flanking us and making his escape. Our object was to get between Potter and ISTew Bern, cut off his retreat if possible, or at least harass and delay his return until reinforcements might reach us by way of Kinston and effec^t his capture. Unfortunately we had no cavalry except a small detachment of Colonel Ken- nedy's men. Colonel Faison, with the Fifty-sixth North Car- olina Regiment, had been left to guard and hold Coward's bridge. This left only the Fiftieth Regiment and a portion of Colonel Whitford's Battalion to operate. The difficulty of conteiuling with the movements of cavalry in an open coun- try can be fully appreciated, especially as they kept con- stantly on the move all night. By destroying all the bridges and by rapid movement, without rest, sleep or anything to eat, we held them on the upper side of the creek for two days and nights. After maneuvering all night of the 21st, cross- ing plantations and traveling unused country paths, they suc- ceeded in escaping wdth the head of their column about daybreak on the morning of the 2 2d. We succeeded, how- ever, in reaching the point in time to intercept the rear of the colunm consisting mostly of negroes, traveling in every con- ceivable style. General Potter, in his haste to escape, with his troops, abandoned his "contrabands," as he calls them, to their fate. On reaching the "Buraey Place" we opened fire on the colunm with a small brass cannon mounted on a saddle strapped to the back of a mule. This utterly demoralized the "contrabands" who, in their mad rush to keep pace with their erstwhile deliverers, but who were now fleeing for their lives, failed to discover us. The shock was so sudden and unex- Fiftieth Regiment. 175 pected that the effect was indescribable. The great caval- cade, composed of men, women and children, perched on wagons, carts, buggies, carriages, and monnted on horses and mnles, whipping, slashing and yelling like wild Indians, was suddenly halted by our fire upon the bridge. This fire Avas upon some negro troops who were in the rear of Potter's column. One negro ( 'aptain, who was driving a pair of spir- ited iron-gray horses, attempted to rush past three of our men who were lying in the yard and was shot dead as he stood up in the l)uggy firing at them as he drove past. Many others were either killed or wounded in attempting to escape through the woods near by. In the excitement and confusion which ensued many of the vehicles were upset in attempting tO' turn around in the road and many others wrecked by the fright- ened horses dashing through the woods. We scoured the woods and gathered up several hundred negroes among the number several infants and a number of .small children who had been abandoned to their fate. About 8 o'clock we started in pursuit of Potter. For miles the road and woods on either side were strewn with all kinds of wearing apparel, table ware, such as fine china and silver ware, blankets, fine bed quilts and all sorts of ladies' wearing apparel which had been taken from the helpless, unprotected women at the planta- tions visited by the negroes, under General Potter's orders. The reason these things were strewn indiscriminately along the road was that the few men of Colonel Kennedy's Cavalry and such as we were able to mount from time to time with the abandoned horses, kept up a running fight with the rear of the retreating column from the ''Burney Place" to Street's Ferry, causing many of the spirited carriage horses to be- come unmanageable and take to the woods, wrecking the vehi- cles and scattering their contents. I saw a number of in- stances where the carriages had been upset and the throats of the horses cut to prevent their falling into our hands. The Fiftieth Peginient, with the exception of tlie few who had been mounted, performed the extraordinary feat of marching forty-eight miles on this, 22 day of July, 1863, reaching Street's Ferry about two hours in the night, and this after having been in line or on the march continuously for two days 176 North Carolina Troops, 1801 -'65. and nights without rest, sleep or rations. When we reached tlie ferry tliat niglit there was perhaps not more than one- foui-tli of our men in line. The writer had charge of the remnants of four companies, hut after a rest of about two hours nearly every man and officer was in his place. About midnight some citizens of that section came into our camp and reported that General Potter had communicated with ISTew Bern and that a nund)er of transports had reached the Ferry with lieavy reinforcements, and that we were in very great danger of being captured. Acting upon the supposi- tion tliat tliis report was true, we left our campfires brightly burning, aiu] retiring in midnight darkness, marched the bal- ance of the night, in the direction of Kinston, thus adding this to our previous record of forty-eight miles, all within twenty-four hours. We afterward learned that we had been deceived by "Buffaloes," and that the transports from New Bern did not reach Str(;et's Ferry until late in the afternoon of the next day. Thus ended the "Potter Raid," one of the most infamous affairs that stain the record of our Civil War, and one which, I believe, has made every true soldier, who was forced to take part in it, blush with shame. On 9 August the regiment was ordered to Wilmington, and first went into camp at Virginia Creek and afterward at vari- ous places along the sound from there to Fort Fisher. On reaching camp on Topsail Sound, commissary supplies were brought down from Wilmington late at night, and rations were issued to the entire regiment early the next morning. All cooked and ate breakfast about the same time, and the en- tire regiment, men and officers, were poisoned by eating flour which had been poisoned and sent through the blockade. JSTo deaths resulted directly, but the serious effects were felt for a long time and much sickness resulted. This was the sec- ond occurrence of the kind at Wilmington. We remained in and around Wilmington until the spring of 1864, engaged in constiiicting fortifications, doing picket duty along the coast, and provost duty in the city. ISTothing except an occasional shelling from some of the enemy's guns and watching our steamers successfully, and with a regularity almost equal to Fiftieth Regiment. 177 an up-to-date railroad schedule, run the so-called blockades, served to break the monotony of our every-day life. On 28 April, 1864, we received orders to proceed to Tar- boro. On 30 April, started on the march to Plymouth. The town had, after two days of desperate lighting by the Con- federate infantry, led l)y the gallant Hoke, assisted by Cap- tain Cooke, with the iron-clad boat "Albemarle," surrendered to the commander of the Confederate forces on 20 April. A part of the Fiftieth Regiment was stationed at Plymouth as a garrison for that place and the other part was sent to the town of Washington in charge of Lieutenant-Colonel Van Hook for similar duty. The chief occupation of the regi- ment from this time to the latter part of October following, was raiding the eastern counties lying along the coast from ISTew Bern to the Virginia line for the purpose of collecting and bringing out provisions from these productive counties for the use of our army in Virginia. This work was done by small detachments usually in charge of a Captain or a Lieutenant, but in many instances in charge only of a non- commissioned officer. The enemy being constantly on the lookout for these raiding parties, frequent encounters re- sulted. Recounting the many thrilling adventures covering this period, a whole volume might be written as a well-earned tribute to the private soldier, as many of the daring deeds were accomplished by them without the aid or direction of an officer. Many prisoners and miich valuable propeiiy were brought in by these small detachments, and a remarkable fact is that they rarely ever lost a man. On one occasion a small party were scouting in the vicinity of Coinjock, where there was a ''lock" on the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, and noticing the manner of passing boats through this "lock," concluded that it afforded a splendid opportunity to capture one. On returning to camp they reported to their officers the result of their observations and conclusions, and asked per- mission to make the attempt to carrj' them into effect. The officers seeming unwilling to assume the responsibility, they then asked for the assurance that they did not object to their assuming all the responsibility and undertaking the job. . 12 178 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. Having received this, they at once commenced to make the necessary preparation. Being their week "off duty" they at once proceeded to the place, and having detailed their plans to the "lock-keeper" and secured his co-operation, they con- cealed themselves near by and awaited the arrival of the Gov- ernment mail boat, plying betAveen Norfolk and New Bern. The machinery for operating the "lock" very opportunely refused to work and the boat was unable to move in either direction, being fast upon the bottom. The squad made a sudden dash, and after firing a few shots the Captain surren- dered his boat. They secured the United States mail pouches and such other valuables as they could carry, and then re- leased the boat with all on board except General Wessells, who had shortly before surrendered Plymouth to General Hoke, and who had been paroled and was on his way to be ex- changed. He protested against his arrest and detention, but without avail, as the boys marched him back to Plymouth, the scene of his recent misfortune and humiliation. On another occasion a small party secured a boat, and crossing the sound, readied Roanoke Island at night and proceeded to the light house, and after destroying the light, took the keeper and his wife prisoners. Hundreds of such deeds of daring and ad- venture might be recorded, but this sketch must necessarily be brief. 23 October the regiment was relieved and ordered to Tar- boro, and on the night of 27 October Lieutenant Gushing, of the United States Navy, made his way up the river in a small steam launch, passed the pickets stationed on the wreck of the "Southfield," which was sunk by the Albemarle in the en- gagement of 19 and 20 April, and making a sudden dash at the Albemarle, exploded a torpedo under her bottom, which caused her to sink at once, thus nuiking it possible for the en- emy to recapture Plymouth, which they did on 31 October. This feat of Lieutenant Cusliing was one of the most daring and desperate on record, but one which might easily have been prevented if our pickets had been as watchful as they should have been. Several attempts had been made by this same officer to pass our pickets on the river while the Fifti- eth Regiment was in charge, but always failed, and several Fiftieth Regiment. 179 of his men were killed and captured in these attempts. The Fiftieth Regiment would have remained at Plymouth but for the urgent appeal made by General Lee to Governor Vance and General Holmes to garrison Plymouth and Washington with North Carolina Reserves, and send the Fiftieth back to Virginia. But for this change it is almost certain that Ply- mouth would not have fallen into the hands of the enemy at the time and under the circumstances it did, thus cutting off the chief source of supplies for our anny in Virginia. After the baggage had been loaded, and just as the regiment was ready to go in the cars, the news of the fall of Plymouth was received, order countermanded, and the regiment was, for the third time, prevented from returning to Virginia. We remained at Tarboro and Williamston for one month. 24 jSTovember the Regiment was ordered to Augusta, Ga., reaching that place on the 27th, and on the 29th was ordered to Savannah. On reaching Charleston the next day a spe- cial train was in waiting, General Hardee having telegraphed General Beauregard from Savannah to rush the regiment with all possible haste to Grahamville to meet General Fos- ter, who was moving on the Charleston & Savannah Railroad near that point for the purpose of destroying the long trestle and thus cut off all communication with Savannah. On the night of 29 November, General G. W. Smith reached Savannah with a brigade of less than one thousand Georgia militia. At this time there were no other troops in Savannah, General Hardee had received information that General Foster was moving in force on the Charleston & Sa- vannah Railroad for the purpose of destroying the long tres- tle near Grahamville and thus cut off the only means of transporting troops and supplies to Savannah. General Smith's militia were the only troops that could possibly reach the scene in time to check this advance and save the road, and he had received positive instructions from the Governor of Georgia not to carry the militia beyond the State line. He and General Hardee hurriedly discussed the situation in all its bearings, and the conclusion was reached that the condi- dition and circumstances justified disobeying the orders of 180 North Carolina Trooi's. 18G1-'05. the Governor, and the train which contained the troops was shifted to the Charleston & Savannah road, reaching Ilardee- ville at daybreak 30 November. They at once proceeded to Honey Hill, and passing a short distance beyond, discovered that the enemy in force had already reached and occupied the position which had been chosen by the Confederat-e com- mander prior to the arrival of the troops. This forced Gen- eral Smith to fall back and occupy a less desirable position. About 8 :30 a. m. the enemy commenced his advance on this position and was greeted by a single shot from the only gun in position. Thus opened one of the most remarkable battles, in many respects, that was fought during the Civil War. The fighting was fierce and furious throughout the entire day, and ended only when the darkness of night made it possible for the enemy to retreat unobserved. Charge after charge during the first part of the day was repelled by this small band of Georgia militia, supported only by a South Carolina battery of five light field pieces. During the morning the Forty- seventh Georgia Regiment arrived, but was held in reserve until ordered into action to check a flank movement of the enemy. The Thirty-second Georgia and Fiftieth North Car- olina, sent from Charleston, reached the field too late to par- ticipate. The Confederate forces present and engaged con- sisted of the Georgia Militia (Senior and Junior Reserves), 1,000 strong, the Forty-seventh Georgia Regiment, and the South Carolina Battery, commanded by Colonel Gonzales, making a total of 1,400 in all. The Federal forces engaged consisted of the Fifty-sixth, One Hundred and Twenty-seventh, One Hundred and Forty- fourth, One Hundred and Fifty-seventh New York Regi- ments; Forty-fourth Massachusetts (colored), and Fifty-fifth Massachusetts ; Twenty-fifth Ohio ; Twenty-sixth, Thirty-sec- ond, Thirty-fifth, One Hundred and Second United States Colored Regiments ; a brigade^ of Marines, a number of field batteries and several naval guns brought up from the gun- boats in the river near by. The losses, as taken from the official reports, are as follows; Confederate: Killed, 8; \vounded, 42; total, 50. Fiftieth Regiment. 181 Federals: Killed, 88; wounded, 623; missing, 43; total, 754. The Fifty-fifth Massachusetts reports the loss of its Colonel and 100 men in five minutes, and the Fifty-fourth Massachu- setts (colored), reports carrying 150 wounded from the field. Considering all the circumstances, the character of the troops engaged, disparity in numbers, this fight perhaps has jio parallel in history. SAVANNAH. On 2 Deeember the regiment reached Savannah, and on the 3d was ordered to the Forty-five Mile Station on the Geor- gia Central Railroad. The other troops were ordered back to the entrenchment at Savannah, leaving the Fiftieth Regi- ment and a small squadron of Wheeler's Cavalry alone to meet and contend with Slierman's column which was moving down the Georgia Central Railroad. The instructions were to harrass and delay the column so as to gain time to strengthen our fortifications around the city as much as pos- sible. On the 7th we commenced to skirmish with the van- guard, and on the 9th, having fallen back some distance to a strong position, the skirmishing became general and very heavy. The main body of the regiment had fortified a natur- ally strong position on the right of the road, and Lieut. Jesse T. Ellington, of Company C, was sent with a strong skiraiish line to an open savanna on the left to protect that flank. The advance of the enemy was checked and the firing soon became extremely heavy at the point occupied by the regiment, but they stubbornly resisted the repeated attacks and held their position. After awhile there was a sudden lull in the firing on that side of the road which attracted Lieutenant Ellington's attention, and seeking a point where he could get a view of the breastworks discovered that they were occupied by the en- emy in force. They had succeeded in flanking the position on the right, and thus forcing the regiment to hastily retire across a bridge which was held by some of Wheeler's men for this purpose. Lieutenant Ellington had been instructed to hold his position until he received orders to withdraw, and now found himself entirely cut off, the enemy considerably to 182 North Carolina Troops, 18f)l-'65. the rear of his position and a strong skirmish line deployed immediately in rear of his own line. He quietly faced his men about and commenced to move forward in regular order, and passing along the line whispered instructions to each man, Noticing a dense swamp some distance in front and to the right of the line of march, he had instructed the men to watch him and as they neared the swamp, at a given signal from him, to stoop as low as possible and run for the SAvamp. They had been moving all the while between the skirmish lines, the original one which was now in their rear and the new one which was thrown out after capturing our works, which was now in front. When they reached what seemed the most favorable position, the signal was given and prompt- ly obeyed by every man. As they made the break it was dis- covered for the first time that they were Confederates, and fired upon. Three of his men were shot dead, but all of the others, though fired at repeatedly, succeeded in reaching the swamp, which was quickly surrounded, but not a single one was captured. During the night they quietly left the swamp and attempted to make their way tlirough the lines. As the night was dark they were guided in their course by the guna at Fort McAllister, but after swimming the Ogeechee river and proceeding for some distance, the firing at the fort ceased and about the same time a battery of heavy guns opened in an entirely different direction, causing them to lose their course. This brought them again to the Ogeechee river, which they recrossed and after travelling all night, found themselves at daybreak next morning on the same ground they had left the evening before, and again in the rear of the enemy. They could make but little headway during the day but, the fol- lowing night brought them near the linos of the two contend* ing armies, which were now facing each otlier around and near the city. It was now daylight and the fighting was in progress all aloug the lines which, at this point, were only a short distance apart. Discovering a short and \uioccupied space in the Federal line, they made a sudden dash, at the same time signaling to our troops not to fire. They were dis- covered aud drew the combined fire froiu the right and left of the enemy's line, but reached our line safely. Fiftieth Regiment. 183 On 10 December, Sherman commenced the investment of the citj of Savannah, and on the 13th the small garrison at Fort McAllister were forced to surrender. The enemy now controlled the river above and below, and the last means of escape for Hardee's army had been cut off. General Sher- man sent in a flag of truce and demanded an unconditional surrender of the city. The reply of General Hardee, charac- teristic of the man and soldier, was : "I have plenty of guns, and men enough to- man them, and if you ever take Savan- nah you will take it at the point of the bayonet." This was "bluff" in all of its perfection, as we then had not exceeding 5,000 regular troops all told, and were trying to gain time, hoping almost against hope, that some means of escape might be provided. The fighting continued day and night all alon^ our lines, but no general assault was ever made. The fall of Fort McAllister enabled the Federal fleet to enter the river and thus establish Sherman's communication with the outside world. While Sherman was hesitating and wasting time over at Hilton Head aiTanging with General Foster for re- inforcements of men and heavy guns with which to contend with our little army of about 5,000, while he already had more than ten to one, we were keeping up the fight all along the line and at the same time kept a detail working night and day constructing a pontoon bridge across the river. This was accomplished by collecting such small flat boats as could be found along the river and arranging them in line, using car wheels as anchors. The heavy timbers about the wharf were utilized as stringers from one boat to another, and then using planks from buildings, which were torn down for the purpose, as a flooring, by laying them across these. The boats, being of various sizes and shapes and of une- qual supporting power, made a very uneven surface, and the flooring being of a variety of lengths and thickness, still fur- ther increased a tendency to slide to the low places and other- wise get out of place, especially as it was entirely unsecured. In addition to the pontoon bridge, it was necessary to con- struct a long stretch of roadway across an impassable swamp and bog between the river and roads traversing the rice farms. This was done effectuallv bv the liberal vise of rice straw and 184 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. sheaf rice wliieh was secured in a])undance at a near by rice mill. Extract from a commimication of General Sherman to Geneneral Grant 16 December: ''I think Hardee, in Savannah, has good artillerists, some 5,000 or 6,000 infantry, and it may be a mongrel mass of 8,000 to 10,000 militia and fragments." Extract from General Hardee's reply to General Sherman's demand for the "unconditional surrender of the city" on 17 December : "Your demand for tlie surrender of Savannah and its der pendent forts is refused. With respect to the threats con- veyed in the closing paragraph of your letter, of what may be expected in case your demand is not complied with, I have to say that T have hitherto conducted the military operation intrusted to my direction in strict accordance with the rules of civilized warfare, and I should deeply regret the adoption of any course by you that may force me to deviate from them in future." Extract from connnunication of General Sherman to Gen- eral Grant 18 December: "'I ^^■rote yo\i at length by Colonel Babcock on the 16th in- stant. As I therein explained my purpose, yesterday I made demand on General Hardee for the surrender of the city of Savannali, and to-day received his answer refusing. * * * I should like very much indeed to take Savannah before coming to you; but, as T wrote you before, T will do nothing rash or hasty, and will embark for the James river as soon as General Easton, wlio has gone to Port Royal for that purpose, reports to me that ho lias an a])propriate number of vessels for the transportation of the contemplated force. * * * I do sincerely believe tliat the whole United States, North and South, Wdiild rejoice to have this army turned loose on Soutli Carolina to devastate tliat State, in the manner we have done Georgia." On lU l)ecemi)er. General McLaws, in whose division the Fiftieth Regiment. 185 Piftieth North Carolina Regiment belonged, received the fol- loAving coinniunication from General Hardee : ^'General : — Lieutenant-General Hardee directs me to sav that the pontoon is completed, and he desires that you will see that your wagons containing cooking utensils and baggage are sent over and on to Hardeeville at daylight in the morning. Respectfully, General, "Your obedient servant, ''D. H. Pool, "Assistant Adjutant General." About 10 o'clock on the night of 19 December, the writer received instruction to report at once to General McLaws at his headquarters at the Telfair House. On reaching there I was informed that all arrangements had been made for the "withdraAval of our troops from the lines during the night, and received instructions to report promptly at 12 o'clock to take charge of the wagon train of our command, proceed at once to the city, break open the cars in which our baggage was stored and secure all important papers, etc., but not at- tempt to carry out any private baggage. Shortly after day of the 30th, this work had been accomplished and we com- menced to cross the bridge. As we were the first to cross we succeeded without accident or the loss of a single team, but the other commands did not fare so well. The loose planks forming the floor were constantly slipping down to the low places, causing great gaps in the floor, at which the mules would take fright and shying to either side, would get on to the projecting planks and topple over into the river. Sev- eral teams were lost in this way. xVfter we crossed the swamp and struck the I'oad across the rice field we were in full view of the enemy, who had occupied the South Carolina side of the river for the pui^Dose of cutting off our only line of retreat. General Wheeler had been instructed by General Hardee to keep this line open at any cost, and on the day be- fore had been reinforced with troops and artillery for this purpose. A fierce fight was raging at the time between the two contending forces, each bent on the possession of the road, which was of vital importance to us. We had a splendid 186 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. view of the fight as we were passing over the long stretch of level and perfectly open rice field. We reached Tlardeeville safely that evening, but spent a restless and anxious night. Orders had been issued and ar- rangements made for the army to cross the pontoon bridge early on the morning of the 20th, but in fact it did not cross until twenty-four hours later. After the wagon trains had crossed over and the troops were ready to commence crossing, the bridge broke loose and swung down the river, necessitating a delay of a day and night before it could be replaced. The army crossed over safely on the morning of 21 December, and reached Hardeeville that day, where we had been for twenty- four hours without hearing a word in explanation of the cause of the delay. The official reports of 20 December showed "the effective strength of Sherman's army" to be 60,598, not including the strong forces of General Foster at Port Royal, Hilton Head, and Coosa whatchie and a large fleet co-operating. And yet General Hardee, with his ''8,000 or 10,000 militia and frag- ments," as General Sherman puts it, held this large and splen- didly equipped army and fleet at bay for nearly two weeks and withdrew unmolested and was well into South Carolina before it was even discovered that he had abandoned his line several miles beyond Savannah. General Sherman, who was still at Port Poyal arranging with General Foster for more troops and guns, did not reach the city until the 2 2d, more than twenty-four hours after General Hardee had safely withdrawn his entire forces. On 26 December, McLaw^s' Division left Hardeeville for Pocataligo, and on the march was compelled to diverge from the main road in order to avoid the fire from the batteries and gunboats near Coosawhatehie, as they had complete range of the road at this point. On reaching Pocataligo the Fif- tieth Regiment occupied the extreme advance position at a small stream beyond "Old Pocataligo." General L. S. Baker, who up to this time had commanded our brigade, was relieved from active duty on account of intense suffering caused by his wounded arm. He had the confidence, love, and esteem of e\'ery officer and man in the brigade, as did Fiftieth Regiment. 187 also the young men of his staff. The leave-taking was sad and affecting as they bid a final adieu to officers and privates alike. From this time the brigade was commanded by Col- onel Washington M. Hardy. On the second day after reaching Pocataligo the writer, who was on duty on the advanced picket line, received a re- quest from Colonel Hardy to report at once to his headquar- ters. On arrival he was informed that General McLaws had requested that he select and send to him for instructions, an officer who would undertake to enter General Foster's lines that night for the pui-pose of ascertaining the exact location and approximate strength of his forces. After explaining his purposes and indicating just what information he desired, his final instructions were: "Go and never return until you can make this report." 1 selected ten men from my own company, and by night had completed all necessary arrangements. An old negro, who had spent his past life on the island below and was thor- oughly acquainted with the country, and who had ''run away from the Yankees," and was now living near our camp, gave me a full description of the country and cheerfully consented to pilot me l^y a private foot path leading through a swamp to the peninsula fonned by Tullifuiny creek and Coosawhatchie river upon which Gen. Foster's main forces were camped. The main road was strongly picketed right up to our lines, but by taking this by-way through the swamps when we reached the open countiy we were well to the rear of the pickets. The old negro now pleaded piteously to be allowed to return to his home and his wife. He gave me an honest and truthful de- scription of all the surroundings, after which I sent a man back with him to pass him througli our line. The streams were full of gunboats and transports. In making a circuit of the camps we kept close to the water so as to avoid the pickets. We spent the entire night in making the circuit, counting camp fires, locating the troops and vessels, and returned safely, reaching our lines at daybreak next morning. I made a full report to the commanding officer, for whicli T and the men with me received his thanks. On 14 January, 1865, a sudden and undiscovered move- 188 North Carolina Troops, 1801 -'65. ment of the enemy from the island below, around our left flank, came very near cutting off the only line of retreat of the Fiftieth Uegiment and Tenth Battalion at "Old Pocatal- igo." There was considerable confusion and excitement for some time, as the enemy seemed to confront us in whatever direction we turned. We tinally succeeded in finding a way out and by keeping up a running fight safely crossed the Salkehatchie river at River's Bridge. During the next few days the enemy concentrated a heavy force along the opposite side of the river between Biver's and Bnford's bridges, and made repeated attempts to tlirow their pontoon bridge across the river and break tlirough McLaAvs' line. The heavy rains had caused the river to overflow and the low-lands were flooded for miles in some places. This made it very difficult to reach a point from which the movements of the enemy on the opposite side could be observed. Between the 16th and 20th we had been forced to move back three times to escape the flood. SALKEHATCHIE. On 20 January, 1865, Company I, of the Fiftieth Regi- ment, commanded by Captain John B. Eaves, was ordered to move down to a high point of the river bank, which was ascer- tained to Ix^ not under water, for the pui*pose of watching and reporting movements of the enemy. Captain Eaves re- ceived his orders from Colonel Hardy, commanding the North Carolina Brigade, and at the same time General Mc- Laws had ordered Colonel Ficer, Avitli his Georgia Brigade, to another point on the river for a like pui-pose. The river flats were heavily timbered and all under water, at tlie same time a dense fog prevailed. As a consequence of these con- ditions the troops lost their bearings and the two commands met while wading in water waist deep, and each supposing the other to be the enemy who had succeeded in crossing the river, opened fire. The fight was kept up for about two hours, (^aptain Eaves reported to Colonel Hardy, asking for reinforcements and a fresh supply of ammunition, as his was nearly exhausted. Colonel Ficer was reporting to Gen- eral ^fcLaws and asking for help ; each side was being rein- Fiftieth Regiment. 189 forced as rapidly as possible. Captain Eaves had lost sev- eral of his men, and Lient. W. M. Corbitt had taken one of their guns and was leading the men forward, firing from be- hind trees as they advanced. With his gun raised in the act of shooting he was himself shot dead by one of Wheeler's men who happened to be with Colonel Ficer at the time. About this time K. J. Carpenter and Gaither Trout, of Cap- tain Eaves' company, had approached near enough to dis- cover that Colonel Ficer's men were Confederates, and be- fore the reinforcements called for had reached either side, this sad and distressing affair had ended. The loss in Col- onel Ficer's command was considerable. When our dead and wounded were brought in and we learned the facts about this terrible mistake, there was sadness and weeping. The gallant young Corbitt was a general favorite in the regiment, the men always delighting tO' serve under him. While he was quiet, kind and tender as a woman, he did not know the meaning of the word fear when duty called him. He was brave, perhaps, it may be too- brave. His remains were sent to his heart-broken, vridowed mother in Rutherford county. On 30 January there was a general movement up the river, and on the night of 1 February, after marching until mid- night, and just after halting and building campfires, the Fif- tieth Regiment was ordered to resume the march and proceed twelve miles further up the river tO' Buford's Bridge. We reached the point at daybreak of the 2d and proceeded at once to make all necessary preparation for the rapid burning of the bridge upon the first approach of the enemy, having been in- structed to guard and keep it open as long as possible for the benefit of refugees from the opposite side of the river. Early on the morning of the 3d heavy firing was heard from down the river, lasting for about two hours, when it suddenly and entirely ceased. We concluded that the enemy, in attempt- ing to effect the crossing on their pontoons, had been driven back and that they would now attempt to cross at Buford's Bridge. We advanced our picket lines beyond the river and anxiously awaited the approach of the enemy, as well as news from our troops below. The entire day passed and we neither saw nor heard from either. Between sunset and dark a 190 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. young lad came riding into our camp with tJie news that General McLaws' lines had been broken and our entire forces driven back that morning. lie stated that General McLaws started a courier with the information that we were entirely cut off from tlie command and to take care of ourselves the best we could, but that he was captured. This boy made his way through the lines and found us at this late hour. He was not a moment too soon, for as we hurriedly marched out on one side of the little village, the enemy's cavalry was .enter- ing the other side. We were favored by the dark night and a succession of ijnpassable swamps through which the single road had been constructed which made it possible, with a small force to guard the passes against cavalry. A Lieutenant and about ten men belonging to General Wheeler's command were with us doing courier and picket duty. When we com- menced the retreat this officer told us to keep moving and he would guarantee to hold them in check and allow us to escape during the night. He was able to do this by taking advantage of the narrow ridges between the succession of swamps. On. reaching one of these he would dismount his men, and when the head of the column approached in the road, open fire. This would check their movement, as the character of the country was such that they could not leave the road. After remain- ing as long as he deemed it safe and expedient, he would mount his men and select another stand. The gallant young Tennesseean faithfully carried out his pledge to us, but at the cost of his own life, for at a late hour during the night, he was shot dead in the saddle and his horse overtook us on the road with rider lying upon his neck dead. He was taken off and buried beside the road some distance from where he received the fatal shot. After marching all night and the next day, we struck the railroad at Bamburg. We found the station deserted, but the telegraph office was open and the instru- ments in place. We tried the wires to Charleston and found that the line had not yet been cut. General Hardee informed us that the last train was expected over the road that night with the remnant of Hood's army, and if it succeeded in reaching our station, to take possession of the train and run through to Charleston if possible. We had only a short while Fiftieth Regiment. 191 to wait, but instead of going tlirough to Charleston, on reach- ing Branchville, we found our command, McLaws' division, camped beside the railroad, and we dismounted and were once more at home, much to their surprise, as we had been reported and giv^en up as lost. We now made a stand and fortified our position on the Edisto river, bat as usual the enemy, with his overwhelming force of both infantry and cavalry, flanked our position, forc- ing us to retire. We moved by way of Ridgeville, and on the 25th the Fiftieth North Carolina Regiment and Tenth North Carolina Battalion, under Colonel Hardy, occupied Florence, where all the rolling stock of the railroad south had been collected, and also a large quantity of cotton stored. The other portion of Hardee's army was now concentrated at Cheraw. Our brigade reached this place on 3 March as it was being evacuated by General Hardee, and just in time to cross the river. General Sherman writing to General Gil- more in reference to the destruction of the vast amount of rolling stock between Sumterville and Florence, uses the fol- lowing language : "I don't feel disposed to be over-generous, and should not hesitate to burn Charleston, Savannah and Wilmington, or either of them, if the garrison were needed. Those cars and locomotives should be destroyed, if to do it costs you 500 men." This language, coupled with that used in his letter to Gen- eral Grant, written from Savannah 28 December, 1864, in which he expresses the desire "to have this army turned loose on the State of South Carolina to devastate that State as it has the State of Georgia," reveals the character of the man, and sufficiently accounts for the wanton destruction of prop- erty, devastation and ruin w^hich followed in the wake of his army. The history of this campaign, which ought to go down in history as a disgrace to the civilization of the American Na- tion, can be written in few words. The record of each day from first to^ last was but the repetition of the day before, when we could look back and see the homes of helpless women and children ascending in smoke, while they were turned out in the cold of mid-winter to starve and freeze. Since time 192 North Carolina Troops, 18()1-'05. has removed iinich of the bitterness which then existed be- tween tlie two sections, General Sherman's friends have en- deavored to defend his conduct and refute the charges made at the time, l)nt the fact that the "record" is against him still remains. On the part of the troops of General Hardee's little army, the campaign tlirough Georgia and South Carolina, embrac- ing the entire winter of 18G4-'65 was a severe and trying one, but there was no co-mplaint or murmuring, and all seemed in the best of spirits. We were poorly clothed, and lightly fed, as we were compelled to subsist on the country through which we passed, and this was poorly supplied except with rice, until we reached the high-lands. Here the people were dis- posed to share the last mite with our soldiers. Whenever they were advised of our coming in time, the good women would have food in abundance prepared, and they would bring out large trap's as we were passing, speaking words of comfort and cheer to us at the same time. Many of the men were entirely without shoes during January and Feb- ruary. This was owing to the fact that we were com- pelled to leave our baggage and supplies at Savannah for the lack of transportation, and we had been so situated since that none could reach us. On 3 March, 1865, we crossed the State line at.Cheraw and were once more on the soil of our native State. We looked back in sadness at the desolation wrought in our sister State, and our hearts were ovei'flowing with sympathy for the thousands of now homeless ones who had l)een so kind and generous to us. Now we must look forward to a like condi- tion which was in store for our own people. General Joseph E. Johnston, on 6 March, assumed com- mand of all the forces in North Carolina. It was thought that General Sherman was heading for Charlotte, N. C, and General Hardee had instructions to watch his movements and keep in his front, while Wheeler, Hampton and Butler with the cavalry, harrassed his flanks and rear to prevent "burn- ing" and to be in position to promptly report any change of movement. Wliile General Hardee was on tlie march from Cheraw to Rockingham, N. C, General Sherman suddenlv Fiftieth Regiment. 193 changed his course in the direction of Fayettcville, IT. C. Gen- eral Johnston promptly informed General Hardee, but th»? courier failed to deliver the message and in consequence we continued the march for a whole day in the opposite direction, reaching Rockingham, where we camped for the night. At this point the second dispatch was received from General Johnston and we immediately turned in the direction of Fay- etteville and attempted, by forced march by day and by night, to regain the time lost. We reached Fayetteville and crossed the river before making a stand. The enemy occupied tlie town on 11 March and destroyed the old United States arse- nal and burned the business portion of the towm, AVEKASBOKO. On 15 March we occupied a position on the Averasboro road, leading from Fayetteville to Smithiield and Raleigh, near AverashorO'. As the enemy had retired from our front the day before, we were ordered to make ourselves com- fortable and enjoy a day of rest. During the day we learned that the enemy were advancing in large force and driving our cavalry before them. A hurried disposition of the troops was made. Colonel Rhett with his South Carolina Brigade, occupied tlie advance position where the Smith's Ferry road intersects the Averasboro road near Smith's house. Elli- ott's Brigade occupied a fortified position behind a swamp 200 yards to the rear and General McLaws' the main line of defence about 600 yards to the rear of the first line. As soon as proper disposition of the troops was completed, Colonel Rliett was directed by General Hardee in person to advance his skirmishers. They were soon heavily engaged by the en- emy, and Colonel Rhett venturing too far to the front, and mistaking a small party of the enemy for his own men, was taken prisoner. The command of this brigade now devolved upon Colonel Butler, of the First Soutli Carolina Infantry. JSTothing more tlian a lively and prolonged skirmish developed during the 15th. At 7 o'clock on the morning of the 16th the enemy made a vigorous attack on our position with in- fantry and artillery. Their infantry made repeated attempts to carry our position, but were always repulsed with heavy 13 194 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'e>5. Joss. After about four hours' fighting, at 11 o'clock, thej made a vigorous attack upon the left of the line, at the same ■time massing on and overlapping the right, forcing retire- ment on the second line occupied by Colonel Elliott. Re- peated attacks were made on this line, but in each case they "w^ere gallantly repulsed. About 1 o'clock they moved a lieavy force in the direc- tion of the Black river, completely flanking and exposing to a severe cross-fire the left wing. This necessitated retirement on the main line held by General McLaws. General Talia- ferro, with his force, which had been engaged up to this time, occupied position on both sides of the main road. General Mc- Laws the left, and General Wheeler with his dismounted cav- alry, the right of the main line, Rhett's Brigade, which had suffered so severely, was sent to the rear and held in reserve. Every attempt to carry this line was a complete failure and after night the enemy withdrew and commenced to fortify his position. We left our lines in possession of a picket of Wheeler's men and moved in direction of Smithfield. The Eederal loss, as officially reported in this fight, was 682. The Confederate loss is not stated, but it was very heavy in Rhett's Brigade. It was now learned that Sherman's anny was crossing the Black river at several points. His persistent attempt to open the Averasboro road seemed to indicate that his ob- jective point was Raleigh, but this movement across the Black river made it uncertain as to whether he would move on Raleigh or Goldsboro, and General Hardee, in order to be in position to turn in either direction, moved to the inter- section of the roads near Elevation Church, in Johnston county, reaching that point on the night of the 17th. At 12 o'clock on the night of the iTtli General Hampton, who was at the front near Bentonville, received a request from Gen- eral Johnston, who was then at Smithfield, about sixteen miles away, for full information as to the location of the vari- ous commands of Shcnnan's anny, and his views as to the ad- visability of attacking the enemy. General Hampton re- ported at once that the Fourteenth Corps was in his immedi- ate front; the Twentieth Corps was on the same road, five or Fiftieth Regiment, 195 six miles in the rear ; while the two other Corps, Logan's and Blair's, were on a parallel road some miles to the south, and &t the place where he was camped was an admirable one for the contemplated attack. He also reported that he would delay the enemy as much as possible to gain time for tlie con- centration of his forces at this point. In a few hours he re- ceived a reply from General Johnston stating that he would move at once, and directing him to hold the position if possi- ble. Early on the morning of the 18th General Hampton moved his cavalry forward until he met the enemy, and kept up a lively skinnish, slowly falling back, until in the after- noon he had reached the position previously selected for the battle. As it was of vital importance that this position should be held until the infantry could reach them, he dismounted his men and took the risk of sending his batteries to a com- manding position far to the right of his line, and entirely un- supported, and made a lx)ld and successful stand. BENTONVILLE. After personally superintending the placing of the guns and as he was mounting his horse to ride back to his line on the road, he overheard the following remark from one of the men at the guns, as he laughingly addressed his companions: ''Old Hampton is playing a game of bluff, and if he don't mind Sherman will call him." General Johnston reached Bentonville during the night of the 18th with a portion of the troops from Smithfield. General Hardee, who had been in- formed of the plan of attack, left the camp at Elevation early in the morning of the 18th, but after a hard day's march we camped that night at Snead's house, five miles from Benton- ville, and about eight miles from the extreme part of the line of battle. We made an early start on the morning of the 19th, but had not reached the position assigned us before the enemy had made a bold assault on General Hoke's position on the road. After a desperate struggle they were repulsed and driven from the field in confusion. At this critical moment a mistake occurred which perhaps entirely changed the results of the battle. General Hampton refers to it in his report of the battle, and General Johnston confirms his statements of 196 North Carolina Troops, 1 801 -'(55. facts and coiichisi(jii. I quote from 'Molmston's narrative"; "The enemy attacked Hoke's Division vigorously, especially it's left, so vigorously that General Bragg apprehended that Hoke, although slightly entrenclied, would be driven from his position. He tiierefore applied urgently for strong rein- forcements. General Hardee, the head of whose column was then near, was directed, most injudiciously, to send his lead- ing division, Mcl^aws', to the assistance of the troops as- sailed." General Hampton in his account of the battle, says: "Tloke x-epulsed the attack made on him fully and handsomely. Had Hardee been in the position originally assigned him at the cime Hoke struck the enemy, and could his conunand and Stuart's have been thrown on the flanks of the Federal forces, I think that the Fourteenth Corps would have been driven back in disorder on the Twentieth, which was moving up to it's support." General Hampton, in his account of the part taken by General Hardee's command, quotes from General Johnston as follows: *'The Confederates passed over the hundred yards of space between the two lines in quick time and in excellent order, and the remaining distance in double-quick, without pausing to lire until their near approach had driven the enemy from che shelter of their entrenchments, in full retreat, to their second line. After firing a few rounds the Confederates igain pressed forward, and when they were near the second intrenchment, how manned by Ixvth lines of Federal troops, Lieutenant-General Hardee, after commanding the double- quick, led the charge, and with knightly gallantry, dashed )ver the enemy's breastworks on horsel)ack in front of his aien. Some distance in the rear there was a very thick wood of young pines, into which the Federal troops were pursued,- ind in which they rallied and renewed the fight. But the Confederates continued to advance, driving the enemy l^ack slowl}'. ISTight coming on prevented the further advance of rhe Confederates who, elated with victory, were now anxious to continue the pursuit of the fleeing enemy." The close of tlio first day of this hotly contested battle found the Confederates victorious at every point, not only Fiftieth Regiment. 197 holding- their o-wti lines, but at many points they rested for the flight in full possession of the fortified position of the enemy. About midday of the 20th the other two corps of the enemy v\diich had been moving on the Fayetteville and Goldsboro i'oad, crossed to the Averasboro road and appeared in fvdl force on our left, which was entirely unprotected from Hoke's position on the road tO' Mill creek below. This necessitated changing Hoke's front to left and parallel to the road. Mc- Laws' Division was now shifted to Hoke's left, with the Fiftieth jSTorth Carolina Regiment and Tenth I^orth Caro- lina Battalion fonning the extreme left of our line. This left considerable space between our left and Mill creek, thus exposing the left wing, which was overlapped. This was oc- cupied only by a very thin skirmish line of our cavalry. These newlj^ arrived forces assaulted our line from Hoke's right to Mc Laws' left repeatedly during the afternoon of the 20th, but were handsomely repulsed in every instance. On the morning of the 21st the fighting was resumed along Hoke's and McLaws' front. As there was no demonstration on our right, General Taliaferro threw forward a skirmish line in his front and ascertained that the Federal left had been withdrawn, and the combined attacks were directed against the center occupied by Hoke and the left by McLaws and our cavalry. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon our left being hard pressed and overlapped, General TaliafeiTo was ordered from the extreme right to our support. About the same time it was learned that the Federal Seventeenth Corps had succeeded in breaking through the thin skirmish line on our left and was in rear of our line and near the only bridge which spanned Mill creek at Bentonville. General Hardee was moving (^umming's Georgia Brigade to the left to pro- tect this gap at the time, and discovering the enemy, ordered Colonel Henderson, commanding the brigade, to attack the head of the column, at the same time discovering the Eighth Texas Cavalry approaching, he ordered them to charge the left flank, he leading the charge in person. General Hampton at the same time struck the right flank with Young's Brigade, commanded by Colonel Wright, while General Wheeler attacked the rear of the Federal column 198 North Carolina Troops, 1861-05. some distance away. The rout of the enemy was complete and they were soon driven back beyond our lines. As they retreated in confusion the slaughter was terrible. Our losses in the affair were insignificant as to number. A son of Gen* eral Hardee, a youth of only 16 years, who had arrived only two hours before, was killed while riding in the charge of the Eighth Texas Cavalry, led by his father. The firing, which had been extremely heavy up to this time, ceased upon the re- turn of the Seventeenth (Jorps to its position in line, and there was no other attempt made to carry any part of our line. Gen- eral Hampton states that the Confederate forces engaged in this affair did not exceed three hundred. While General Mc- Laws held the extreme left of our lines and the enemy were endeavoring to turn our Hank the Fiftieth Xorth Carolina Regiment and Tenth ISTorth Carolina Battalion of Colonel Hardy's Brigade, in a single charge and in about five minutes time sustained a loss of about one-third of their number. In this case the enemy were lying in line three columns deep and reserved their fire until our troops were near them struggling through a dense swamp. At the first volley every man fell to the ground and Colonel Wortham and Lieutenant Lane, of the Fiftieth, and Lieutenant Powell, of the Tenth Battalion, crawled out of the thicket and reported to General McLavvs for duty, stating that the entire brigade was killed or wounded. Colonel Hardy, by his boldness and daring, saved the command from utter destruction. Dressed in a suit of sky blue broadcloth and broad-brimmed slouch hat, he might easily be taken for a Federal ofticer. He was in front of his men leading the charge, and at the first volley he rushed for- ward with his hat in one hand and his sword in tbe other, and pacing up ;iud down in front of and Avithin a few feet of the Federal lines, ordered them to cease firing, as they were firing on their own men. He continued this for some time, although their own officers were ordering them to fire. They were ut- terly confused and before the firing was resumed all of our men who were able had crawled out of the swamp and made their escape, and Colonel Hardy deliberately walked off with- out a scratch. On the night of the 21st the oncMuy kept up a heavy picket Fiftieth Regiment. 199 fire along our front while withdrawing their troops in the direction of Goldsboro. At midnight our troops were withdrawn and crossing the creek at Bentonville, moved on the 2 2d toward Smithfield. In the battle four companies of the Fiftieth Regiment, C and D of Johnston, E of Wayne and H of Harnett, were near their homes and many of the men, who had not seen their homes afid families for many months, marched by them and tarried for only a few minutes, went into the fight, the guns of which could be distinctly heard by their loved ones, and again without stopping, marched by these same homes with Johnston's army on its final retreat, proving their faith and loyalty to the "Lost Cause'" to the last. The Fiftieth Regiment before leaving this State for Georgia in ISTovember, 1864, was recruited from the camp of instruction at Raleigh to something over 900, and now mus- tered less than half that number, the others being lost from various causes during the severe and trying campaign through M'hich they had passed. The Confederate forces in this battle were about 17,000 in- fantry, the Wheeler and Hampton Cavalry and a few light field batteries, while Sherman's army, as officially reported a few days after the battle, numbered more than 81,000. The Federal reports place their losses at 1,646 and that of the Confederates at 2,606, but General Johnston in his ac- count of this battle, places the Federal loss at more than 4,000. Our army moved to Smithfield and thence to a point a few miles north of the present town of Selma and went into camp to await Sherman's next move, whether by way of Raleigh or the more direct route by Weldon. The men of our command were supplied with clothing, not having had a change since leaving their baggage in Savannah on 20 De- cember, 1864, nor had they slept under shelter since leaving Tarboro in l^ovember preceding. At the reorganization of Johnston's army the Fiftieth Regiment and Tenth Battalion were assigned to Kirkland's Brigade, Hoke's Division, and what had constituted Baker's and Hardy's Brigade was dis- banded. 200 North Carolina Troops, 1801-'G5. retreat and surrender. On 10 April we received information that General Sher- man had commenced to move his troops from Goldshoro in the direction of lialeigh. Our army commenced to fall hack and on the 11th we camped a few miles cast of the city of Raleigh on the present site of the town of Garner, entering the city early on the morning' of the li^th. Our rear guard left lialeigh that night and a day or two later we heard the news of General Lee's surrender. On 18 April, 1865, at the Bennett house, four miles west of Durham, a conference was held between Generals Johnston and Sherman, and terms of capitulation agreed on and signed. These terms were more favorable to us, even, than were accorded to General Lee by General Grant. Upon reaching Washington, President Lincoln having been assassinated in the meantime, they w^ere rejected and General Johnston being so informed, was again on the de- fensive. We resumed the march, passing through Chapel Hill and halting at a point near Greensboro where the final terms were agreed upon 2(j April. The army was paroled 2 and 8 IMay. In crossing the Tlaw river several of our men were drowned by leaving the ford to reach some fish traps a short distance below and being caught by the swift current and swept down into the deep water below. On reaching Alamance Creek, we had a novel, and in some respects, amusing experience. On account of heavy rains the stream was much sw^ollen and the current ^'ery strong. General Cheatham's command was moving in fi-out of General Hoke's Division and on attempt- ing to foi'd the stream several men were swept down by the current, whereupon the others absolutely refused to move. This halted the entire coluniii, and as the enemy's cavalry was closely pressing our roar, the situation was becoming critical. General Cheathaiu rode to tlic front and learning llie cause of the lialt, ordered [lie lucu to go forward, but, enipliasizing their deteruiiuation \vith some pretty lively swearing, they doggedly refused to move, whereupon General Cheatham seized tbe nearest man and into tlic stream thev went. After Fiftieth Regiment. 201 floundering in the water awhile he came out and, after re- peating the process for a few times, the men raised a shout and proceeded tO' cross. Three wagons, one loaded with "hardtack," one with guns, and one with bacon, capsized and were swept down the river. Some lively diving for the bacon followed, but I guess the guns are still rusting in the bottom of the creek. I am sure none of them were disturbed on that occasion. General Hoke, becoming restless and impa- tient at the delay, adopted a means of transportation which proved at least the resources of a fertile brain. The water was just running over the sandy banks of the stream and selecting a suitable place a short distance above the ford, he moved the head of his column to this point, directed one man to seize his horse's tail, and another to grasp this man's shoul- der, and another and another until he had a long line, swam his horse across the narrow stream and discharging his cargo safelj^ on the opposite bank, would quickly return for an- other. The rapidity with which the men were carried over was astonishing. I don't know what the final result might have been had we not received information that a short dis- tance up the stream at Kuffin's Mill was a broad and shallow ford below the mill, at which we could easily and safely cross. Following the announcement of the second "armistice" were several days of anxious waiting. There was a very- large element of both officers and men who were opposed to a surrender and many were leaving in small bands with the understanding that they would afterwards meet at some ral- lying point to be agreed upon. When the final announcement was made that the army was to be surrendered, the scenes were pathetic ; strong, brave men were seen to weep like children. Officers everywhere were delivering farewell addresses to the brave men who had so faithfully and loyally followed their leaders and endured hardships and privations without a murmur. If General Lee had been able to hold out until his army and General Johnston's could have been united as had been agreed upon, and both hurled against Sherman and then against Grant, the result might have been quite different. Would it have been for the best interest of our country and 202 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. our race ? While no true Confederate soldier has any apology to offer for his course, there is a wide diversity of opinion as to the correct answer tx) the above question. THE ROSTER. Roster of officers of the Fiftieth Regiment North Carolina Troops given in the order of succession as shown by dates of commission : Colonels: M. D. Craton, J. A. Washington, George Worth am. Lieutenant-Colonels : J. A. Washington, George Wortham, John C. Van Hook. Majors: George Wortham, John C. Van Hook, H. J, Ryals. Adjutants : W. H. Borden, Jesse W. Edmondson. Surgeons : Walter Duify, Francis W. Potter, John D. Patton. Quartermasters : E. B. Borden, E. W. Adams. Commissary: E. S. Parker. Chaplains : Dr. R. S. Moran, Thomas B. Haughton. Sergeant-Majors: Jesse W. Edmondson, John H, Green. captains. Company A — Person County- — Jolm C. Van Hook, James A. Burch. Company B — Roheson County — E. C. Atkinson. Company C — Johnston County — R. D. Lunsford, Thos. R. Young-blood. Company D — Johnston County — H. J. Ryals, W. B. Best. Company E — Wayne County — J. B. Griswold, P. L. Bur- well, W. T. Gardner. Company F^ — Moore County— J. A. O. Kelley. Company G — Bntherford County — G. W. Andrews. Company H — Harnett County — Joseph H. Atkinson. Company I — Bntherford County — John B. Evans. Fiftieth Regiment. 203 Company K — Rutherford County — Samuel Wilkins, G. B. Ford. FIRST lieutenants. CoMrANY A — James A. Burch, W. T. Blalock. Company B — Atlas Atkinson. Company C — Thomas R. Youngblood, Jesse T. Elling- ton. Company T) — W. B. Best, J. J. Penny. Company E — W. T. Gardener, W. H. Borden. Company F — Alexander Bolin. Company G — John A. Morrison. Company H — John P. McLean. Company I — W. M. Corbitt. Company K — J. B. Ford, James A. Miller. SECOND lieutenants. Company A — W. T. Blalock, R. D. Ramsey, Albert O'Bryant. Company B— R. P. Collins, W. B. Walters, W. B. Jen- kins. Company C — G. W. Watson, William Lane, J. C. Elling- ton, R, H. Yelvington (Ensign). Company D — William M. Adams, Young J. Lee, J. J. Penny. Company E — W. H. Borden, George Griswold, W. L. Edwards, George T. Jones. Company F — Malcom McWatson, James Dalrymple. Company G — R. F, Logan, S. D. Hampton. Company H — John Brantly, David S. Byrd, B. F. Brant- ly, A. L. Parker. Company I — S. E. Bostick, Jesse Hellard. Company K— P. B. Ford, L. P. Wilkins. The writer acknowledges his indebtedness to Sergeant K. J. Carpenter, of Company I, for the use of a diary kept by him and still preserved. This was found to be exceedingly valuable in fixing dates not otherwise obtainable. All "historical events" treated in the foregoing sketch 204 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. were verified bj a careful search of "The Official Records of United States and Confederate Armies/' and may be relied on as strictly autlientic. J. C. Ellington. Raleigh, N. C, 26 April, 1901. ^""UBLIC LIBRARY. AarOfi, UEN0;( AND FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. 1. Jno. L. Cantwell, Colonel. 4. George Sloan, Captain, Co. I. 2. Hector McKethan, Colonel. 5. W. F. Murphy. Captain, C<>. K. 3. Robert J. McEuc-hern, Captain, Co.D. 6. U. C. Rockwell, Captain, A. Q. M. FIFTY-FIRST REQinE/^T. By a. a. McKETHAN, Second Lieutenant Company B. I'he Fifty-first North Carolina Regiment could well be called a Cape Fear Regiment, as the ten companies compos- ing the command came from the counties of Cumberland, Sampson, Duplin, Columbus, Robeson and New Hanover. The regiment was organized at Wilmington, N. C, 13 April, 1862, with the following officers, viz. : John L. Cantwell^ Colonel. William A. Allen^ Lieutenant-Colonel. Hectok McKethan, Major. J. R. Latta^ Adjutant. Alexander Elliott^ Sergeant-Major. H. C. Rockwell^ Captain and Quartermaster. William McKenzie^ Quartermaster Sergeant. Dr. S. B. Morrisey^ -Surgeon. Dr. James McGee, Assistant Surgeon. A. T. Robinson^ Hospital Steward. Rev. J. B. Aleord, Chaplain. The regiment went into camp near Wilmington, spending the Slimmer at various camps near that city and at Smith- ville (now Southport), excepting companies D and K, which were detached and employed in building the iron-clad fort on the river a few miles below Wilmington. From Wil- mington we were ordered in August to Kinston, IST. C, part of the command being employed on picket duty at Core Creek, about eighteen miles distant. On 1 October, the Eighth, Thirty-first, Fifty-first and Sixty-first North Carolina Regiments were organized into a brigade with Thomas L. Clingman as Brigadier-General. About this time Colonel Cantwell resigned, and Lieutenant- Colonel Allen assumed command, and we were employed 20G North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. doing picket duty, and on various scouting expeditions to points near New Bern. About 1 December we returned to Wilmington, but soon afterwards were ordered to Goldsboro, and were under fire for the first time near that place (Neuse River Bridge), as we engaged the enemy on 17 December, the regiment taking an active part. Our men behaved with conspicuous gal- lantry and forced the enemy to retire before them. The regi- ment suffered a loss of about fifty in killed and wounded in this engagement, Lieutenant Solomon Boykin, of Company K, being among the killed. After this engagement we re- turned to Wilmington for winter quarters. Colonel Allen resigned and the following changes were made in our officers : Hector McKethan, Colonel ; Captain Caleb B. Hobson, of Company B, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Cap- tain J. R. McDonald, of Company D, Major; Chaplain, Colin Shaw, vice J. B. Alford, resigned. About 18 February, 1863, we were ordered to Charleston, S. C, and thence to Savannah, Ga., spending only a few days at the latter point when we were again ordered to Charleston and camped on James Island. At this place we suffered greatly from sickness and scanty and unwholesome rations. On 1 May we returned to Wilmington, going into camp at Topsail Sound. A few days later Companies B, D, E and H were detached and sent to Magnolia under the com- mand of Major McDonald. On 1 July, a raiding party of the enemy from New Bern tapped the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad at Warsaw and this detail hurried to that point, causing a hasty retreat of the enemy in the direction of New Bern, and capturing some of their stragglers. BATTERY WAGNER. About this time the enemy began active operations against Charleston, S. C, and on 10 July Clingman's Brigade was ordered to that point, and on the 12th the Fifty-first Regi- ment was sent to Morris' Island as a garrison for Battery Wagner, w^here we were almost continuously exposed to the sharpshooting and cannonading of the enemy until the 18th, Fifty-First Regiment. 207 suffering almost beyond endurance from heat and great scar- city of water and rations, to say nothing of the inferior qual- ity of the same, and from the terrible shelling which was only equaled during the war at Fort Fisher, the average being twenty-eight shells per minute by actual count from sunrise to 7 p. m. Battery Wagner was a field work of sand, turf, and palmetto logs, built across Morris' Island, extending from the beach on the east to Vincent Creek on the west, about 200 yards. From north to south it varied from 20 to 75 yards. On the space to the west were built wooden quar- ters for officers and men, and bomb-proofs capable of holding from 800 to 1,000 men. There were also bomb-proof maga- zines and heavy traverses. On 18 July, the armament consisted of one 10-inch Colum- biad, one 32-pound rifle, one 42-pounder, two 32-pound Car- ronades, two l^aval Shell guns, one 8-inch sea-coast Howitzer, four smooth-bore 32-pounders, one 10-inch sea-coast Mortar, making in all thirteen pieces. Of these only one was of much effect against the monitors, and the Federal land batteries were beyond the reach of the other guns, so that we had little to do but submit to the hail of iron sent upon us by the supe- rior and longer range guns of the enemy from sunrise until sunset. The garrison at this time consisted of part of the Thirty- first iNTorth Carolina, Lieutenant-Colonel Knight command- ing, which had been sent over on 17 July ; the Fifty-first l^orth Carolina, Colonel Hector McKethan; a Charleston battalion, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Gail- lard, with Tatum's and Adams' companies of the First South Carolina Regulars, acting as artillery; Buckner's and Dix- on's companies of the Sixty-third Georgia Heavy Artillery, and DePass' Battery, in all about 1,700 men. The Charleston Battalion and the Fifty-first North Caro- lina Regiment were assigned to the defense of the parapets in the order named, from the right along the south front. The four companies of the Thirty-first North Carolina Regiment extended along the sea face from the Fifty-first ; the balance of the Thirty-first was held in reserve at Fort Gregg. Two companies of the Charleston Battalion were outside of the 208 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. woi-ks, iiiiarding the left gorge and sallyport. Two of (cap- tain DePass' field pieces were also outside. During the bombardment we had concentrated upon our little band forty-four guns and mortars from the land bat- teries of the enemy, distant from 1,200 to 2,000 yards, and the heavy guns from the iron-sides, five monitors and five gunboats, say about fifty guns, making a total of ninety-four guns. The sand being our only protection, fortunately one shell would fill up the hole made by the last, or we would have been annihilated. Our only guns that could reach the en- emy had been dismounted by their fire, and our smaller ones we had been compelled to dismount in order to protect, so that we might use when the assault should be made. During the day the garrison was protected as much as possible by the bomb-proofs, only those necessary to guard and work the guns being required to remain exposed. This accounts for the small loss sustained during the day, but at a given signal each man was expected to report at his station in the works, the fire being so rapid and deadly that it would have been impossible to attempt anything like military formation. About dusk 18 July, 1863, the long expected signal was given and the Fifty-first North Carolina as one uum, sprang to its post, encouraged and led by the officers. The advancing column of the enemy consisted of the First Brigade, made up of six regiments and one battalion, sup- ported by Putnam's Brigade of five regiments, with Steven- son's Brigade, of four regiments, held as a reserve. The enemy advanced in column of regiments, led by Shaw's Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, a picked negro regiment, be- tween sunset and dusk with empty guns and orders to use their bayonets. Time had not been given us to mount our guns, which as before stated, we had dismounted for protec- tion, so that the assault was met solely by our infantry, not a cannon being fired ; but so murderous was our fire that the advancing columns broke and rushed to the rear through the ranks of their own support, causing confusion and delay, (^olonel Shaw, who was hardly more than a boy, fell dead on the top of our breastworks, in advance of his men, stnick witli tlircc ii)oi-tal wounds. Ills fdllowcrs l)rokc and fled in Fifty-First Regiment. 209 wild terror. A most handsome monument has been erected in Boston to perpetuate his memory. About an hour later a second assault was made. By this= time we had mounted our gims which we opened on them at short range, and our infantry again poured their deadly fire into their ranks, causing a second break with even greater loss than the first. A third and final assault was made about 10 o'clock, and notwithstanding a cross-fire was concentrated upon them, a lodgment was made behind the bomb-proof and magazine manned by the four companies of the Thirty-first I^Torth Carolina, but to hold only for a short time. Their commander was killed, and the Thirty-second Georgia Regi- ment arriving at this time was sent along the parapet, and to the top of the magazine. In this way their rear was reached, and the assailants of a few minutes before found themselves assailed and throwing down their arms, surren- dered and put an end to the day's fighting. Brigadier-General Taliafen'o was in immediate command of Morris' Island during the day. The position of the Fifty- first was such that it bore the brunt of the assault, and its members were therefore the most active participants. The Confederate loss during the day was 175, of which the Fifty- first suffered 34 killed and 40 wounded, the following officers being among the number: Lieutenant Giles W. Thompson^ of Company E, killed ; Lieutenants Edward Southerland, W. H. Littlejohn, of Company A, and Lieutenant J. D. Malloy^ of Company D, wounded. The enemy is said to have lost 2,000, 800 of whom were buried in front of the fort next morning. This great slaughter shows how desperately our men, maddened and infuriated at the sight of negro troops, fought. The next morning we were relieved and sent to Sul- livan's Island, the officers and men being complimented by General Beauregard for the manner in which they had be- haved. A writer from another State referring to this en- gagement, used the following language: "The Fifty-fi.rst North Carolina brilliantly sustained the honor of their State and were highly commended, especially the field officers, Col- 14 '210 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. onel Hector McKethan, Lieutenant-Colonel C. B. Hobson, and Major J. R. McDonald." The following incident is vouched for by Lieutenant J. A. McArthur, of Company I, Fifty-first North Carolina, now a resident of Cumberland county: The day of the assault Lieutenant McArthur was the officer of the day, and as such, had a guard of sixty-five men detailed from the different commands on the Island. In the third and last assault when the enemy secured a lodgment near the bomb-proof, he was ordered by General Taliaferro, in command of the post, to go with his guard to the relief of that part of the line. As Lieu- tenant McArthur, led by one of the men with a torch ascended the bomb-proof, the enemy began to fire upon them, and the fire was promptly returned as they advanced, but as' they neared the enemy an Irishman from one of the Charleston companies in McArthur's detail, appealed to him to have the firing cease, as he had recognized the voice of his brother in the ranks of the enemy, which turned out to be true, for when they surrendered a few minutes afterwards the brother was found to be among the prisoners. Next morning the prison- ers were formed to be sent to Charleston, when our Irishman appeared the second time begging that his brother should not be sent to prison, and when told that it could not be helped, as he had been captured with the others, he then proposed that his brother be permitted to enter the ranks by his side, and in this way the prisoner was transfonned to a Confederate soldier. The enemy now concluded that the only way to capture Wagner was by slow siege, we doing our share of the garrison- ing while this was going on. On 24 November we returned to North Carolina, going to Tarboro by rail, and marching to Williamston, were assigned to duty at Foster's Mill, in Martin county. On 13 December we returned to Tarboro, wdiere we remained till 5 January, 1864, going thence to Pe^ tersburg, Va., and occupied Camp Hill near that place. Later in January, 1864, we returned to North Carolina, marching on New Bern and engaging in a sharp skirmish at Bachelor's Creek, driving the enemy from their position and pushing them into New Bern. We then returned to Petersburg, Va., THE NEW YORK! PUBLIC LIBRARY J A8TOR, LEHOX A •35 TILDEN FOUNOATIOWa. FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. 1. Samu«'l W. Maultsby, Captain, Co. H. 4. E. T. McKethan, 1st Lieut., Co. K. 2. Joseph A. McArthiir, 1st Lt., Co I. 5. Alexander Elliott, 2d Lieut., Co. K. 3. Hector McEacheni, Ist Lieut., Co. D. 6. Stephen J. Cobb, Private, Co. D. Fifty-First Regiment. 211 and about 1 April were ordered to Ivor Station and marched on Suffolk, driving the enemy's pickets to a point beyond that town. About 1 May, General Butler landed a strong force at City Point, Va., and we returned to Petersburg and marched to Dunlop's Farm, about four miles distant in the direction of Pichmond. Here we met and skirmished with the enemy for several days. PETERSBURG. On 12 May we marched to Dre\\T;v''s Bluff and occupied the works previously built. Butler followed us towards Richmond, the plan being to draw him from his base and at- tack him from front and rear. On 16 May, having been re- inforced, we were ordered by General Beauregard to mount the works and charge the enemy. This we did over ground strewn with fallen trees, the limbs of which had been sharp- ened as an additional protection for the works, but we pressed forward carrying line after line of the enemy until we had them in full retreat, and had the forces from Petersburg co- operated in the same manner we would have captured But- ler's entire command. Our loss in this engagement was very heavy, amounting to ten officers and ] 50 men : Captain Wil- lis H. Pope, of Company E, and Lieutenant J. B. McCallum, of Company D, being killed ; Lieutenants W. J. Southerland, of Company A, Hector McEachern of Company D, Jacob A. Evans of Company C, J. A. McArthur of Company I, and Captain Samuel W. Maultsby of Company H, being among the wounded ; Captain W. F. Mui-phy of Company K, Lieu- tenants J. D. Malloy of Company D, and L A. McArthur of Company I, were captured. SECOND COLD HARBOR. On the 18th and 19th we again skirmished with the enemy, sustaining considerable loss. We then marched to Cold Har- bor and skirmished with the enemy on 31 May. On 1 June the battle of Cold Harbor Avas fought. Here we were charged by line after line of the enemy, each line coming within a few yards of us, but our fire was so murderous they could not live under it; but notwithstanding we killed thousands of 212 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. them, fresh lines were thrown at us until finally a lodgment was secured in a branch supposed to be impassable, and we were flanked and compelled to retire. Having driven the enemy from our front, the order to retire was not understood by part of our men and they were cut off, but not willing to give up, they, together with Lieut. -Col. Jno. R. Murchison and part of his, the Eighth North Carolina Regiment, continued the fight till entirely surrounded, not only with live, but also dead yankees. Our losses during the two days were 194 (11 officers and 183 men), Captain Robert J. McEachern, of Company D, and Lieutenant Alexander Elliott, of Company K, being killed ; Captain George Sloan, of Company I, Lieu- tenant G. P. Higley, of Company F, wounded ; and Major J. R. McDonald, together with the wounded, were captured. We remained at Cold Harbor for several days and then marched to Malvern Hill, thence to Drewry's Bluff, and then to Petersburg, reaching the latter point in time to prevent Butler from occupying the city. 17 JUNE, 1864. On 16 and 17 June the enemy charged our line and we repulsed them, inflicting considerable loss, but on the 17th, they succeeded in breaking through the line at a point held by Wise's Virginia Brigade, and at once be- gan to pour a deadly fire on our flank. Promptly five companies of the Fifty-first, under the conmiand of Col- onel McKethan, filed to the rear. Ransom's Brigade, under command of Colonel W. J. Clarke, of the Twenty- fourth North Carolina, being hastily thrown in the same ])0si- tion on the right of the break, and at the sigmal these two commands changed front and rushed forward with fixo^d bay- onets and soon recaptured the lost ground, but at a fearful loss, Colonel McKethan l>eing among the seriously wounded. In this contest the bayonet and butts of giins were freely used, as there was not time to load and fire. The position \\as r^^c\i that the five companies of the Fifty-first and the Tlnrry-til'th North Carolina of Ransom's Brigade occupying the centre and being the assailants, suffered the greatest losses. But for Fifty-First Regiment. 213 the prompt action of tliese commands the enemy would cer- tainly have marched into Petersburg on 17 June, 1864. We remained in the works in front of Petersburg for months under fire every day, and it has been estab- lished by actual measurements since the close of the war that at times there was but sixty-three yards between our line of works and that of the enemy, while only thirty-five yards sep- arated our pickets, which should give a pretty accurate idea of the danger and hardships under which we passed the sum- mer of 1864. On 19 August we were called upon to meet a raiding party operating on the Wilmington & Weldon Rail- road south of Petersburg. Here we met the enemy and after a running fight of many miles forced them into their lines. This was a regular woods scramble, it being impossible to preserve anything like a line of battle on account of the den- sity of the woods ; the result was that we captured a large number of prisoners, and suffered considerable loss ourselves, some of our men being captured and recaptured several times. General Clingiuan was wounded in this engagement, and the brigade lost the services of this gallant soldier till near the close of the ^^'ar, the command of the brigade devolving on ■Colonel McKethan of the Fifty-first. FORT HARRISON. We were next taken to the north side of the James river and on 30 September assaulted Fort Harrison. This point liad been taken by the enemy from our people, and being consid- ered a point of importance, was at once strengthened and very heavily garrisoned. To have attempted its recapture under such circumstances was a mistake, and as carried out a terrible blunder on the part of some one, the assaulting par- ties going in, in detail and being cut down in turn by the deadly fire of the enemy. Our officers on the ground, par- ticularly Colonel McKethan, the brigade commander, seeing the impossibility of success and the heavy loss that we must sustain, protested against making the assault, but being or- dered by superior officers to go forward, nobly offered them- selves and their commands as sacrifices for their country. At the command the Fifty-first rushed forward with the other 214 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. regiments of the brigade, preserving their alignment until the stockade was reached, which they found impossible to pass. To retreat was death, so the only chance was to throw down their guns and pull up these obstructions, which the men at once attempted, but a double line armed with repeat' ing rifles posted in front of the works, and a deadly fire from the garrison in the fort, said to have been several lines deep, and the concentration of all the artillery upon them, made the position untenable and the task impossible, so that the few left were forced to seek shelter offered by two old buildings near the works. Never was an assault made more gallantly or against greater odds. The Light Brigade at Balaklava did no more. "Some one had blundered," but it was a soldier's duty to obey. Our loss was seven officers and ninety-seven men, Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson being among the killed, Lieutenant F. S. Currie, of Company D, and Lieu- tenant J. A. Meares, of Company H, wounded, and others, whoso names cannot now be recalled. To Sergeant-Ma j or W. D. McMillan (Dr. McMillan, of Wilmington), who was seriously wounded in this assault, I am indebted for the fol- lowing figures, viz. : "The brigade went into this engagement with 857 guns, and in ten or fifteen minutes lost 587." I am unable to give the strength of the Fifty-first at this particular time, but as the brigade contained 857 and was composed of four regi- ments, the Fifty-first could not at this time have containod many over 200. To give some idea how the Fifty-first suffered during the four and one-half months from 15 May to 1 October, 1864. On 15 May we had 1,100 officers and men, going into the charge of 16 May with 800 men ready for duty (a detail was made from the regiment on the 15th, and did not participate in this engagement). On 1 October we had reduced to 145 men, many of the companies being without commissioned of- ficers, and in some cases in command of a corporal. Our casualties aggregated over 1,000, as some were wound- ed several times. Companies D and I each suffered a loss of more than 100 men to the company. Clingman's Brigade, under the command of Colonel McKethan, was then placed Fifty-First Regiment. 215 in the line of works protecting Richmond, our left resting on the Darbytown road, where we remained until December^ doing picket duty and engaging in one or two feints against the enemy to draw their attention from Petersburg. WILMINGTON. On 24 December we received marching orders and pro- ceeded to Richmond on our way to ISTorth Carolina, having been called on account of Butler's threatening Fort Fisher. On reaching Wilmington we went into camp at Camp Lamb, spending about one week, when we changed our camp to a point near Green's mill pond, where we remained until the final attack on Fort Fisher. On 12 January, 1865, our division (General Robert F. Hoke's) was mustered at camp for division review for the benefit of a large number from the city, and after marching and counter marching for the gTeater portion of the day we returned to our quarters for rest, but were not given this, as the "long roll" called us to arms dur- ing the night and we were hurried towards Fisher. A march however, had been stolen on our people, as a heavy force had been landed by the enemy and cut us off from the fort. Why we should have been stopped in Wilmington, thirty miles from Fort Fisher, I have never understood. Had General Hoke and his division been put in supporting dis- tance of Fisher, the enemy could not have made their land- ing, and without this the capture of Fisher was, in my opin- ion, impossible. After the fall of Fort Fisher we made a line across the peninsula and threw up works, our right resting on the Cape Fear river near Sugar Loaf, and our left on the ocean near what is now known as Carolina Beach. From this point we fell back to within a few miles of Wilmington, skirmishing with the enemy as they followed. We then evacuated Wil- mington, crossing North East river and marching to Rockfish in Duplin county. battle of southwest ckeek:. From this point we were taken by rail to Kinston and en- gaged in three days fighting, 7, 8 and 9 March, 1865, near 216 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. that ]ila('(\ (Iriviiio- the enenij several miles, capturing and killiiiii' many witli but small loss to our side. The change from Eockfish to Kinston carried us through ]\Iagnolia, where the companv which 1 then commanded was raised, and the homes of many of the men could be seen from the cars. 1 was given orders for that reason to put my command in an ordi- nary box car, such as was used in those days for transporting soldiers, and to get on top myself with a good man and allow none of the men to get off as we passed through the section in which they lived. We had not proceeded far when the en- gine stopping at a tank for water, I discovered two of my best men on the ground near the car. I spoke to them and demanded an explanation of their violation of orders, when one of them, pointing to a small house a few hundred yards distant, said that the lady standing in the door was his sis- ter; that he was going to stop and see her, but would be on next day. To permit this was a violation of orders on my part as well as that of the soldiers, ])ut knowing that the en- emy was closing in behind us and this would perhaps be their last chance to see their loved ones, and having confidence in the men, I did not have the heart to stop them, whatever the consequences to myself might be, and in this way I lost the greater part of my company before reaching Kinston, and in the first day's fight the First Sergeant and myself represented the company ; but true men as they were, all reported for duty that night. This is mentioned to illustrate the true spirit and patriotism of the southern soldier ; the cause was almost lost and he knew it, and immediately before him he could picture his fields laid in waste, his home plundered and his family exposed and suffering, yet even to the last roll call, he answered to his country's summons at the post of danger and duty. BENTOXVTT.LE. Tlie advance of tlie enemy from Wilmington and the near apjtroach of Sherman's army from Fayettevillv^, caused our withdrawal from Kinston and rendering the evacmi- tion of (jlo]dsl)(»ro necessary we were, therefore, ordered to Bentonville, wh(>re we met and checked Sherman. The first Fifty-First Regiment. 217 day we fouglit facing Fayetteville and with our backs on Goldsboro, but we were soon flanked and compelled to face about. Several attempts from the direction of Goldsboro were made to dislodge us, but failed ; still the vast forces un- der Sherman finally forced us to retire to escape being sur- rounded and our communications cut off. This we did in good order, marching to Smithfield, where we remained sev- eral days. The enemy however, soon began to advance and on 10 April we began tO' retire before them towards Raleigh, through which city we marched 12 April just ahead of Sher- man. From Raleigh we went to Chapel Hill, finally halt- ing at Bush Hill, I^. C, where we surrendered with John- ston's army and were paroled 2 May, 1865, to return to our homes. Thus ends the history of the Fifty-first Xorth Carolina Regiment. The regiment was composed, rank and file, of men and ofiicers of whom any country on earth might well be proud. Many, as was the case with our Colonel and a num- ber of others, saw the sun of the South rise in glory at Bethel, and set in its blood-red sheen at Bentonville. In this time many a loved and chivalric comrade passed from us on his long and sad furlough. Thirty-six years have passed and Time, with his cruel scythe, has cut down most of those who w^ere left ; to the memory of those that have passed before and since, officers and men, I dedicate this feeble tribute. In closing, I desire to say that in the preparation of this very imperfect sketch, I have been compelled to do so with- out data, as our official papers were lost during the latter days of the war. But by the aid of Adjutant J. R. Latta, of 'New Hanover; Stephen J. Cobb, of Company D (Captain Company F, Second North Carolina Volunteers, Spanish- American War) ; and H. L. Hall, of Company I, and others who were fortunate enough to escape the terrible struggle, I am under obligations for much information, and in particular as to the casualties. It was my wish to give a full list of the casualties of the regiment, but I found it impossible to do this even of the commissioned officers in the different engage- ments in which the regiment participated. I attach here- with a roster of the commissioned officers from the organiza- 218 North Carolkna Troops, 1861-65. tion to the surrender, and with the aid of others, I have at- tempted to give from memory opposite each name such in- formation as I have been able to obtain. While this roster is not perfectly correct it is as near so as can be made thirty- six years after the close of the war. I also insert statistics of enlistments in Companies D and I from organization, and of the casualties in each of said companies. The casualties in these two companies fairly represent the losses in the eight others, and the loss of officers as shown by the roster will convey some idea of the losses sus- tained by the Fifty-first from 17 December, 1862, to 21 March, 1865. ROSTER OF THE FIFTY-FIRST NORTH CAROLINA REGIMENT, Company A — Captain J. L. Cantwell, promoted to Colo- nel on organization, resigned ; Captain Walker. Lieutenant Edward Southerland, promoted to Captain, wounded at Bat- tery Wagner 18 July, 1863, again wounded in 1864; Lieu- tenant W. J. Southerland severely wounded 16 May, 1864, and never returned to service; Lieutenant W. H. Littlejohn wounded at Battery Wagner 18 July, 1863; Lieutenant Reuben J. T. Hawse promoted from First Sergeant, lost a leg at Fort Harrison. Company B — Captain Caleb B. Hobson, promoted to Lieu- tenant-Colonel, killed at Fort Harrison 30 September, 1864, Lieuteuant W. R. Bell, promoted to Captain, wounded and re- tired ; Lieutenant J. E. Swinson, resigned during fall or win- ter of 1862 ; Lieutenant Thomas J. Herring, promoted to Captain, seriously wounded ; Lieutenant Jesse T. Smith, promoted from Sergeant, captured and retained in prison till close of the war; Lieutenant C. L. Cowles, promoted from ranks to Sergeant-Major and Lieutenant; Lieutenant A. A. McKethan, promoted from ranks, wounded at Petersburg 17 June, 1864. Company C — Captain W. A. Allen, promoted to Lieuten- ant-Colonel on organization, resigned. Lieutenant Robert James, wounded and retired ; Lieutenant S. M. Stanford, promoted to Captain, resigned in 1864; Lieutenant E. L. Watson, promoted to Captain, surrendered at Bush Hill, N". Fifty-First Regiment. 219 C. ; Lieutenant H. V. Houston ; Lieutenant J, G. Branch, resigned in 1863 ; Lieutenant A. M. Sullivan, promoted from Sergeant, wounded at Kinston 1865. Company D — Captain J. R. McDonald, promoted to Major, captured at Cold Harbor. Lieutenant R. J. Mc- Eachem, promoted to Captain, killed at Cold Harbor ; Lieu- tenant J. D. Malloy, promoted to Captain, wounded at Bat- tery Wagner 18 July, 1863, captured at Drewry's Bluff 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant J. B. McCallum, killed at Drewry's Bluff 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant Hector McEachern, wound- ed and captured at Drewry's Bluff ; Lieutenant F. S. Currie, wounded at Fort Harrison 30 September, 1864; Lieutenant W. R. Boone, promoted from ranks, captured August 1864. Company E* — Captain W. P. Moore, resigned in Fall of 1862. Lieutenant Willis H. Pope, promoted to Captain, killed at Drewry's Bluff 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant A. J. Ashley, promoted to Captain, died of wounds ; Lieutenant J. P. Pitman, promoted to First Lieutenant, captured 30 September, 1864; Lieutenant F. F. Floyd, captured 10 June, 1864; Lieutenant W. A. Bullock, captured 19 August, 1864; Lieutenant Giles W. Thompson, killed at Battery Wagner 18 July, 1863. Company F — Captain — . — . Walters, resigned during spring of 1863 ; Captain W. S. ISTorment, transferred from the Eighteenth Regiment, severely wounded at Fort Harrison 30 September, 1864. Lieutenant A. C. Fulmore; Lieuten- ant G. P. Higley, captured at Cold Harbor; Lieutenant J, W. Hartman, wounded, don't remember place or date. Company G- — Captain J. W. Lippitt, pulled through safe, commanded the regiment at the surrender at Bush Hill, 1^. C. Lieutenant S. R. Chinnis, resigned during the winter of 1862 or 1863 ; Lieutenant Yopp ; Lieutenant Jacob A. Evans, wounded 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant T. B. Lippitt, pulled through safe; Lieutenant Ben. A. Cowan, pulled through safe. Company H — Captain J. R. Kelly, resigned in 1862. Lieutenant S. W. Maultsby, promoted to Captain, severely wounded 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant Lennon, resigned in 1862; Lieutenant Jacob Bamberger; Lieutenant J. A. 220 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. Meares, wounded at Fort Harrison 80 September, 1864; Lieutenant A. M. Thompson, pulled through safe; Lieuten- ant Jordan Huglies. Company I — Captain Hector McKethan, elected Major on organization, promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel and afterwards to Colonel, wounded 17 June, 1864. Lieutenant George Sloan, promoted to Captain, slightly wounded 16 May, 1864, captured 1 June, 1864; Lieutenant J. A. McArthur, wounded and captured 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant C. T. Guy, pro- moted from Sergeant, pulled through safe ; Lieutenant J. H. Taylor, promoted to Adjutant last year of the war. Company K — Captain J. B. Underwood, resigned in 1863. Lieutenant W. F. Murphy, promoted to Captain, captured 16 May, 1864; Lieutenant Solomon Boykin, killed at jSTeuse river bridge 17 December, 1862; Lieutenant E. T. Mc- Kethan, transferred to General Hoke's staff, and afterwards assigned to light duty on account of loss of health ; Lieuten- ant Alexander Elliott, killed at Cold Harbor 1 June, 1864; Lieutenant J. J. Tew, pulled through safe ; Lieutenant Eli Dudley, wounded, but time and place not remembered. I am indebted to comrades Private Stephen J. Cobb, of Company D, (Captain of Company F, Second North Caro- lina Volunteers Spanish-American War), and to Sergeant D. G. McLellan, of Company I, for the following statistics in their respective companies : COMPANY D. Total enlistments, 151. Killed: Officers 1, men 10, total 11. Died of w'ounds: Officers 1, men 10; total 11. Wound- ed: Officers 3, men 58; total 61. Captured: Officers 3, men 20; total 23. Total, officers 8, men 98; gi-and total, 106. Of the twenty enlisted men reported as captured, thirteen died in prison. COMPANY I. KiJlcfi: Officers 0, non-commissioned officers 2, men 43; total, 45. W(>un»l(Ml : Officers 2, non-commissioned officers 3, men 4S ; total, 53. Captured : Officers 2, non-commis- sioned officers 3, men 24 ; total, 29. Total, officers 4, non- conmiissioned officers 8, men 115 ; grand total, 127. Fifty-First Regiment. 221 This company sustained a loss of twenty-nine men in the charge on 16 May, 1864, exclusive of the few captured who were not wounded. The enemy overnm and captured our picket line just be- fore the charge and our loss in prisoners was due to that fact. Tht;y were not lost in the assault. A. A. McKethan. Paybtteville, N. C, 26 April, 1901. —=1 PUBLIC LIBRAR'^ ;^TOR, LENOX ANO Fll'TYSECOND REGIMENT. 1. Wm. W. Carmichael, 1st Lt., Co. F. 2. Leroy S. Elliott, Private, Co K. FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. By JOHN H. ROBINSON, Adjutant. The Fifty-second Regiment of North Carolina Troops was organized at Camp Mangum (camp of instruction), near Raleigh, on 22 April, 1862, and was composed of ten compa- nies of infantry, as follows: Company A — From Cabarrus County — Captain, George A. Propst; First Lieutenant, John M. Alexander; Second Lieutenant, Phillip A. Correll, Jr. ; Second Lieutenant, Jas. A. Black; First Sergeant, Jas. M. Cook; Second Sergeant, Joseph C. Hill; Third Sergeant, Alexander F. Hurley; Fourth Sergeant, John W. Felter ; Fifth Sergeant, Leroy W. Pope; First Corporal, George C. Blume; Second Corpord, George H. Brown ; Third Corporal, Richard F. Cook ; Fourth Corporal, George A. Misenheimer ; and 100 privates. Company B — From Randolph County — Captain, James F. Foulkes ; First Lieutenant, Jesse K. Kyle ; Second Lieu- tenant, John H. Robinson, Jr. ; Second Lieutenant, W. E. Kyle. The officers of this company were all from Fayette- ville. First Sergeant, Calvin J. Rush; Second Sergeant, Lindsay C. Hardister; Third Sergeant, Calvin B. Lewis; Fourth Sergeant, Alvin Bingham; Fifth Sergeant, William N. Glasgow; First Corporal, Reuben C. Fesmire; Second Corporal, Reuben Lowdermilk; Third Corporal, Alpheus Gallihara; Fourth Corporal, George W. Cooper; and 123 privates. Company C — From Gates and Chowan Counties — Cap- tain, Julian Gilliam; First Lieutenant, George Gilliam; Second Lieutenant, John Gatling, Junior; Second Lieu- tenant, J. K Harrell; First Sergeant, Job Hofier; Second Sergeant, James J. Floyd; Third Sergeant, David W. Par- ker; Fourth Sergeant, Caleb M. Hayes; First Corporal, Richard Arnold ; Second Corporal, William O. Hofler ; Third 224 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. Corporal, Peterson Hofler; Fourth Corporal, Thomas J. Monroe ; and 93 privates. Company I) — From Stokes County — (^aptain, Leonidas R. Gibson; First Lieutenant, Isaac Nelson; Second Lieuten- ant, Samuel IL Rierson ; First Sergeant, A. C. Myers ; Sec- ond Sergeant, John H. Nelson ; Third Sergeant, D. P. Tut- tle ; Fourth Sergeant, Phillip A. James ; Fifth Sergeant, J. F. Landers; First Corporal, John M. Alle; Second Coi-poral, J. W. Tuttle ; Third (^orporal, Charies M. Williams ; and 80 privates. Company E — From Richmond County — Captain, Ben- jamin F. Little; First Lieutenant, Milton S. Austin; Second Lieutenant, M. B. McDonald ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Thos. R. Baldwin ; First Sergeant, John W. Ewing ; Second Sergeant, John H. Nichols ; Third Sergeant, Thomas R. Ca- pel ; Fourth Sergeant, Isaac Gatelej ; Fifth Sergeant, R, F. Gibson ; First Corporal, S. C. Crouch ; Second Corporal, D. O. Gray ; Third Corporal, William Kennedy ; Fourth Cor- poral, John F. Woods; and 120 privates. Company F — From Wilhes County — Captain, Marcus A. Parks ; First Lieutenant, Nathaniel A. Foster ; Second Lieu- tenant, William W. Carmichael ; Junior Second Lieutenant, J. J. Parlier ; First Sergeant, Joseph G. Hall ; Second Ser- geant E. R. Vannoy ; Third Sergeant, William TI. Foster, Fourth Sergeant, James P. Warren ; Fifth Sergeant, Charles Carlton ; First Corporal, James P. Gilreath ; Second Corpor- al, Daniel Wilcox; Third Corporal, Orrin J. Harris; Fourth Corporal, Zenah A. Harris; and 160 privates. Company G — From Lincoln County — Captain, Joseph B. Shelton ; First Lieutenant, James M. Kincaid ; Second Lieutenant, J. D. Wells ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Ilaniel M. Asbury ; First Sergeant, William D. Thompson ; Second Sergeant, John W. Lilly ; Third Sergeant, Frederick Linehar- ger; Fourth Sergeant, Thomas B. Tliom])son ; Fifth Ser- geant, John F. Little; First Corporal, ]\Ioses H. Caldwell; Second Corporal, Albert M. Nixon ; Third Corporal, W. G. P. Houston; Fourth Corporal, William Little; and 116 pri- vates. Company H — From Lincoln Cotinty — Captain, Eric Er- Fifty-Second Regiment. 225 son ; First Lieutenant, William A. Sununerson ; Second Lien- tenant, Lawson A. Bellinger ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Wil- liam R. Arents ; First Sergeant, James A. Patterson; Second Sergeant, Peter S. Beal ; Third Sergeant, Ephraim Garrison ; Fourth Sergeant, John C. McCall ; Fifth Sergeant, Samuel H. Randleman ; First Corporal, Lafayette Lof tin ; Second Corporal, John C. Goodson ; Third Corporal, John C. Del- linger; Fourth Corporal, Richard McCorkle; and 125 pri- vates. CoisiPANY I — From Sternly County — Captain, George C McCain ; First Lieutenant, James D. Hearne ; Second Lieu- tenant, Samuel S. Lilly ; Junior Second Lieutenant, Willis Randall ; First Sergeant, B. K. Crowell ; Second Sergeant^ James M. McCorkle ; Third Sergeant, George P. Parker ; Fourth Sergeant, H. Clay Turner; Fifth Sergeant, Reuben Harris ; First Corporal, D. D. Rogers ; Second Corporal, Ben- jamin P. Austin ; Third Corporal, William A. Smith ; Fourth Corporal, Wm. D. A. Mason; and 112 privates. Company K — From Forsyth County — Captain, Julius C. Blackburn ; First Lieutenant, Junius W. Goslin ; Second Lieutenant, Romulus M. Cox; Junior Second Lieutenant, Virgil H. Walker ; First Sergeant, John W. Beck ; Second Sergeant, John M. Crews ; Third Sergeant, Gideon E. Clay- ton ; Fourth Sergeant, William P. Dawson ; First Corporal, James R. Ingram ; Second Corporal, Lauriston F. Elliot ; Third Corporal, Thomas R. Davis ; Fourth Corporal, Eph- raim B. Terry; and 100 privates. These companies were organized as the Fifty-second j^orth Carolina Regiment on 22 April, 1862, the following field officers being elected : James K. Marshall^ Colonel. Marcus A. Parks^ Lieutenant-Colonel. John Q. Richardson^ Major. Subsequently the following Staff was appointed : John Gatling, Adjutant. James M. McCorkle^ Assistant Quartermaster. George H. Coke^ Assistant Commissary. James F. Foulkes, Surgeon. 15 -220 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'05. AViLLiAM H. Lilly, Assistant Surgeon. -H. Clay Turner^ Sergeant Major. ^Valter R. Russell, Quartermaster Sergeant. W. F. Brookshire, Commissary Sergeant. E. J. DeBerry, Hospital Steward. J . R. Pepper, Ordnance Sergeant. Musicians, Charles DeCamp, J. H. C. Pearce, R. F. War- ren and W. II. Shaw. Captain Marcus A. Parks, of Company F, having been promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, all of the officers of this company were advanced one grade, and Sergeant Joseph G- Hall was promot-ed to the Second Lieuten- ancy to fill the vacancy. Upon the completion of the organization of the regiment, it was assigned to Brigadier-General J. G. Martin's Brigade. About 1 June the regiment was moved from the camp of in- struction hy rail to a point in Lenoir county on the railroad, near where the village of LaGrange now stands, and went into camp. We named this encampment "Camp Black Jack," and here we remained about a week or ten days, engaged in drilling and performing other camp duties. At the expiration of that time the command was moved nearer Kinston, where we had more suitable ground, and this encampment was called "Camp Johnston," at which point the regiment remained, di'illing daily, until tlie 16th, when it was ordered to do picket duty about five miles below Kinston. The writer and a Lieu- tenant being detailed to remain at camp and care for the sick (of whom there were quite a number at that time, suffering with measles and colds), and giiard the camp, did not par- ticipate in this, the first duty performed by the regiment in the field. The regiment continued in the discharge of this duty until relieved by other troops on the 24th, when it re- turned to camp and resumed its regular routine duties, with daily drillings of the officers as well as the men. On the afternoon of 30 June, orders were received to cook all the rations on hand and be ready to move at an hour's no- tice, whereupon all was bustle in the camp and the orders were promptly complied with. The regiment moved late in Fifty-Second Regiment. 227 the afternoon, taking the cars to Kinston, and thence march- ing about five miles below the town on the road leading to New Bern, to meet a column of the enemy advancing in our direction. Night coming on, the regiment bivouacked by the roadside, but the enemy, having received information of our movements, retraced his steps in the direction of New Bern, and, in consequence. General Martin sent a courier during the night to Colonel Marshall, ordering him to return to camp ; accordingly the regiment began its march early next morning and reached camp in the forenoon of 1 July. Rest- ing this day, we resumed our drillings on the 2d and con- tinued our routine work until the afternoon of the 5th, when orders were received to cook three days' rations and be ready to move at a moment's notice. These orders having been promptly and cheerfully complied with, we were kept in sus- pense until Tuesday evening, the 8th, when we boarded the train for the half-way station on the Petersburg & Richmond Railroad, reaching that point about daylight Friday morning, the 11th, having been delayed en route by an ex- press train derailed on the track ahead of us Tuesday night, and awaited transportation at Petersburg. We camped temporarily at that point until the 14th, on which date we marched to Drewry's Bluff, going regularly into camp at this place, and naming our encampment "Camp Campbell." Here we were engaged in work upon fortifica- tions, drilling and the various duties of the camp. Captain James F. Foulkes, of Company B, having re- signed in order to accept his commission as Surgeon of the regiment, on 2 July the officers of this company were each promoted one grade and on 21 July, Sergeant Lindsay C. Ilardister was promoted to Second Lieutenant. The regi- ment continued at this camp until the morning of 20 Au- gust, when we broke camp at daylight and marched to Peters- burg, Va., to await orders. Here we went into camp about two miles east of the city and called this encampment "Camp French." On 22 August, Lieutenant Lindsay C. Hardister, of Com- pany B, died in his tent at Camp Campbell, after an illness of a few days. About the 26th, the regiment was trans- 228 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. ferred to General J. Johnston Pettigrew's Brigade. On the 28th Captain Joseph B. Shelton, of Company G, resigned, and the officers of this company were each promoted one grade, and Corporal R. B. B. Houston was promoted to Sec- ond Lieutenant of this company. On 28 October, James W. Huske was transferred from Captain James McNeill's com- pany of cavalry to Company B, and promoted to Second Lieu- tenant to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Lieutenant Har- dister. The regiment remained at Camp French, doing work on fortifications, drilling, etc, etc., until 2 November, when it was moved to the vicinity of Franklin, Va., on the Black Water river, reaching this point on the following evening. We were placed at Joyner's Ford on picket duty and re- mained there until 15 November, when we moved and went into camp at Black Creek Church, Southampton county, Va., which we reached during the afternoon of the same day. While occupying this camp we were engaged in picketing the Blackwater at several points. On the 18th the enemy advanced with a force of cavalry and infantry and made an attempt to cross the river at Joy- ner's Ford, which point was held by a detail of an officer and twenty men. The attack was first made by a body of cavalry, which was driven back by our picket. They were reinforced by a body of infantry and made a second attack, in which they were successful in forcing a passage, our men retreating; not, however, until a messenger had been sent to Colonel Marshall, informing him of the attack and the neces- sary retreat of his men. Immediately upon the receipt of this information the Colonel moved at once with his regiment to the support of his men, marching about three miles. When in the neighborhood of the ford, he was told that a body of about 300 cavalry had crossed the river, and was occupying the camp whicli wo had left on tlie 15th. The regiment was hurried forward, and on reaching a position which com- manded a view of the grounds, said to be held by the enemy, was halted. No enemy was to be seen, although they could be distinctly heard giving commands. Skirmishers were thrown forward and advanced, but the enemy declined an Fifty-Second Regiment. 229 engagement and recrossed the river. Having re-established our picket post at Jojner's Ford and strengthened it, the reg- iment returned to camp. After crossing the river the enemy's cavalry moved in the direction of Franklin ; and, reaching a point from which they could shell the town, amused themselves with this com^- ardly occupation for an hour or more, the only result of which was the wounding of two men of the Eleventh ISTorth Caro- lina Regiment stationed there. On the 26th, Captain George A. Propst, of Company A, having resigned, the officers of this company were promoted one grade each. Lieutenants P. A. Correll and James A. Black having resigned, Sergeants James A. Cook and J. C. Hill were promoted to fill the vacancies. The regiment continued to do picket duty along the Black- water river, in the vicinity of Franklin, until 16 December. About 1 ]Srovember, Captain James M. McCorkle resig-ned the office of Assistant Quartermaster, and Adjutant John Gat- ling was appointed to this office. In consequence of this ap- pointment the office of Adjutant was vacant and Lieutenant John H. Robinson, of Company B, was promoted to this po- sition. On 16 December the regiment was ordered to proceed im- mediately to Goldsboro, N. C, and in obedience to this order we took the cars at Franklin and reached Goldsboro some time after midnight, and reported to General G. W. Smith, who was in command of this department. The Colonel was ordered to report with his regiment to General Thomas L. Clingman, Avho commanded on the south side of the Neuse river. The regiment was at once conveyed by train across the river and reported as instructed. General Clingman or- dered that the men should rest where they had quit the train, at a point on the Wilmington & Weldon road, about one-half mile from the railroad bridge over the ]^euse River, and at the intersection of the county road and railroad. BATTLE OF GOLDSBORO. About sunrise on the morning of the 17th scouts came in and reported the enemy advancing from the direction of Kin- 230 North Carolina Troops, 1S()1-'G5. ston iiloiig tlie county road in heavy force. Our regiment was at once formed in line of battle, parallel with the rail' road and across the county road. Holding this position for the space of, probably, half an hour, the enemy still advanc- ing, Colonel Marshall was ordered to proceed to the railroad bridge and hold it all hazard. He moved his regiment rapidly along the railroad track by the left flank, and imme- diately upon arriving at the bridge, placed his command to the best advantage for carrying out his orders. Shortly after the regiment was in position the enemy advanced upon us in heavy force. One column approached the bridge on the east side of the railroad and up the river bank, attacking our left companies with great vigor. Another approached up the railroad track, and as it approached, threw out a force on the west side of the railroad. The regiment fought with great spirit and very gallantly, but the force was so vastly su- perior in number that the left of the regiment was driven back and the enemy advancing, reached the bridge and ap- plied the torch. It being constructed of inflammable mate- rial, was soon in a light blaze and burned rapidly. Tn the meantime the right of the regiment was hotly engaged, and no support having been sent to our relief, and the colunm spoken of having been thrown out on the Avest or upper side of the railroad having advanced so far as to greatly endanger our successful retreat, the regiment was moved rapidly up the bank of the river in the direction of the county bridge, half a mile or more above. During our retreat the Fifty- first Xorth Carolina Regiment, which now, when it was too late, had been ordered to our support, mistaking us for the enemy, poured a volley from one company into us, not doing any damage, liowever, as they flred across an angle formed by two fences and shot too high. At this point tlie regiment halted. The enemy, apjiarcntly satisfied for tlie time with having accomplished the destruction of the bridge, fell back and took position on a commanding liill on tlie east, or lower side of the railroad, about five or six hundred yards from the site of the lu'idgc. Hoping to dislodge the enemy, an attack was made upon liis lines during the afternoon. Fifty-Second Regiment. 231 General Clingman foiined his infantry line, composed of the Fifty-first and Fifty-second ITorth Carolina Regiments, under the immediate command of Colonel Marshall, in a skirt of woods on the west of the railroad, and about 500 yards from it. While in this position we were subjected to a very heavy shelling from the enemy's battery of four guns. Leav- ing his infantry in line as stated, General Clingman moved with two guns of Starr's ITorth Carolina Battery by the county road to attack the enemy in flank, with directions to Colonel Marshall to move at once upon the enemy's line so soon as he should open fire upon him. While the infantry line was awaiting developments by Starr's guns, General Evans, of South Carolina, rode up behind the infantry line, and, inquiring what troops they were, ordered an immediate advance. When he was informed of General Clingman's plan of attack, and suggestion was made to him that a move- ment before Starr had reached his position would disconcert all of General Clingman's plans and result in disaster, he re- plied : ''I rank Clingman ; move forward at once ; I will sup- port you with the Holcombe; Legion." Of course, commands must be obeyed, and the infantry moved out at double-quick, under a galling fire from the battery, and reached the rail- road embankment, under cover of which it halted just long enough to reform its line. Moving again quickly over the railroad, a high rail fence was encountered which had to be climbed in the face of a heavy discharge from the battery of grape and canister. Meanwhile Starr's guns had not yet come into position, but, fortunately, he opened fire directly after the infantry had crossed the railroad, and drew the fire of a portion of the en- emy's battery, the line still advancing; but in a very few moments all saw the hopelessness of the attempt to drive the enemy, and an order was issued to fall back, and for all who could to save themselves by precipitate retreat. Under General Clingman's plan of attack there was a pos- sibility of successfully dislodging the enemy. Under Gen- eral Evans' order the attack was simply reckless disregard of the lives of his troops. The Adjutant of the Fifty-second Regiment, in his report of the fight, made on the morning of 232 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'G5. the 18th, reported 8 killed on the held, 58 wounded and 13 missing. Of the latter, subsequent reports show some of them to have been killed. The regiment was camped in the vicinity of Goldslxjro until about the 23d, Avhen it returned to its camp on the Blackwater near Franklin, Va. On the 25th orders were received to cook three days' ra- tions and be prepared to move at daylight on the 26th. Ac- cordingly rations were prepared and at dawn on the 26th we crossed the river, entering the enemy's territory on a forag- ing expedition. We remained for five days and procured a considerable quantity of forage, and this having been success- fully accomplished, General Roger A. Pryor, in whose com- mand we were serving temporarily, concluded to go in search of the enemy. Marching all day, we arrived at Windsor Sta- tion, on the Seaboard Railroad, about night, and finding the place occupied by two companies of the enemy's cavalry, we opened on them with artillery, when they made a hasty re- treat. The command rested here for the night, and at day- light next morning we resumed our march, reaching camp at midday 1 January, 1863. On the afternoon of the 3d we broke camp on the Black- water and marched to Garysburg, N. C, where we took cai's and reached Rocky Mount on the night of the 5th at 11:30 o'clock, and rejoined General Pettigrew, to the delight of the entire reginient. On the 26th we struck our tents and moved to Magnolia, reaching that point on the evening of the same day. We pitched our cain]") near the town, where we were en- gaged in drilling daily, when the weather permitted, and during our sojourn here underwent a rigid inspection In- the inspecting ofiicer of the brigade. On the morning of 13 February tbe reginiout took \\p its line of march in the direction of Greenville, and on the 1 6th, while in bivouac ten miles from Goldsboro, orders were re- ceived to remain Avhere we were and await further orders. On the 17th we were directed to return to Goldsboro, which place we reached the same day, and went into camp about two miles from the town. While here we were engaged in drilling every day. March Dth we broke oam]i and the regiment, to- Fifty-Second Regiment. 233 getber with other troops, started on a march for the purpose of making an attack upon the enemy at 'New Bern. The reg- iment arrived near the town at daybreak on the morning of the 13th and supported our artillery, which opened fire upon the enemy at sunrise. An artillery duel was fought nearly all day without any satisfactory result, when the troops were withdrawn, falling back to a position about three miles from the town, where we rested until 12 o'clock that night. WASHINGTON^ N. C. About this hour we resumed our line of march and halted nine miles from the town at daylight next morning. In this position we remained until 3 o'clock in the afteraoon, when the line of march was again taken up and continued day and night, with occasional short rests, until the 17th, on wdiich date we went into camp near the town of Greenville. On the 18th we were again on the march and arrived at Tranter's Creek, about eight miles from Washington, on the 19th. Re- maining here for a day or two we returned to our camp near Greenville on or about the 23d. Resting here, we received orders on the 28th to be ready to move in one hour. March- ing on this day, we reached a point on the Pamlico river, seven miles below the town of Washington, on Sunday, March 29th. Here w^e erected a heavy earthwork on a bluff on the river bank and called it Fort Hill, in honor of- General D. H. Hill, who commanded the expedition. The Federal troops occupying the town of Washington were reported to be running short of both ammunition and rations, and Fort Hill was erected for the purpose of commanding the river and preventing communication between the transports and gunboats in the river below and the garrison of the town. Our battery was composed of guns of light calibre, all field pieces and not able to cope with the gunboats in the river below, which gave the fort heavy shellings each day. They were suspicious of us, however, for occasionally two Whit worth guns would be sent down from the battery near the town, and w^hile they were in battery, we would open on them at long range, and on several occasions inflicted considerable damage. When these guns were withdrawn, the gunboats would ap- 234 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. proach quite near and open on the fort without eliciting anj reply. This puzzled them, and they were timid and would not venture the passage of the fort. On 7 April, in obedience to orders, Colonel Marshall, with six companies of his regiment, moved at daylight to meet a force of the enemy, reported to be moving on our rear from New Bern. When about three miles from the fort the bat- talion was halted to await orders. Remaining until night, it was learned that the enemy had returned in the direction of New Bern and the command returned to the fort. On the 10th the enemy advanced from New Bern in force by the Blount's Mill road, and the regiment was moved out to meet them and check the advance. Forming line of bat- tle at Blount's Mill, we awaited their attack, and after a skirmish of abouttwo hours duration they retired in flight, felling trees across the road to retard pursuit. About the 13th or 14th the boats in the river mustered courage to at- tempt the passage of the fort. Steaming boldly up, one of them made a successful passage, as we had none but the field guns in the battery, and although we fired upon her repeat- edly in her passing, the damage, if any, was of a trifling na- ture. The fort having failed eventually in accomplishing the ob- ject for which it had been constructed, was evacuated on the 15th and all the troops below drawn in nearer to the town. On the 18th orders were received to move in the direction of Kinston, via Ilookerton, which latter place we reached on the 10th, Avhere we remained, awaiting orders until the 25th. Captain Julian Gilliam, of Company C, having resigned 1 April, 1803, First Lieutenant George Crilliam was promoted to Captain and Second Lieutenant John C Warren to First Lieutenant. Lieutenant John Gatling liad previously been promoted to Adjutant, and 1 Noveinl)('r, 1^0-2, to Captain and Acting Quartermaster. On the 25th the regiment marched to Kinston and remain- ed there until 2 May, when we took the train for Virginia, reaching Taylorsville, near Hanover Junction, on the 14th and going into camp. The regiment was divided for some time during our stay at this point; tliree companies were Fifty-Second Regiment. 235 held in camp, five were detached for duty at the railroad bridge over the South Anna river on the Central Railroad, engaged in building fortifications, and two were doing picket duty at the Richmond & Fredericksburg Railroad. When not engaged in building fortifications and doing picket duty, the regiment was drilled daily, and it was in the finest condi- tion when we began our march to join the Army of North- ern Virginia. About 1 June Pettigrew's Brigade was assigned to duty in Major-General Harry Heth's Division of General A. P. Hill's Corps. On 6 June the brigade was ordered to proceed to Hamilton's Crossing, and we marched until late on Sunday evening, the 7th, when we were directed to strike the railroad and take the cars. Obeying this order, we were conveyed by rail the remainder of the distance and reached the Crossing at 4 o'clock Monday morning, the 8th. Upon arrival, we were placed in position on the Rappahannock river, about six miles below Fredericksburg, where we remained in line of battle until 10 June, when the regiment was ordered to pro- ceed to Hanover Junction to relieve General Corse, of Pick- ett's Division. Reaching the railroad depot, we awaited transportation for several hours. Fortunately, before cars could be furnished the order was countermanded and the reg- ment directed to report to General Pettigrew, which was done on the same night, when we resumed our place in the line of battle along the river. GETTYSBUEG CAMPAIGN. On 14 June we left the lines in front of Fredericksburg and started on the ever memorable Gettysburg campaign. By easy marches we reached Culpepper Court House on the I7th. Continuing the march on the 18th, passing through Berry- ville, Charlestown, and other villages, we reached Shepherds- town on the 23d, and on the 24th waded the Potomac at this point, thence proceeding leisurely towards Gettysburg, pass- ing through the battlefield of Sharpsburg, crossing the Antie- tam river on the stone bridge, on through Chambersburg, Pa., and halting on the 29th at Cashtown, a village at the foot of the mountains on the Baltimore and Chambersburg pike, and 236 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. distant about six miles northwest from Gettysburg. Here we rested until the morning of 1 July. On the evening of the 29th Company B, Fifty-second Regiment, under com- mand of First Lieutenant W. E. Kyle, was detailed to picket the Emmettsburg road at a village called Millertown, a]x)ut five miles to the right of our camp, and during the night had a skirmish with a picket post held by the enemy's cavalry. During the night of the 30th the company was withdrawn and reported at camp. Early on the morning of 1 July we moved in the direction of Gettysburg. Archer's Brigade of Heth's Division, lead- ing the advance, encountered a heavy force, commanded by General Buford, of the enemy's cavalry, on the Chambers- burg road about one mile from Gettysburg, and was at once engaged ; the cavalry, pressing Archer very luird, and skil- fully using their artillery, checked his advance, when Petti- grew's Brigade, the Fifty-second holding the right of his line, was rapidly advanced to his support. By a vigorous attack we succeeded in forcing Buford's line back in the direction of the town, when, being reinforced by a heavy infantry column, they in t\irn checked Heth's advance. By this time Petti- grew's Brigade had reached Willoughby's Run, westward from the town and halted ; lying here under a heavy shelling from the enemy's guns, and greatly annoyed by their sharp- shooters, who occupied, at this time, the second story of a brick buihling immediately in front of our line, we awaited the arrival of Anderson's Division of Hill's Corps which was moving up to strengtiien the lines. About noon we advanced and Pettigrew's Brigade encoun- tered the enemy in an open field when a most desperate fight ensued. I have already stated that Colonel Marshall's regi- ment held the right of Pettigrew's line, and as we advanced through the open field our right flank was menaced by a body of the enemy's cavahy, seeking an opportunity to charge our lines. While on the advance and uiulcr heavy fire Colonel Marshall fornunl his regiment in s(iuare to giuu'd against at- tack from this body, and at the same time deployed Comjnmy B, under comuiand of Lieutenant W. E. Kyle, to protect his flank. 'I'liis gnlhnit ofiicer succeeded in holding the cavalry Fifty-Second Regiment. 237 in check and finally drove them from our flank. This maneuver was executed by the regiment as promptly and ac- curately as if it had been upon its drill grounds. The fight- ing continued with unabated fury until sundown, when we had gradually, but steadily, driven the enemy's lines back upon the towai, but at a tremendous cost of valuable lives. About this time — sundown or nearly so — General Pender was sent to our relief, and passing over our lines took up the fight and drove the enemy into and through the town, halting only when commanded to do so, and thus ended the first day's fight so far as the Fifty-second Regiment was concerned. The losses in the brigade were appalling, and those of the Fifty-second Regiment very heavy. Here the gallant Cap- tain McCain, of Company I, fell dead, pierced by a minie ball, while leading his company in the thickest of the fight. About the same time the young and chivalrous Captain Black- burn, of Company K, fell dead at the head of his company while leading his men to victory. In addition to this great loss many valuable officers w-ere wounded and the loss in the ranks was very heavy. At this time, over thirty-seven years having elapsed, and without access to records, I am unable to state the casualties with accuracy. On the second day our regiment w^as not engaged. A greater portion of the forenoon of the 3d was consumed in perfecting the arrangements for the assault on Cemetery Hill. General Lee was concentrating his batteries along the brow of Seminary Ridge, and by noon had massed 145 cannon to open the attack. To reply to these guns the enemy, who w^ere able to see what was going on in our lines, had crowned Cemetery Hill, according to report, with 80 cannon. On this day Heth's Division was imder command of General Petti- grew, General Heth having received a disabling wound the day before. PettigTew's Brigade was commanded by Colonel Marshall, and the Fifty-second Regiment was under command of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Parks. The column of attack was lying un- der the crest of the ridge in rear of our guns. Pettigrew's Brigade occupied the position in line immediately to the left of Archer, who joined the left of Kemper's Brigade of Pick- 238 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'65. ett's Division, which occupied the right of the column of at- tack. Between 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon our guns opened upon the enemy's batteries and elicited a prompt and spirited reply. This artillery duel was continued for the space of about two hours without intermission, and the roar of the guns and bursting of shell were frightful to hear and dreadful to contemplate. A slackening of the enemy's fire was taken advantage of to advance the column of attack. In obedience to orders the line moved gallantly and steadily for- ward under fire of our gims until it reached a point beyond which it was unsafe to fire over our heads. Steadily the ad- vance was made, and as steadily and coolly met with a mur- derous fire from the enemy's cannon, charged with grape, shrapnel and canister. Still the line advanced, and at every step our comrades fell on every side, killed or wounded. Still we advanced under the incessant discharge of the can- non, assisted by the infantry's rifles, and had almost attained success, when by the overpowering force and almost impreg- nable position of the enemy, our lines were forced back, and then the slaughter was terrific. We fell back to the point from which the attack was made, rallying all whom it was possible to reach, and reforming our shattered lines. In this fatal charge our losses were very heavy. The gallant Marshall, pierced through the body while leading his brigade to the attack, fell from his horse, dead, within a very short distance of the enemy's lines. In his death our cause sustained a very great loss. Of his rank the Con- federate Army had few equals and no superiors. His regiment was greatly attached to him ; his uniform courtesy, coupled with great firmness and rigid discipline in camp, as well as on the march, had won the entire confidence of his men, and all mourned him as a brother lost. Lieutenant-Colonel Parks was shot through both thighs, and fell into the hands of the enemy, and our brave and dashing Major Richardson sealed, with his life, his de- votion to the cause he loved so well, and for the advance- ment of whose success he had striven so zealously. He was instantly killed by a rifle ball while leading the left wing of Fifty-Second Regiment. 239 his regiment. Of the line officers, but few escaped wounds or capture. The regiment was commanded on the 4:th by Captain Na- thaniel A. Foster, of Company F, the Junior (^aptain en- gaged in the fight. The Adjutant of the regiment reported the lossas in tlie engagements of the first and third days as 33 killed on the field, 114 wounded and 169 missing. Of this latter, nearly all of whom fell into the enemy's hands, it is fair to presume many were wounded. We held our lines during the night of the 3d and the day of the 4th, strengthening them with temporary works, and expecting an attack by the Federal army. As no advance was made by the enemy. General Lee began to retire in the direc- tion of the Potomac on the night of the 4th. In consequence of the death of our field officers on the 3d, Captain B. F. Lit- tle, of Company F, was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Eric Erson, of Company H, was commissioned Major, the officers of Companies E and H were each promoted one grade, as were also the officers of Companies I and K, in consequence of the death of Captains McCain and Blackburn. On account of the bad roads and caution observed on retiring, we did not reach Hagerstown, Md., until the 10th. Finding the waters of the Potomac so much swollen from recent heavy rains as to make fording impracticable, and General Lee's pontoon bridge partially destroyed, we halted at this place. On the morning of the 11th our regiment went into line of battle about three miles from the town, expecting General Meade would attack us as soon as he had come up. We held this line until the night of the 13th, with occasional skirmish- ing between the picket lines. During this halt the pontoon bridge had been repaired so as to be available, and was thrown across the Potomac at Falling Waters. The rain had been falling nearly every day since we began to fall back from Gettysburg, and consequently the roads were in a horrible condition. During the 13th wagon trains were put in mo- tion to cross the river, and at night the troops from our por- tion of the line were withdrawn and marched for the pontoon bridge, but the roads were so cut up by the heavy wagon 240 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. trains and the artillery as to make tlieni almost impassable, and our march was necessarily slow. FALLING WATERS. To Pettigrew's Brigade had been assigned the responsible duty of protecting the rear of the army while crossing the river. The march had been so retarded by the difficulty of getting the artillery and the wagon trains forward that we did not reach our position until 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, 14 July. General PettigTew chose a hill by the roadside, and between one and two miles from the river, for his position. There he formed his line and ordered a rest, whereupon the men threw themselves upon the ground, and in a few moments many of them, responding to the call of exhausted nature, were sound asleep. We had been followed by a large body of cavalry which had not yet the temerity to attack us. While resting, as stated, awaiting the crossing of that portion of the army which had not yet succeeded in reaching the pontoon, a squad of Federal cavalry, numbering about fifty men, passing through a skirt of woods in our rear, behind which was massed a division, advanced upon us at a trot with sabres drawn and rode over us before we could check them. In explanation of this fact it should be stated that a regiment of our cavalry had passed us going to the rear a short time before for the purpose of crossing the river at Williarasport above, but we thought they were between us and the enemy. As the cavalry body approached, the men were waked up and called to arms, but some of the superior officers, mistak- ing them for our own men, ordered the men not to fire, and it was not until they were upon us that the error was seen ; then the bursting of caps with the occasional discharge of a rifle, was heard, and the enemy began to reap the reward of his rashness. Having ridden over our lines, they Avere now using their pistols with deadly effect, when our rifles began to explode and in a few moments all of the squad save five or six who made their escape, were either killed, wounded or prisoners, not however, before General Pettigrew had been mortally wounded by one of the party. The exposure to rain, to which we had been subjected for so many days, had left the Fifty-Second Regiment. 241 rifles of our men in such bad condition tliat but few would fire at first, and to this fact is attributed the losses we sus- tained— had the gams of our men exploded when first tried, not a man of the attacking party would have been left to tell the tale, and valuable lives would have been saved. This en- gagement caused a general advance on the part of the enemy, and that portion of General A. P. Hill's Corps not yet over the river was hurried to the suppport of Pettigrew. We formed line of battle to meet the advance, though all of our artillery having passed the river, we had none in line; but skirmishing with the enemy and fighting and falling back, we held them in check until the Avhole army had crossed, with all of the wagons and artillery, save two pieces, the horses draw- ing which had become so exhausted as to be unable to move them, and before fresh horses could be procured the rear of the army had passed them. The whole army thus crossed the river successfully in the face of a large body of the enemy. The loss in our regiment, however, was considerable, its commanding officer, Captain Nathaniel A. Foster, being among the number captured. Upon crossing into Virginia we took up our line of march, passing through Martinsburg to Bunker Hill where we rested several days. Resuming our line of march, passing through Winchester, we crossed the Shenandoah river at Front Royal, and thence marched by way of Flint Hill to Culpepper Court House, which place we reached on the 25th, and went into camp about one mile from the town. Resting until Monday morning, 3 August, we moved towards Orange Court House, reaching the vicinity of the town on the 5th, and there went into camp. About 10 August Colonel William Kirkland, of the Twenty-first ]^orth Carolina Regiment, was promoted to Brigadier-General and ordered to assume command of our brigade, and henceforth it was known as Kirkland's Brigade. BRISTOE STATION. We remained in our camp near Orange Court House until about 20 September, doing picket duty and drilling daily. On the 20th the regiment was moved to Rapidan Station and placed in position, together with the remainder of the brigade, 16 242 North Carolina Trooi-s, 1801-'05. to meet an expected advance of General Meade's army. On ■B October, ISiJi], we left our line at Ilapidan Station with •a view of flanking the enemy and giving him battle at Culpep- per Court House, but we were not sviccessful in bringing on this tiglit. The enemy, learning of General Lee's move- >ftfents, began to fall back towards Centreville, we following in hot pursuit. On the 13th the Corps of A. P. Hill had reacluMl Warrenton, Va., and on the morning of the 14th we moved out from Warrenton along the turnpike road to New Ealtiuiore, where we wheeled to the right in pursuit of Gen- eral French, who was just ahead and retreating very rapidly, as was evidenced by the beaten tracks on both sides of the road over which his troops had passed. Reaching the hills to the westward and just above Bristoe Station in the after- noon, we saw the rear of his column in the valley just beyond Broad Kun river. He had escaped us, but we were destined for a fight. About the time of our reaching Bristoe Station the advance of Warren's Corps, whom General Ewell was following up the railroad, made its appearance and Cooke's and Kirkland's Brigades were formed for immediate attack. The two brig- ades, under cover of artillery, gallantly advanced against overwhelming numbers posted behind the railroad embank- ment. Everything was moving smoothly until we had reached point blank range, when the infantry posted behind the railroad, opened a withering fire upon our lines which baited and were forced to fall back. The Fifty-second and Eleventh Tvegiments moved steadily forward and sua'.eeded in driving the eneni}^ immediately in their front, next to the railroad bridge, from their position. About the time we had gained the road in our front, a section of artillery passed rap- idly over the river, and, crossing the railroad track, unlim- bered, preparatory to giving us a raking enfilading shelling. Looking for our support on the right, we were dismayed to see the enemy to our right and rear, in possession of the field and part of our ai-tillory. The command was at once given to fall back and we retreated rapidly and successfully. The Eifty-second Begiment, whose losses were comparatively few on this occasion, had three killed on the field, twenty-one Fifty-Second Regiment. 243 woimded and forty-two missing. General Kirkland was wounded and conveyed from the field. In view of the fact that General A. P. Hill had an entire army corps within half a mile, and the remainder of Heth's with all of Wilcox's Divis- ion, were spectators, the lack of timely reinforcements was strange, to say the least of it.* MINE RUN. We bivouacked upon the battlefield during the night of the 14th, and the following morning fell back to Rappahannock Station, destroying the railroad as we retreated, tearing up the rails which we heated over burning piles of cross ties and twisted so as to render them useless for the time being. Upon arrival at Rappahannock Station we at once entered upon picket duty, engaged in drilling and other incidental camp duty until 7 November. About 11 o'clock Saturday night, the 7th, we received orders to cook rations and be ready to move at a moment's notice. At the time we supposed the army would make another advance, but instead we fell back to a line on the Rapidan river. During Sunday, the 8th, we were in line of battle throughout the day, expecting an at- tack, but were not engaged. On the 9th we were ordered on picket duty at Peyton's Ford, where we remained until the 13th, on which day we received orders to cook two days' rations and be ready to move at a moment's notice, but did not receive marching orders until the 29th. On this date we left camp at 4 o'clock in the morning, and, proceeding by the Orange Court House and Fredericksburg road to a point near Vidiersville, we came up with our cavalry engaged in a skir- mish with the enemy. Our skirmishers were deployed and thrown forward, engaging the enemy until nightfall, and we held this line during the night. The remainder of the army having arrived during the night. General Lee formed his line of battle at Mine Run, On the morning of the 30th the en- emy opened his artillery on portions of the Confederate line, and we confidently expected an attack. It seems, however. * When General Lee arrived on the scene of A. P. Hill's bloody blun- der his pointed rebuke was " nothing remains to be done, General Hill, except to bury your unfortunate dead." — Ed. 244 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. that upon an inspection of General Lee's lines General Meade recognized the position to be inipregiiable, and, declining bat- tle, retired behind the Rapidan on the night of 1 December, Onr regiment remained at tliis point until Thursday, 3 December, when we returned to ("amp Marshall, our winter quarters, near Orange Court House, where we remained em- ployed in drilling and general camp duty until 3 February, 1864, on wliich day our regiment was ordered on picket duty on the Rapidan river. On the 20th General Kirkland, having recovered from his wound received at Bristoe Station, re- turned to cam]) and again took comnumd of his brigade. During the month of March Governor Vance paid a visit to the Nortli Carolina troops in the Army of Northern Vir- ginia and made addresses to the several brigades. He had an appointment to speak to Cooke's and Kirkland's Brigades, jointly, on the 29th, but on account of the very bad weather our commands were deprived of the pleasure of hearing him. The regiment, having been in winter quarters since 3 Febru- ary, on 27 April vacated the cabins and moved to an encamp- ment one mile distant. As sickness prevailed to a great ex- tent about this time, the change was made as a sanitary meas- ure with good results. THE WILDERNESS. On 4 May our regiment broke camp and marched by the Orange Court House and Fredericksburg plank road, reach- ing Vidiersville, near which it rested for the night. On the 5th it continued to march in the direction of Fredericksburg, and early in the afternoon reached a point at which the plank road is intersected by what is known as the Brock road ; and here General Hill, finding the enemy in his front, formed his line of battle extending across the Plank road. About this time the Fifty-second Regiment was ordered to retrace its steps for the purpose of protecting our wagon train, which was reported to be threatened by the enemy's cavalry. Ac- cordingly, we proceeded to execute this command, and, having gone as far as Parker's store, about four miles to the rear, were informed that its services were not required. Immedi- ately it faced about and returned to join its brigade. In the Fifty-Second RegixMent. 245 meantime the battle had beo;un, and as we approached the lines we were met by great numbers of our men wounded and seeking" the rear for shelter and relief. These men were wounded in every conceivable manner — some slightly, others severely and not a few mortally. Nothing daunted by this spectacle, the gallant old Fifty-second moved rapidly forward and took its position in the brigade, and at once became hotly engaged. The ground over which we were fighting was covered with dense undergTowth, and the enemy could scarcely be seen, in many places, one hundred yards in our front. From the time we joined the brigade, which must have been about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, until nightfall there was one continuous roll of musketry, when night coming on put a stop to the battle for this day. The regiment spent the night upon the ground on which it had ceased to fight in the evening, and the exhausted men sought what rest they could. From the nature of the ground over which the battle had raged, our lines had become very much disarranged, and in many places there was no connection with our troops to the right or left. Longstreet, it was known, was marching to re- lieve Hill's Corps, and was expected to be up by 12 o'clock that night. Possibly for this reason the inexcusable blunder of not re-establishing our lines during the night of the 5th was made. Longstreet was delayed and did not reach us at the expected time, and sunrise of the 6th found us fighting under these great disadvantages. The enemy having penetrated our lines at one of these gaps, opened fire upon the Fifty-second Regi- ment from the rear. Finding we were flanked we began to fall back, fighting as we retreated. By this time the whole line to the right of the plank road was being forced back and the safety of the army for a time was greatly endangered. Longstreet with his gallant men reached the field about this time ; rapidly forming his line, he met the advancing lines of the enemy, checked them, and in a few moments was rapidly driving them back upon their own lines, and thus re-estab- lishing those of General Hill. 246 North Carolina Trooi's, 18G1-'65. spottsylvania to peteksbukg. Our regiment remained in line of battle in the Wilder- ness until the evening of the 8th, when we were marched to Spottsylvania Court House, which place we reached on the morning of the 9th and were assigned to a position in the line to the left of the court house where we began immediately to intrench ourselves. Here we remained in line of battle, fight- ing at intervals and constantly exposed to heavy shelling from the enemy's battery. Our losses since the 5th had been heavy — Captain Kyle and Lieutenant Huske wounded among numbers of others, and on the 11th Captain Leonidas R. Gib- son, of Company I, was killed. In consequence of his death the officers of this company were each promoted one grade. General Grant had again taken up his movement to the left, and on the 2 2d we were withdrawn from our lines and moved rapidly in the direction of Hanover Junction. Cross- ing the North Anna river our regiment was placed in line on the south side of the river about two miles from the junc- tion. General Warren having crossed the river at Jericho Ford on the 23d, was met by Hill's Corps near N^oel's Sta- tion and after a spirited engagement was forced to halt for the day. After this the regiment resumed its place in the line of battle, where it remained until the 31st, when it was moved ill the direction of Gaines' ^lill, which point it reached about noon on 1 June. Here we were placed in line, but not en- gaged until the 2d, when we participated in a heavy skinnish with the enemy. In this fight General Kirkland was again \voundcd, receiving a rifle ball through the thigh, and was taken from the field. In consequence, Colonel George H. Faribault, of tlie Forty-seventh Regiment, was in comiiiand of the brigade. On the afternoon of 3 June Ileth's Division, occupying the left of General Early's line, (he was com- manding A. P. Hill's Corps at this time), was twice most vigorously attacked, but the enemy was handsomely repulsed with considerable loss. The Fifty-second Regiment sus- tained its part of these attacks with its accustomed coolness and spirit. On 5 June, for the first time since leaving Or- ange Court House, Ileth's Division was resting, awaiting or- Fifty-Second Regiment, 247 ders. Worn down with fighting, and constant marching to meet the enemy's advance, the men greatly enjoyed this much needed repose. PETERSBURG. On the evening of the 9th, the regiment was ordered to proceed to Bottom's Bridge, on the Chickahominy river, for picket duty, and on the evening of the 10th was ordered to join the brigade in the line on the following morning. From here we moved to White Oak Swamp, reaching that point on the 14th, where we remained, doing picket duty until the 18th, when we marched for Petersburg, Va., reaching the neighborhood of that city on the night of the 18th, after a dusty and very fatiguing march. We were placed in line of battle on the south side of Appomattox river. About the 25th the regiment was taken from the trenches and marched about four miles north of the city and assigned the duty of guarding the bridges on the turnpike and railroad over Old Town creek. In the latter part of July, Colonel William MacRae, of the Fifteenth North Carolina Regiment, was made Brigadier-General, and ordered to assume command of the brigade. Henceforward, we were known as MacRae's Brigade. We remained in the vicinity of Petersburg until Wednesday, 27 July, when we marched to Chaffin's Bluff, reaching that point Thursday morning after a very tiresome tramp. • On the afternoon of the 28th our skirmish lines were heav- ily engaged for an hour or two, and w^e expected an attack upon our lines, which did not take place. We remained here in line until the 30 th, when we received orders to move at once to the south side of the James river. We marched a distance of about ten miles to Rice's Turnout on the Rich- mond & Petersburg Railroad, and at that point took the cars to Petersburg, and occupied our position in the intrench- ments. At this point we remained until 2 August, when we were moved further to the left and placed in reserve. On the 9th we relieved General Cooke in the trenches, our line at this point not exceeding 200 yards distance from the en- emy's lines, and our sharpshooters, as well as those of the en- 248 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'05. emy, kept up a constant firing both night and day. We held this line until the 13th, when we, in turn, were relieved, and camped temporarily in rear of our lines until the 18th, when we were moved outside the lines to a point about two and one- half miles southwest from Petersburg, and one mile east of the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad, where we had been sent to confront General Warren, who was pressing for the rail- road. In the afternoon we made a sudden and vigorous at- tack upon Warren's left and drove him back about one mile, when our command was withdrawn. By the evening of the 20th the enemy had succeeded in gaining possession of the railroad and intrenched himself at a point about one mile south of Vaughn's house, at what we called the Yellow Tav- ern, located on the railroad about four miles south from Petersburg. On the night of the 20th we were withdrawn from the trenches and again moved to the south of the city to attack the enemy, who now held the railroad. Reporting to General Heth, whom we found at Vaughn's house, before day on the 21st, we were soon in line, and advanced our sharp- shooters'to clear the front, and after a pretty sharp skirmish they drove the enemy's picket lines in. Under Pegram's guns, we advanced to the attack ; and, after having driven in two lines of the enemy who fell back under cover of their batteries, we M'ere halted in a skirt of woods about half way between Pegram's guns in our roar and the enemy's batteries in our front, and between the two we were subjected to a furious shelling. The column sent to attack the enemy in flank failing to come up, we held our lines until night, when we were withdrawn and retired within our lines of intrench- ments. On the 24th we moved out to our works and marched for Reams Station, halting at night near Arm- strong's Mills, about eight miles southeast of the city. Early on the morning of the 2r)th we resumed the march and halted at a point :d)oiit tliree miles from Reams Station. kea:v[S STAT] ox. About 2 o'clock an attack had been made iijioii tlu^ (mi- emy by a part of General A. P. Hill's commant], which was di'iven back with loss, after which the North Carolina Fifty-Second Regiment. 249 Brigades of Lane, Cooke and MacRae were ordered up, taking position in the enemy's front. Advancing steadily and rap- idly under the fire of Pegram's guns, we captured the whole line, not, however, before the enemy were driven off in a hand-to-hand encounter in the works, in which in a few in- stances clubbed rifles were used. In this fight our losses were necessarily heavy. We captured seven stands of colors, 2,000 prisoners and nine pieces of artillery. (See General Lee's letter to the Secretary of War, 26 August, 1864.) The en- emy having been driven from the railroad, fell back to their own line, and at nightfall our troops fell back to Petersburg. On reaching the city we were placed in line, the right of our brigade resting on the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad. Here we were engaged in throwing up a new line of works in front of those at that time occupied. At this employment we continued until 16 September, when we were moved to a point about half a mile south of the Boydton plank road, and about three miles southwest of the city, where we were em- ployed in constructing rifle-pits until the 20th. On this day we were moved about one mile further south of the Boydton road and engaged in constructing works of a more elaborate character until the 29th, when we were ordered to Petersburg to supply the places in the line of troops who had been sent north of the James. We reached the city on the same day and awaited orders. On the 30th we were ordered to coun- ter-march and take position on the right of the line. During the time we had been withdrawn, the enemy advanced and had taken a portion of the rifle pits and a heavy earthwork (Fort MacRae) which we had constructed and held on the Squirrel Level road. Attempting to move thence in the direction of the Boydton plank road, he was met by Heth's Division, and after a sharp and spirited attack, was driven back on his lines. MacRae's Brigade now took position in the line further to the right and was engaged daily in throw- ing up earthworks and drilling until the morning of 27 Oc- tober. burgess' mills. The enemy having driven in our cavalry holding the right of the line, and penetrating to the Boydton plank road at a 250 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. point known as Burgess' Mills, about six miles southwest of Petersburg, MacRae's Brigade, together with other troops^ was sent to their support. Finding the enemy in heavy force on the west side of Hatcher's Bun, and south of the plank road, we crossed the run some distance below, and immediately after crossing advanced our corps of sharpshooters, who at once encountered the enemy's skir- mish line, which was rapidly forced back upon the Federal line of battle. In the meantime our line of liattle had been formed. With a yell we charged the enemy's lines, which were broken by the impetuosity of our attack, and were driven rapidly before us. Having driven the enemy for nearly a mile, and finding no support advancing to our assist- ance, the enemy being in great number on both our right and left flank, General MacBae w^as forced to call a halt and fall back on our lines. In this engagement the loss of officers and men was heavy. Among the former was Lieutenant James W. Huske, of Company B, Fifty-second Begiment, who fell, pierced through the body with a minie ball while gallantly leading the left wing of the regiment in this charge. He had on this occasion, as on all others, beliaved with conspicuous gallantry. He died upon the field, and in his death the regi- ment lost one of its most valuable officers, and his company a kind and considerate friend. Fighting until nearly dark our lines were drawn back and reformed, where we awaited an ex- pected attack, but apparently the enemy had been sufficiently punished, as they witlidrcw under cover of night, leaving their killed and wounded on the field. A i\Tajor-General said in the hearing of this writer, next morning, that he counted 286 dead and 145 so severely wounded as to be un- able to help themselves. On the 29th ]\racBae's Brigade roturncMl to tlK> lines near Hart's liouse, Avhence it had been tak(Mi, and was employed in changing our lines, building a new line of works and tear- ing down the old ones. At this point we erected cabins and went into winter (piarters. Occupied in working on fortifica- tions, drilling and the ordinary camp duties, we were not called upon to move until 0 December, 1864. when the brigade started upon a tramp in ])nrsuit of a party of the en- Fifty-Second Rkgiment. 251 emy's troops engaged in an effort to destroy the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad. We did not get a fight, but were success- ful in driving them back within their own lines, after whicE we returned to our camp, reaching it on the 14th, From this date until 5 February, 1865, we remained in our winter quarters, doing picket duty, drilling and performing such other duty as is incident to camp life. HATCHER^S RUN. On the 5th MacRae's Brigade, accompanied by other troops, moved out to intercept a column of the enemy moving by the Vaughn road, in the direction of the South Side Rail- road, which had reached a point near Armstrong's Mill, on the left bank of Hatcher's Run. Finding the enemy strongly intrenched, we made a demonstration against them which was repulsed with some loss. We were withdrawn after dark and returned to our quarters. On the 7th we were ordered under arms at daylight expecting to attack the enemy, but on account of a very heavy sleet and snowstorm, did not move. On the night of 31 March we were moved to the right and oc- cupied a position in our lines on the right of the Boydton plank road beyond Hatcher's Run, which we held until the night of 2 April, when we began our retreat by a road leading from Five Forks to Southerland Station, closely pursued by the enemy. Reaching Southerland Station on the morning of the 3d, we were so closely pressed as to find it necessary to fight. We therefore selected a position on the brow of a slight hill in an open field and rapidly fortified our line, as well as we could, with bayonets used to break the earth, and such other means as were at command. Before we had suc- ceeded in doing any considerable work the enemy charged our line. His advance was met with a well-delivered and telling volley from our rifles (we had no artillery) and they were driven back with heavy loss. A second attack with strength- ened lines was made and again they retreated with greater loss. A third and much heavier column was hurled against our little band ; and, after fighting with great desperation, being flanked on our left, we were driven from our lines and 252 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. retreated in the direction of the Appomattox river with but little, if any, organization. Since the war a Federal General told General MacGowan, of South Carolina who, being the ranking officer present on this occasion, commanded our line, that this was the most gal- lantly defended line of any within his knowledge during the war ; that we had killed and wounded more of their men than we numbered. Following the course of the river by the near- est accessible road, and often through the woods, crossing Namozine and Deep creeks, we joined General Lee at Goode's Bridge and proceeded thence to Amelia Court House, reach- ing this point on the 4th and halting for rest and rations. Here General Lee expected to ration his army, having or- dered supplies to meet him at this point. In this hope, how- ever, he was greatly disappointed. The authorities at Rich- mond, in the panic caused by the expected evacuation of the lines around Richmond and Petersburg, ordered the trains to proceed, wdthout stopping, to the capital, for the purpose of moving the government's effects, which they did, carrying with them almost the last hope of the army in the shape of its subsistence, there to be destroyed, or fall into the hands of the enemy. We rested here during the 4th and 5th sending out forag- ing parties for supplies, which resulted in — nothing. The troops had now been forty-eight hours without regular rations and the prospect was disheartening. On the night of the 5th we left Amelia Court House, marching westwardly by way of Deatonsville, thence towards Farmville. Approaching High Bridge over the Appomattox river, we encountered a body of cavalry disputing our passage. MacRae's Brigade charged, driving them off and capturing General Gregg, after which we continued the retreat, and crossing the river over the bridge, bivouacked for the night. On the morning of the 7th the retreat w^as continued. Reaching a commanding po- sition al")out five miles north from Farmville, a line of bat- tle was formed and fortifications quickly erected. Here we rested until night, when the retreat was continued in the direction of Lynchburg, and by the night of the Sth the army had reached the vicinity of Appomattox Court House. Fifty-Second Regiment, 253 On the 9th an advance was begun but, finding the enemy in possession of our only line of retreat, the army was halted pending negotiations for the surrender of the Army of ISTorth- em Virginia. On the 12th, in accordance with the terms agreed upon, the Fifty-second Regiment, together with the remainder of what had been the noble Army of Northern Vir- ginia, marched to a point designated by the commissioners appointed for that purpose, and stacked their arms, deposit- ed their furled banners, gave their parole and took up their line of march for those homes they had fought so bravely to defend through four long years of blood, hardships and toil. I^OTE : — After the regiment had been assigned to a brigade I have not, in many instances, been able to speak of it as a separate command, but it is to be understood that in all cases where the movements of the brigade are spoken of, the Fifty- second Regiment participated. Having no access to records, I have not been able to note casualties with accuracy as to detail, except, in a few cases, where my information is derived from letters written to my wife at the time. John H. Robinson. Fayetteville, N. C, 9 April, 1901. &. Jamsx'wm exw^ ■x^_~-'7 By COLOXEL JAMES T. MOREHEAD. The duty a— _ ■ — ■ . — — of the Fifrr-U-..\. ,•. :„ '_-.-._- ^_i^_ ::; . ^ .__ ; :; dischaige, with pleasure, but I did not realize uii::. I ^in how great the difficnltr would be, with no record - :: : '.-r conflicting recollections of sorviring comrades as - -:i:i and persons. It may be and no doubt it is true, rJ I -~f not beai accurate as to the personnel of the cffi; f regiment, as to the dates of commissionss, death an^ , :^^, and if any injustice by omission or conmiisgifm is done^ I as- sure my living comrades and frioids of such as have crc^^si-?! over the river, that no erfect order, and at intervals, when or- Fifty-Third Regimeist. 257 dered,haltiiig,facing- about and delivering'its fire almost in the faces of the pursuers. Not a man broke ranks or quickened his steps. As is well known to every soldier, a retreat under fire is the severest test of discipline and courage. At the battle of Winchester, to prevent the enemy from dis- covering the gap on the left, I had deployed the greater part of my regiment as skirmishers, and this thin line successfully held five times its numbers at bay, until the failure of prom- ised support to arrive, and all of Early's army on our left had been driven from the field. It was known to every man in the regiment that the enemy w^as getting rapidly in our rear, and that there was imminent danger that we would be cut off and surrounded, but until ordered so to do, not a man left his position, and the regiment then retreated across the field in the manner above told. Experience and observation have taught that one of the results of organization and discipline is, that when soldiers retire or retreat in face of the enemy by order, they will halt, but if they "break" without order, it is difficult to raJly and re- form them. An incident of this battle illustrates this. The temporary works of the enemy above referred tO' 'were con- structed just beneath the brow of the liill or slope up which the regiment was charging at a run and was not observed until we were within a few feet of them. When the men had reached nearly the top of the slope, to their astonishment they saw be- hind the work a third line of the enemy and such of the other two lines as could be prevailed on tO' stop, outnumbering us four or five to one. Our men immediately faced about and started for the shelter of a wooded hill from and through which they had just driven the enemy. Seeing the condition and thinking of the fact above stated, I at once ordered a. re- treat, had the officers to repeat the order, semingly so superflu- ous, and directed the regiment to halt as soon as the woods were reached. When I reached the woods, I had the satisfac- tion of seeing the regiment reformed and "ready for busi- ness" as if nothing had happened to dampen their ardor. I select these out of many instances, which particularly distinguished this regiment, because of the trying situations. 17 '258 North Carolina Troops, 1801-65. After the regiment was assigned to Daniel's Brigade, it participated in the battles of Gettysburg, three days, and at Mine Kun and fought more or less from 5 May, 1864, to 30 May at tlic Wilderness under fire every day. It was in the fa- mous Horse Shoe at Spottsylvania Court House, during the terrible days of 9, 10, 11 and 12 May, losing its Major, James Johnston Iredell, killed, Col. Owens wounded, several of its Captains and Lieutenants and scores of its men killed and wounded. It was brought out of the Horse Shoe to straighten the lines after the assault of the 12th under command of a Captain, its only remaining field officer, its Lieutenant-Colo- nel being in command of the brigade, the Brigadier-General (Daniel) and every other officer in the brigade senior in com- mission, having been killed or wounded. On 30 May it was engaged in the battle at Bethesda church, and on the next day was withdrawn from the front preparatorv to its march to the Valley of Virginia. On 5 or 6 May, 1864, the sharpshooters of this regiment were much annoyed by one of the Federal sharpshooters who had a long range rifle and who had climbed up a tall tree from wliich he could pick off our men, tlioiigh sheltered by stump and stones, himself out of range of our guns. Pri- vate Leon, of Company B (Mecklenburg), concluded that "this thing had to be stopped," and taking advantage of every knoll, liollow and stump, he crawled near enough for Ins rifle to reach, took a "pop" at this disturber of the peace and he came tumbling down. Upon running up to his victim, Leon discovered him to be a Canadian In- dian, and clutching his scalp-lock, dragged him to our line of sli a rpsl looters. Tlie regiment was at Lynchl)urg when the pursuit of Hun- ter began, marched with General Early to Wasliington, D. C, was one of the regiments left to support the picket line under the walls of Washington, while the rest of the corps made good its retreat to the valley — the Nineteenth and Sixth Corps of the Federal army having been poured into the city for its de- fense. While supporting the pickets, this regiment became involved in one of the hottest conflicts in its experience, but succeeded in holding its position, repulsing and driving the P^ifty-Third Regiment. 259 enemy back to the earthworks, which defended the city. At jnidnight it received orders to retire in perfect silence, and to the surprise of all when we reached the position on the hills near the city, Avhere we had left the corps, it was ascertained that the corps had left the night before, twenty-four hours — and we marched the whole night and a greater part of the next day before we caught up with the rear guards. Early's ruse, as usual, had succeeded in deceiving the enemy. This regiment participated in all of the battles in the Val- ley in 1864, and in numerous combats and skirmishes. In this Valley Campaign the regiment lost its gallant Colonel Owens, who was killed at Snicker's Ford, near Snicker's Gap, in August, 1864. He had been absent since 10 May, disabled by wounds at Spottsylvania Court House ; had returned just as the regiment was eating dinner, and almost while we were congratulating him on his safe return, we received notice that the enemy had crossed the river at Snicker's Ford. The or- der to ''fall in" was given, we marched to the river, and drove the enemy across, after a short, but severe conflict. The firing had ceased, excepting now and then a dropping shot, when Colonel Owens was killed by one of these stray shots. He was a good officer, brave, humane, social, popular with both men and officers. He was succeeded by the writer as Colonel. At Winchester, on 19 September, 1864, Adjutant Osborne was killed. Two years ago Color Sergeant Taylor, of Com- pany E, Surry county, who has resided in Utah since 1866, visited me. He received a ball in his hip from which wound he still limps and in talking about his own wound, he told me as we w^ere charging the third Federal line at Winches- ter, having broken the first two, and when near the tempor- ary breastwork of the enemy, he received the shot which dis- abled him for life, and that as he fell, young Osborne picked up the flag waving it, ran forward, cheering on the men and was killed within 20 feet of the Color Sergeant. He was an efficient officer and daring soldier, I suppose not older than 20 years. Lieutenant W. R. Murray, of Company A, than whom there was not a better officer or braver soldier in the ^'Old Guard" of iSTapoleon, acted as Adjutant after the death of Osborne till the surrender at Appomattox. 260 NoKTH Cakolina Tkooi's, 186] -'Go. As stated before, Major Iredell, a true gentleman and brave soldier, was killed at Spottsylvania Court House. Captain Jolm W. Rierson succeeded him. At Winchester, finding that there was a gap of two or three hundred yards between my left and the troops on the left, and that the enemy had discov- ered and \vfr(^ ])reparing to take advantage of it, I directed Major Itierson to find General Grimes on the right of the division, (General Rodes had been killed in the beginning of the action), and apprise him of the situation. After some time he returned, saluted and reported, the fighting being very heavy all the time, when I discovered that J\Lajor Rier- son was shot through the neck, which wound was received be- fore he found General Grimes, but he nevertheless performed the duty, returned and reported, and did not then go to tbe rear until I directed him to do so. This gallant officer was killed when the enemy broke over our lines at Peter.-bvD-g, a few days before Appomattox. He was entitled to his com- mission as Lieutenant-Colonel from the date of the battle of Snicker's Ford, but I do not know that he received it. This was a volunteer regiment, enlisted in the latter part of the winter and first part of the spring of 1862, and was organized at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, the first week in May, 1862, and assigned to Daniel's Brigade, (Rodes' Divis- ion). William A. Owens, of Mecklenburg county, was elected Colonel ; James T. Morehead, Jr., of Guilford county, Lieutenant-Colonel, and James Johnston Iredell, of Wake county. Major, Colonel Owens had already been in the service more than one year, having served as Captain in the First (Bethel) Reg- iment, and at the time of his election was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eleventh Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Morehead had also been in the service the preceding year, having entered the same in April, 1861, as Lieutenant of the "Guilford Grays," (afterwards Com- pany B, of the Twenty-seventh Regiment), and at the time of his election was a Captain in the Forty-fifth Regiment. William B. Osborne, of Mecklenburg county, M^as ap- pointed Adjutant and John M. Springs, of Mecklenburg, was appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. He re- Fifty-Third Regiment. 261 signed in the fall of 1862 and was succeded by Captain John B. Biirwell. J. F, Long was appointed Surgeon ; Lauriston H. Hill, of Stokes county, Assistant Surgeon, and promoted Surgeon in 1863. William Hill, of Mecklenburg, was ap- pointed Captain, A. C. S. In 1863 Charles Gresham, of Virginia, was assigned to duty with this regiment as Assist- ant Surgeon. James H. Colton, of Randolph county, was appointed Chaplain ; J. H. Owens, Sergeant Major (pro- moted Second Lieutenant of Company I and killed) ; R. B. Burwell, Quartermaster Sergeant; J. C. Palmer, Commis- sary Sergeant; R. S. Barnett, Ordnance Sergeant. Upon the promotion of J. H. Owens, Aaron Katz, of Company B, succeeded him as Sergeant-Ma j or, and upon his being cap- tured, Robert A. Fleming, of Company A, was Sergeant- Major. Company A was from Guilford county. A. P. McDaniel was its first Captain, commissioned 25 February, 1862, and upon his retirement in 1863, Lieutenant J. M. Sutton was promoted Captain and wounded at Bethesda Church and on 21 September, 1864, in the Valley, and captured at Peters- burg; P. W. Haterick (killed at Gettysburg), First Lieuten- ant; J. M. Sutton, Second Lieutenant; W. L. Fleming, pro- moted from Sergeant to Second Lieutenant in August, 1863 ; William R. Murray, promoted from ranks to Second and First Lieutenant in 1863; J. W. Scott, promoted Second Lieutenant from Sergeant (chief of regimental corps of sharpshooters). Company' B was from Mecklenburg county and its first Captain was J. Harvey White, commissioned 1 March, 1862, killed at Spottsylvania Court House in May, 1864. Samuel E. Belk, First Lieutenant ; John M. Springs, Second Lieu- tenant, promoted Assistant Quartermaster ; William M. Mat- thews, Second Lieutenant, promoted from First Sergeant; M. E. Alexander, promoted Second Lieutenant from Second Sergeant. Lieutenants Belk, Matthews and Alexander were wounded at Gettysburg. Company C was from Johnston, Chatham and Wake, mostly from Johnston. Its first Captain was John Leach, commissioned 28 February, 1862 ; was succeeded as Captain 262 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. by J. C. Kicliardson (wounded at Petersburg), commissioned 17 April, 1863, both from Johnston county; George T. Leach, of Chatham, commissioned First Lieutenant 7 March, 1862 ; John H. Tomlinson, of Johnston county, commissioned Second Lieutenant in April, 1862, resigned and succeeded by E. Tomlinson in 1862 ; S. R. Horn, of Johnston county, was commissioned Second Lieutenant 21 July, 1862. Company D was from Guilford, Cumberland, Forsyth, Stokes, Bladen and Surry. David Scott, Jr., of Guilford county, was commissioned Captain 1 March, 1862, resigned and was succeeded 15 May, 1863, by Alexander Ray, of Cum- berland county, promoted from First Lieutenant and killed at Petersburg, April 1865. Alexander Ray Avas commissioned First Lieutenant 1 March, 1862 ; Madison L. Efland, of Guil- ford county, commissioned Second Lieutenant 1 March, 1862, promoted First Lieutenant 15 May, 1863, and wounded; A. H. Westmoreland, of Stokes county, was promoted from Ser- geant to Second Lieutenant ; W. N. Westmoreland, Stokes county, was promoted from the ranks to Second Lieutenant in 1863. Company E was from Surry county. J. C. ]N"orman was commissioned Captain on 8 March, 1862, resigned the follow- ing December and was succeeded by First Lieutenant Rob- ert A. Hill, killed in 1864, succeeded in turn as Captain by First Lieutenant B. W. Minter ; Samuel Walker was commis- sioned Second Lieutenant 8 March, 1862, promoted to First Lieutenant December, 1862, and resigned; B. W. Minter, Second Lieutenant, promoted First Lieutenant and Captain ; Henry Hines, Second Lieutenant, in 1862 ; Logan Bemer, promoted from Corporal to Second Tjieutenant, wounded and captured in 1864; James A. Hill, Second Lieutenant, cap- tured in 1864. Company F was from Alamance and Chatham. G. M. G. Albright was commissioned Captain 5 May, 1862, killed July, 1863, at Gettysburg, and was succeeded by A. G. Al- bright, promoted from First Lieutenant (wounded at Fisher's Hill, 1864) ; Jesse M. Holt, First Lieutenant, 16 July, 1863, promoted from Second Lieutenant, (killed at Winchester, 1864) ; Branson Lambe, commissioned in 1864, promoted Fifty-Third Regiment. 263 from Second Lieutenant; John J. Webster, commissioned Second Lieutenant May, 1862, and resigned; S. J. Albright, commissioned Second Lieutenant in 1862 and killed at Spottsylvania Court House in 1864. Company F was from Stokes. G. W. Clarke was com- missioned Captain on 20 March, 1862, and resigned May, 1862 ; was succeeded by John W. Eierson, promoted from Second Lieutenant and who was in 1863 promoted to Major, wounded at Winchester and killed at Petersburg, April, 1865. He was in time succeeded as Captain by H. H. Campbell, promoted from First Lieutenant and killed at Winchester. G. B. Moore was commissioned First Lieutenant in March, 1862, resigned in June ; John W. Rierson, commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant March, 1862 ; W. H. McKinney was promo- ted from the ranks in May, 1862, to second Lieutenant, and wounded at Winchester ; C. F. Hall, promoted from ranks to Second Lieutenant, mortally wounded at Gettysburg; W. F. Campbell, promoted First Lieutenant and wounded at Wash- ington, D. C. Company H was from Stokes county. Captain Spotts- wood B. Taylor was commissioned on 20 March, 1862, re- signed on account of health in ISTovember, 1863, and was suc- ceeded by John E. Miller, promoted from Second Lieutenant, who was wounded at Snicker's Ford and captured September, 1864; Thomas S. Burnett, commissioned First Lieutenant 20 March, 1862, and killed in 1863; Charles A. McGehee, First Lieutenant, November, 1862, woimded at Gettysburg 3 July, 1863, and captured; Alexander M. King, Second Lieutenant, March, 1862 ; J. Henry Owens, promoted Sec- ond Lieutenant from Sergeant-Ma j or, December, 1862, and killed ; Alexander Boyles, promoted First Lieutenant. Company I was from Union county. E. A. Jerome was commissioned Captain 20 March, 1862, and resigned in Jime following, and was succeeded by Thomas E. Ashcraft, pro- moted from First Lieutenant ; John D. Cuthbertson, commis- sioned Second Lieutenant 20 March, 1862, promoted First Lieutenant; Joshua Lee, commissioned Second Lieutenant 20 March, 1862 ; James E. Green, promoted from the ranks, 204 North Carolina Trooi's, 1 801-65. Second Lieutenant 24 June, 1862; A. T. Marsh, promoted froni Sergeant to Second Lieutenant 19 May, 1864. Company K was from Wilkes county. William J, Mil- ler was commissioned Captain 20 March, 1862, killed at Get- tysburg 1 July, 1863, and was succeeded by Jesse Y. Eller, promoted from Second Lieutenant; Thomas C. Miller, pro- moted from Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant 1 July, 1863 ; Thomas C. Miller, commissioned Second Lieutenant in August, 1862. This regiment lost in killed its first Colonel, who was twice wounded ; both of its Majors, one of them, Rierson, several times wounded and its xidjutant. Its surviving Colonel was wounded three times, at Gettysburg, Fisher's Hill and in the assault upon the Federal lines at Hare's Hill on 25 March, 1865, in which last engagement he was captured within the enemy's works. As it is, I have only the approximately correct report of the losses of one of the companies of the regiment, and that only in one battle, but I think the losses of the other com- panies may be fairly estimated from the losses of this one. Company B lost at Gettysburg out of about 65 men, 8 killed and 22 wounded, and of the four officers, three vvere wounded. I meet many of these scarred and now grizzly veterans of the companies from Alamance, Guilford, Stokes and Surry at my courts in these counties, and hear sometimes from those from the other counties, and with very few exceptions they have shown themselves to be as good citizens as they were gal- lant soldiers. They illustrate that ''peace hath her victories no less renowned than war." The regiment reduced to a handful of men shared the for- tunes of the historic retreat and surrendered at Appomattox, being then commanded by Captain Thomas E. Ashcraft, the brigade l)eing commanded by Colonel David G. Cowand. General Grimes having boon made a ^^fajor-General, com- manded the division. I cannot close this sketch without acknowledging my in- debtedness to Captain Sutton and Private J. Montgomery, of Company A ; L. Leon, of Company B, who kindly furnished Fifty-Third Regiment. 265 me with copy of a diary kept by him from organization of the regiment up to 5 May, 1864, when he was captured ; Cap- tain Albright, of Company F ; Captain S. B. Taylor, of Com- pany H, and Lieutenant W. F. Campbell, of Company G, for valuable information ; and I hope that the publication of the sketches of the North Carolina regiments will excite in- terest enough among the old soldiers to give us further dates and incidents. I wish I could write a history of my regi- ment which would do the officers and men full credit for their patriotism and services. The patriotism and heroism of these soldiers were illus- trated by the patient and uncomplaining endurance of the forced march, the short rations, the hardships of winter camps and campaigns as much as by their lighting qualities. Pos- terity will hesitate to decide which is most worthy of admira- tion. James T. Morehead. Obeensboro, N. C, 9 April, 1901. --^ FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 1. K. M. Murchison, Colonel. 2. Rev. John Paris, Chaplain. 3. J. Marshall ■Williams. 1st Lieut., Co. C. 4. R. A. Russell, ~M Lieut., Co. E. FIFTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. By J. MARSHALL WILLIAMS, First Lieutenant Company C. This regiment was organized at Camp Mangum, near Ral- eigh, N. C, on 10 May, 1862, and was composed of t^ com- panies of infantry, viz. : Company A — Rowaon County — Captain Anderson Ellis. Company B — Burke County — Captain, J. C. S. McDow- ell. Company C — Cumberland County — Captain, K. M. Mur- chison. Company D — Northampton County — Captain, J. A. Rogers. Company E — Iredell Coimiy — Captain, — . — . Parker. Company F — Guilford Cou??^^/— Captain, — . — . Wat- lington. Company G — MHlkes County — Captain, A. H. Martin. Company H — Yadkin County — Captain, D. S. Cocker- ham. Company K — Columbus County — Captain, W. B. Hamp- ton. Company K — Granville County — Captain, S. J. Parham. Each company containing its full quota of men, it pro ceeded to elect Field Officers, which resulted as follows : Captain J. C. S. McDowell^ of Company B, Colonel. ■ Captain K. M. Muechison^ of Company C, Lieutenant^ Colonel. Captain A. Ei.lis^ of Company A, Major. Subsequently the following Staff was appointed : Lieutenant W. C. McDaniel. Adjutant, of Company C. D. R. MuRCHisoN^ Quartermaster. E. G. Greenlee^ Surgeon. 268 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. W. H. Tate, Assistant Surgeon. Rev. John Paris, Chaplain. Robert G. Russell, Sergeant-Major. E. G. Brodie, Ordnance Sergeant. J. J. Forney, Quartermaster Sergeant. Tluis it will be seen that this regiment was composed of ten companies from different parts of the State. Though high up in iiumhers, it was made up of good material; many of its officers and men had formerly belonged to the First Volun- teers or ''Bethel," Seventh and Eighth jSTorth Carolina Regi- ments. Upon the completion of its organization this regiment was sent to the coast of jSTorth Carolina, and after three months seiwice on picket duty, and other duties incident to camp life, it was ordered to the Anny of ISrorthern Virginia, and was temporarily placed in Law's Brigade, with the Sixth, Twenty- first and Fifty-seventh North Carolina Regiments, which constituted a part of Hood's Division. Soon after it was assigned to this command, the first battle of Fredericksburg came off. FREDERICKSBURG. Here we ''fleshed our maiden sword," and at once covered ourselves with glory. On 13 December, 1862, this regiment, with the Fifty-seventh, being new regiments, were detached and ordered to drive the enemy from a rail- road cut, from which they had driven our troops in the early part of the day. At 5 o'clock p. m. this memorable charge was made in the most gallant manner in the presence of some of our prominent generals, and to use the language of General Hood, our comuumder, "They pursued the broken enemy across the railroad for a mile into the plains. Although scourged by a galling flank fire, it was uot until repeated mes- sengers had been sent to repress their ardor that they were recalled. I verily believe the mad fcdlows would have gone on in spite of me and tlie enemy together; and re- turned, souie of them were seen weepiug witli vexation be- cause they had been dragged from the bleeding haunches of Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 269 the foe, and exclaiming : 'It is because lie has no confidence in Carolinians ! If we had been some of his Texans he would have let us go on and got some glory.' " Our loss in this battle was comparatively light, considering the deadly work we were engaged in, but we left some brave men on the field, which served to remind us that in our next it might be our lot to fill a soldier's grave. After this battle we went intO' winter quarters on the Rappahannock river, and in a short time the campaign of 1863 was opened. We were then transferred to General Robert F. Hoke's Brigade, which was composed of the Sixth, Twenty-first, Fifty-fourth and Fifty-seventh No'rth Carolina Regiments and assigned to Early's Division, Jackson's Corps. We took part in some of Jackson's strater- gic movements around Chancellorsville, and were engaged in several "brushes" which were very common at that time. On 3 May our division alone, was sent back to Fred- ericksburg, a distance of sixteen miles, and took posi- tion on Marye's Heights to prevent a flank movement on General Lee, then at Chancellorsville. On the following day Sedgwick's Corps, with other troops, crossed the river, and swept us from our position. Soon Rode's Division came to our assistance, and after a bloody struggle we rer gained our former position, and the enemy were driven back across the river. Many of our brave men fell in this battle. It was here that our much-lamented Colonel, J. C. S. McDowell, fell mortally wounded, and on the 8th yielded up his life, "as a holocaust to his country's need." His re- mains were then taken by a dear friend to Richmond, and placed in the capital by the side of the immortal Jackson, who had "crossed over the river" at the same time. After the death of Colonel ]\IcDowell, Lieutenant-Colonel Ken- neth M. Murchison was made a full Colonel, and Captain James A. Rogers, of Company D, was made Major, vice Ellis promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel. Soon we joined the main army, then at Chancellorsville, and were assigned to Ewell's Corps,, and with the army took up a line of march for Culpepper Court House: From thence we moved north- ward, passed Little Washing-ton, and moving with the ut- most rapidity we soon entered the Valley. 270 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. in the valley. Upon reaching Front Royal, liodes' Division of our Corps was detached and sent to Berryville, when our division (Early's) with Johnson's, were sent to Winchester, On reaching the vicinity of Winchester our sharpshooters be- came engaged, and soon drove the enemy into one of their ad- vanced forts, which was very strong. A line of battle was soon formed, and all preparation made for an immediate at- tack. General Ewell tinding it a difficult matter to procure a suitable position for his artillery on the hills commanding the town, spent the day in posting his batteries. The town was strongly fortified, and it was thought that Milroy, with a garrison of G,000 men, would make a desper- ate effort to hold it. General Ewell at once resolved to storm the works, and with all the artillery from the two divisions opened a galling fire upon their works, and in three hours' time the Federal guns were silenced. At 6 o'clock p. m., Hays' Brigade of our division, made a most gallant charge and carried their redoubts by storm, capturing and killing a good portion of the garrison. ISTight coming on, Milroy, with a handful of his men, deserted their command and fled in wild confusion and reached Hai'per's Ferry in safety. In this engagement 2,000 prisoners, equally as many horses, and a vast amount of commissary stores were cap- tured. On 18 June our regiment, then numbering 400 men, was ordered to take these prisoners to Staunton, a distance of 100 miles, and rejoin the army then in Maryland, at a speci- fied time. The Fifty-fourth was thus depjfived of a share in the battle of Gettysburg in which the rest of the brigade participated. With as little delay as possible we started en route for Staunton, marching eighteen miles a day, and guarding prisoners at night. On 3 July, 1863, we returned to Winchester, and in conjunction with a Virginia regiment, were ordered to guard an ordnance train to the army, then in Pennsylvania. Upon reaching Williamsport it was ascer- tained that the enemy was making some demonstrations in our front, and we were at once ordered by General Imboden, who was tlien in command, to take position and repel any Fifty- Fourth Regiment. 271 attack that might be made upon our wagon train, which had arrived there, but could not cross on account of the high stage of the water in the Potomac. On the morning of the 6th a strong force of cavalry and artillery advanced on the Hagerstown and Boonsboro roads. Our force being small, four companies under command of LieutenantrColonel Ellis, were detached to support our only battery, and the remainder of the regiment deployed as sharp- shooters, so as to check any advance of the enemy that might be made on the Boonsboro road. At 5 o'clock p. m. the en- emy advanced their artillery, which was followed by dis- mounted cavalry, and a fierce little battle ensued, which lasted for an hour, when they retreated. In this fight 25 were killed and wounded from our regiment, and a good number from the regiment that had joined us. General Imboden guarded our flanks, while Colonel Mur- chison manoeuvered this little army with much coolness, and soon won the unbounded confidence of his men in his mili- tary skill and their admiration for his personal bravery. retreat from GETTYSBURG. On 8 July we again joined the main army at Hagerstown, Md., and with it we again crossed the Potomac. Marching continuously we reached Rapidan Station, and went into camp for a short rest, which was so much needed. From this camp heavy cannonading could be heard in our rear, and we were frequently annoyed by the cavalry dashes on our rear guard. After our rest we moved on Somerville Ford, to check a column of cavalry from crossing; but after a feeble demonstration, they withdrew to Raccoon Ford to reinforce some troops already there, and confronting Johnson's Divis- ion. We were hurried to that point and assisted in driving them back. From here we moved to Orange Court House, and after being reviewed by General Lee, we went into camp and were held in reserve for two days. Colonel Murchison, after a short absence, joined us at this place, and took command of the regiment. In a short time we were sent out on picket 272 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. and captured a good lot of prisoners that had been cut off from their commands. We then moved on to Madison Court House, and in ap- proching Rapidan river, had a fierce encounter with the enemy's cavalry, which was soon driven back. We then con- tinued our march in the direction of Culpepper Court House, and tipon arriving there had a rest of tAvo days, awaiting some troops to como up. On the 12th we resumed our march for Warrenton Springs and rested for the night. The next morning we crossed the river, and found many dead Yan- kees and horses where General Stuart had fought them the day before. He was then driving them in the direction of Rappahannock Station. Our whole anny then began de- stroying the railroad for some distance, and after this work was accomplished we went on tO' Rappahannock Station and went into camp. The next day we moved to Brandy Sta- tion, and in passing through an open space of fields, we were subjected to a severe enfilading fire, from the horse artillery, which caused some confusion ; but they were soon driven off, and we then moved on quietly and bivouacked near Brandy Station. On 1 IsTovember, 1863, we moved our camp two miles west of Brandy Station on tlie railroad, and much to our surprise, we were ordered to build winter quarters ; and what rejoic- ing there was in the anticipation of a long rest and a cessa- tion of hostilities. Those of us who possessed a talent for making ourselves comfortable soon had good cabins, and as every officer was priding himself upon having the "best," a sudden change in our life of quietude and social enjoyment came over the spirit of our dreams. RAPPAHANNOCK BRIDGE. On the evening of the* 15th our brigade was called out and hurried to the river to reinforce Hays' Brigade of our divis- ion, then on picket, and threatened by a heavy force. Just at dark we reached the river, and were hurried across on pontoon bridges, and took position behind some works that had been built to defend the passage of the river. It was thought bv General Earlv that a successful resistance could Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 273 be made, or if forced to withdraw, it could be done under the batteries from the south side. In a short time Sedgwick's Corps with the assistance of Russell's and Upton's Brigades from the Fifth Corps, took possession of our bridge and the two brigades after some desperate fighting, were oveiiDOwered and compelled to surrender. Out of the 2,000 men engaged and so recklessly exposed, 1,750 were captured and 150 killed and wounded. Those who escaped only reached the south side by swimming the river. From our regiment only three commissioned officers escaped, viz.. Lieutenants Edward Smith, Fitzgerald, and the writer of this sketch, who was then carried fifteen miles at night, through a mist of rain and snow, in an unconscious condition, before a change of clothing could be had. Those that were captured were taken to Johnson's Island, Ohio, and Avere held until after the war. If the writer is not mistaken, General Hoke was at this time home on a wounded furlough, and upon hearing of this dreadful disaster, came on and obtained permission to take the remnant of his brigade to Kinston, IST. C, to be recraited by conscripts, and his old men then at home on sick and wounded furloughs. The Twenty-first ISTorth Carolina of our brigade was absent at the time, being on detached service in jS'orth Carolina, and thus escaped capture. The conscripts soon began to pour in from Raleigh, and for three weeks we were engaged in the monotonous business of preparing these men for more active service. NEW BERN. General Hoke, not yet entirely well of his wounds, became restless and obtained permission to "tackle" New Bern. On 30 January, 1864, we moved in that direction, by the Dover road, and were reinforced by Clingman's and Corse's Bri- gades. Upon reaching Core creek our sharpshooters were thrown out and soon became engaged with the enemy, when they were driven back to Bachelor's creek, where they were well fortified and made a stubborn resistance. Our artillery was soon in position, and a deadly assault was made upon 18 S74 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. their works, when they fled in much confusion tx> New Bern, -leaving behind several pieces of artillery and a good many prisoners. In this battle our loss in killed and wounded was ■heavy. Among the killed was Colonel Shaw, of the Eighth North Carolina. We then moved on to New Bern, and finding heavy reinforcements ])ouring into the city from Plymouth and other points, it w^as not deemed advisable to make the attack just at this time, and our little army withdrew ; but not until much damage had been done to the enemy. We then returned quietly to Kinston, and re- mained there, drilling conscripts which were daily com- ing in until 13 April, when our brigade moved in the direc- tion of Goldsboro, Clingman's and Corse's going in a different direction. This movement somewhat puzzled lis, as we knew not "'what was up" until we reached Ply- mouth, w^hen some changes were made in our commands. CAPTURE or PLYMOUTH. The Forty-third North Carolina and Twenty-first Georgia Hegiments were temporarily attached to our brigades. Col- onel Mercer, of the Twenty-first Georg-ia, being senior ofiicer, took command of our brigade (General Hok^e commanding the whole army). In the first charge on one of the advanced forts, which was very strong. Colonel Mercer was killed, and his men seeing no chance of getting in under this galling fire, began to waver, Avhen Lieutenant-Colonel W. G. Lewis, •of the Forty-third, promptly taking in the critical situation, assumed command, and began to rally the men behind a bluff in a few yards of the fort. He at once sent for two pieces of artillery, which soon battered down one corner of the fort, and we went in without the loss of a man. This movement evidently saved the life of many a brave man. From this time Colonel Lewis was in command of our bri- gade and was soon made Brigadier-General for his heroic conduct on this occasion. We then moved on the town, and after a feeble demonstra- tion by the enemy it was surrendered 20 April, 1864, with 2,500 prisoners, 100,000 pounds of bacon, 1,000 barrels of flour and a vast amount of other stores. Among these prison- Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 275 ers 22 had formerly belonged to our army, and had gone over to the enemy and taken up arms against us. These pris- oners were sent to Kinston, given a fair trial by court-mar- tial, convicted of high treason, and duly executed by our brigade.* After this we went to Washington, N. C. The enemy soon fled destroying a vast amount of stores. At this place we re- mained several days in perfect quietude. We then moved back to iSTew Bern, where General Hoke expected to add an- other gem to the diadem of his military fame, but alas! General Lee could no longer do without him and we were hurried to Virginia. BUTLER^S ADVAIS^CE ON PETERSBTJEG. Arriving at Weldon, IST. C, it was ascertained that the enemy had torn up the railroad and burnt two of our bridges, and we were compelled to march fourteen miles and take the cars again. On 9 May at 6 o'clock p. m., we arrived at Petersburg just in time to save the city. Butler at that time was in possession of the outer works of the city, and had de- manded its surrender on the following morning. As soon as we could get in position he was attacked in the most vigorous manner, and soon fled in wild confusion to Drewry's Bluff, and we in hot pursuit until stopped by the heavy shelling from his gunboats. We then crossed the James and took position at Chaffin's fann, and after some shar]3 picket fight- ing we were withdrawn and sent to Richmond by steamers. Arriving there, we were sent four miles east of the city, and went into camp for the first time in several days. The next day we again crossed the James river to check a column of cavalry that was supposed to be moving on the coal field railroad. The enemy made but a feeble demonstration, and after some brisk picket fighting they withdrew. 13 July, 1864, we were ordered back to Drewry's Bluff to * After the war Secretary Stanton had in contemplation calling Gen. Hoke to account but the latter took the initiative by going to Washing- ton and calling on Gen. Grant who promptly stopped the proceedings. —Ed. 276 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. reinforce General Beauregard, who was threatened by a heavy force. Upon our arrival there the sharp-shooters be- came hotly engaged, and at 6 o'clock p. ra. General Ransom's Brigade was moved forward and made a most brilliant charge on their works, but by some misunderstanding he was not sup- ported and was compelled to fall back, losing some good of- cers, himself painfully wounded. The following day hot skinnishing was kept up during the entire day, both armies preparing for bloody work. General Beauregard by this time knew what a superior force in numbers he had to con- tend against, and displayed great military skill in getting his troops in position. On the morning of the ITtli he moved forward his entire line, and after a most desperate stiiiggle for four hours, he drove them in some disorder to Bennuda Hundreds, under cover of their giinboats in the James and Appomattox rivers. Thus the "bottling up of Butler," so gi-aphically detailed by General Grant, was completed, and the military career of this "Beast and modem Falstaff" was at an end (at least in Virginia). In this battle our loss was very heavy — 3,000 in killed and wounded. Among the killed was our noble Major Rogers, who fell pierced by two balls, while gallantly leading this regiment. Our new men behaved admirably, but being inexperienced a great many were killed. After this battle our entire regiment, save commissioned officers, were duly exchanged and returned for duty, swelling our ranks to 700 men. At this time we only had five com- missioned officers on duty, and the arduous duty of com- manding these men devolved upon them alone. We remained here several days watching the movements of the enemy. From here we were transported by steamers to RiehniDud to reinforce General Stuart, wlio was then fight- ing a heavy column of cavali'y that was making a raid on the city. After a fierce engagement in which General Stuart was killed, the army withdrew, leaving many of their dead and wovmded behind them. We were then ordered to make a forced march, and again Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 277 join the main army at Spottsylvania Court House. Upon our an'ival there General Lewis received orders from Gen- eral Lee in his own handwriting to "continue your march by most direct road to Jowls' Mills and Mud Tavern, and join General Ewell's Corps between Stannard Mills and Crutch- field's ; lose no time, and bring up your men in good order." This order forced General Lewis to march his men 37 miles that day, which was one of the longest marches in one day on record. After reporting to General Ewell, we were assigned to Early's Division again, and had the honor of bringing up the retreat to Hanover Junction, and not being pressed at this time by military exigencies, were allowed to spend a quiet Sabbath in camp. The next morning we moved for Mechanicsville, where we had a brisk skirmish with the cavalry, which was, as usual, soon driven back. On 11 June we reached Petersburg and took position in the trenches near the city. This position we did not fancy, as the enemy could "pick at" us from the slightest exposure. But, much to our comfort and surprise, we only remained in this position four days, when orders were received to be ready to march in a short time. LYNCHBURG. On the 14th our entire corps took up a line of march for parts unknown to us. After marching some days we reached Charlottesville, and took the cars for Lynchburg to meet Hunter's army then threatening the city, arriving at the lat- ter place at 2 o'clock p. m. We were moved four miles west of the city and formed a line of battle on the Salem turnpike. Our skirmishers were advanced, and soon attacked the enemy in a spirited manner, and they fell back to Liberty in much confusion, we pressing them so closely they left many wagons, prisoners and commissary stores behind. On the morning of the 22d we crossed the mountain range at Buford's Still in pursuit, and at Hanging Eock they were intercepted by our cavalry and a brisk little fight took place, in which they lost 200 prisoners, 15 pieces of artillery, 150 horses, and many wagons laden with stores. 278 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. The infantry was then so much exhaustrilliant victory lost. Many of us were soon ridden down by the cavalry and captured, killed or wounded, while our cavalry was of little assistanc^^. The writer of this sketch was painfully wounded in this retreat, Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 281 and was carried six miles on a liorse led by his faithful ser- vant, Billy Williams, before his wound was staunched. Right here I will digress for one moment: ''Billy", as he was known throughout the division, was unlike his race ; he seemed to love the excitement of war, and with his young master, saw the sun rise at Bethel and go down at Appomat- tox. And for the betrayal of a squadron of yankees into our lines, his name was placed upon the rolls of honor in Ral- eigh. The enemy recaptured all their prisoners and guns they had lost in the morning and captured from us equally as many as they lost. Major-General Ramseur was killed. Lieutenant-Colonels S. McD. Tate and A. Ellis, commanding the Sixth and Fifty-fourth North Carolina Regiments, with many other good officers, were severely wounded in this try- ing disaster. Our brigade suffered intensely in this cam- paign, losing seven different commanders in the course of six "sveeks' time. PETEKSBURG. The battle of Cedar Creek was the last event of importance in the Valley campaign, and practically closed it. The de- feat of General Early and the desolation of the Valley by Sheridan made it impossible for an army to remain in that region. These failures caused much feeling of indignation against General Early, and he was soon relieved of his com- mand. The remnant of his army was then placed under command of General J. B. Gordon, and sent back to Peters- burg. Our division was assigTied to General Pegram, and sent nine miles west of the city on the Boydtown Plank road, where we went into some cabins that had been built by other troops for winter quarters. Here we remained three days only, before the enemy began to manceuver in our front, when we were called out, and in a short time our division and Gordon's (which had just come up) were attacked at Hatcher's Run 6 Febiiiary, 1865, and a struggle, unprece- dented in its fui-y, and protracted beyond all expecta- tions, was commenced, and we were soon compelled to fall back a short distance. Mahone's and Wilcox's Divisions 282 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. came to our relief, and by indefatigable exertion we regained our former position, and the enemy fled in confusion. Our loss was very heavy in killed and wounded. Among the killed was our much lamented General, the "gay and gallant" Pegram, who had been married but a few days. From here we were moved two miles below Petersburg, and placed in Walker's Division, and took positions in the trenches formerly occupied by General Ransom and at some points in a stone's throw^ of the enemy. Here we had a long rest, but were much annoyed by the daily shellings from their heavy guns. HABEAS HILL. At 4:45 a. m., 25 March, 1865, a detail from our brigade and another emerged from our works in column of at- tack and dashed across the narrow space that separated the two armies, tore away the abatis and nished into Fort Stedman, completely surprising the garrison and canned the works. Instantly the captured gims were turned upon the adjacent forts and in a short time a brigade of the enemy w^as put to flight, and three batteries on our flanks were abandoned, and were for a short time in our possession. In this brilliant charge many pieces of artillery were taken and spiked, and five hundred prisoners, including one Brigadier-General, were captured. General Gordon opened this battle with great spirit and skill, but was not sustained. The troops on his right made but a feeble de- monstration, and were soon repulsed. The enemy in a short time recovered from the surprise and poured in a hurricane of shells into the works they had just lost, at the ^ame time throwing forward a heavy line of infantry, which caused us to fall back, losing many prisoners and a great many killed and woimded. This repulse was followed up and after a stubborn resistance our picket line was taken, and then a lull in the tempest for one day, which was but a prelude to its final and resistless burst. "The mighty huntsman now had the srame seciire in his toils, and onlv awaited the moment of his exhaustion to dispatch him." Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 283 the retreat to appomattox. On 2 April, 1865, a most terrific bombardment from one end of the line to the other commenced. At the same time the enemy's infantry surged forward like a mighty wave, and rolled up to our works. As one line recoiled from our deadly fire another would take its place, as though determined to break through by sheer weight of numbers. Our little band, so much exhausted from hard fighting and superhuman exer- tions, was compelled to fall back in the direction of Appomat- tox river. Following the river by the most accessible roads, we reached Amelia Court House, thirty-eight miles from where we started. Here General Lee expected to find a quantity of supplies for his troops, but, by an inexcusable blunder of the Richmond authorities the cars passed by with- out stopping to unload the supplies. We then had been two days without any food, and not a ration to be had. Our dis- appointment was complete, for the condition we were left in was desperate, and for some time we were wrapped in dis- consolate silence. But for this blunder, General Lee could have preserved his army intact and passed Burkeville in safety before the enemy could have reached there. On the night of the 5th we left Amelia Court House, marching by way of Deatonville in the direction of Farmville. Upon reaching Sailor's creek, and after some desperate fighting and losing some of our best men, we moved on to Gettersville, a distance of four miles, much jaded, footsore, and half starved, and soon became engaged in another desperate fight, in which our lamented Captain A. H. Martin, commanding this regiment, fell instantly killed, while gallantly holding his men to the front. When the enemy reached his dead body, they had it decently interred, and wrote upon an en- velop, placing it upon the grave, "^Here lies the body of a brave man. Captain Martin, of the Fifty-fourth North Carolina." In this battle our regiment lost more than three- fourths of its men in killed, wounded and prisoners, after which the remnant moved on to Farmville, and found that the enemy had just taken a battery in our front and had in possession our only line of retreat. General Lee at this crit- 284 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. ical moment seemed very much exercised, and evinced a de- sire to lead a charge on them if his men would follow. At once many exclaimed, "No, no, but if you will retire we will do the work." As he rode off, General W. G. Lewis, our brigade commander, so distinguished for his intrepid valor, rallied a few men and led the charge until he, with many others, fell severely wounded, and was unavoidably left in the hands of the enemy. The writer of this sketch was then acting as his Inspector General, and was the only member of his staff that was left to tell the tale of this bloody trag- edy. This charge was evidently the last one of importance. As the enemy moved on for a stronger position in our front, un- der cover of darkness, we moved on sluggishly, and at every step some brave man was compelled to step out of ranks from overpowering fatigue. At 12 o'clock M. we reached the vicinity of Appomattox Court House, and had a few hours of repose, which was so much neede<:l. THE SURRENDER. On the morning of the 9th an advance was begun, but find- ing overpowering numbers in our front, and upon all sides, this little army then reduced to something over 8,000 in- fantry and 3,000 cavalry and artillery actually in line, was halted pending negotiations for its sun-ender, which was made on that bright Sabbath day. On the succeeding days the rolls were made out and the army paroled in accordance with the terms agreed upon between Generals Lee and Grant. The fragments from the various commands were gathered and marched to a spot designated for that purpose, stacked their arms and deposited a few furled colors. Plaving re- ceived their paroles, our battle and famine-worn soldiers took up the lino of march for those homes they had so bravely fought to defend for four long years of blood, hardship and toil. Thus closes the volume of the bloody record of the Fifty- fourth Regiment of North Carolina troops, and to those of us who still survive, it is indeed pleasant to recall that fearful struggle for independence and to look back upon a series of Fifty-Fourth Regiment. 286 battles and victories unequalled in history ; and every one of us will speak with, pride of the time when he was a soldier in the Army of Northern Virginia. N'oTE. — I have been much indebted to General W. G. Lewis (who has since died) for information; also tO' Mrs. Paris, who so kindly furnished me with diaries containing data, casualties, etc., that were written by our beloved old Chaplain, the late Rev. John Paris, who was so noted for his piety, and untiring devotion to the cause in which we were engaged. He was indeed one of God's nobility. J. Marshall Williams. Fayetteville, N. C, 9 April, 1901. .yj^^t'r ■ ■' **"^■ KIFTY FIFTH KKIJIMKNT. 1. A. H. Belo, Colonel. 3. R.n- William Royall Chaplain. 2. John Kerr Connally. Colonel. 4. I) D Dickson. Captain, Oo. C. 5. C. SI. Cooke, 1st Lieut, ami acting Adjutant. FIFTY-FIFTH REQinE/IT. By CHARLES M. C^OOKE, Adjutant. The Fifty-fifth North Uarolina Regiment was organized at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, in the early part of 1862. The companies composing the regiment were : Company A — From, Wilson County — William J. Bullock, Captain. Company B — From Wilhes County — Abner S. Calloway, Captain. Company C — From Cleveland County — Silas D. Randall, Captain. Company E — From Pitt County — James T. Whitehead, Captain. Company F — From Clejseland, BurJce and Cataivha Coun- ties— Peter M. Mull, of Catawba county, Captain. Company G — From Johnston County — J. P. Williams, Captain. Company H — From, Alexander and Onslow Counties — Vandevere Teague, Captain; Alexander J. Pollock, First Lieutenant. Company I — From Franklin County — ^Wilson H. Wil- liams, Captain. Company K — From Granville County — Maurice T. Smith, Captain. John Kerr Connelly, of Yadkin county, who was for a while at the N'ational !N"aval Academy at Annapolis, and who had been Captain of a company in the Eleventh Regi- ment of North Carolina Volunteers, was elected Colonel of the regiment. Captain Abner S. Calloway, of Company B, was elected Lieutenant-Colonel. Captain James T. Whitehead, of Company E, was elec- ted Major. 288 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. William H. Young, of Granville county, was appointed Adjutant. W. N. Holt, of Company G, was appointed Sergeant Major. Geokge W. Blount, of Wilson county, (Quartermaster. W. P. Webb, of Granville county, Commissary. Dr. James Smith, of Granville county, Surg-eon. De. Isaac G. Cannady, of Granville county, Assistant Surgeon. Rev. William Royall. of Wake Forest College, Chaplain. A. H. Dunn, of Company I, Quartermaster-Sergeant. W. B. Royall, of Company I, Commissary Sergeant. J. W. C. Young, Ordnance Sergeant. Peterson Thorpe, of Company K, Hospital Steward. Charles E. Jackey, of Pitt county, Chief Musician. Lieutenant-Colonel Calloway resigned and Major White- head died within a few months after the organization of the regiment, and Captain Maurice T. Smith, of Company K, was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain A. H. Belo, of Salem, who commanded a company in the Eleventh Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers, was made Major. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Smith was killed at Gettysburg and Major Belo became Lieutenant-Colonel, and upon the resignation of Col- onel Connally, on account of severe wounds received in the same battle, Lieutenant-Colonel Belo became Colonel. On account of the fact that the senior Captain of the regiment was in prison from Gettysburg until the close of the war, the regiment had no other field officers. Adjutant Young resigned in November, 1862 and Henry T. Jordan, of Person county, was appointed Adjutant. He was captured at Gettysburg and, after that Lieutenant Chas. R. Jones, of Iredell county, acted as xldjutant for several months and then C. M. Cooke, from Company I, was assigned to that position and held it until the close of the war. Surgeon Jas. Smith resigned in December, 1862, and Dr. B. T. Greene, of Franklin county, was appointed Surgeon. A. H. Dunn died in August, 1862, and Henry S. Furman, of Franklin county, was appointed Assistant Quartermaster Ser- geant. W. N. Holt, Sergeant-Ma j or, was made Lieutenant Fifty- Fifth Regiment. 289 in Company II, and Jesse A. Adams, of Johnston county, was made Sergeant-Major. The regiment, after it had been sufficiently drilled to take the field, was sent to the Department of the Pamlico, then un- der the command of General James G. Martin, and remained there during the summer and early part of the fall of 1862. It was on duty a greater part of the time around Kinston and in Trenton. The first time the regiment was under fire was on 7 AugTist, 1862. A Federal gunboat had come up the Neuse to a point a few miles below Kinston, and the regiment was sent down to prevent the landing of the troops. We were formed in a line on the south side of, and not far from the river ; the gunboat came up to a point nearly opposite the position occupied by the regiment, but after the firing of a few shells went back without attempting to land any troops. The regiment during the time spent in that section was thoroughly drilled and disciplined. WASHINGTON, N. C. On 3 September, while the regiment was in camp near LaGrange, there was a special order read on dress parade that 200 men were needed for daring service and volunteers were called for. That number was at once obtained and they were organized into two companies of 100 each. Captain P. M. Mull, of Company F, was put in command of one com- pany, and Captain Maurice T. Smith, of Company K, in command of the other, and the Lieutenants were selected from the different companies. Captain Williams, of Company I, was so anxious to be among the number that he procured the consent of the Colonel to his going as First Lieutenant of one of the companies. It was ordered that these companies be prepared with three days' rations to march the next morning at sunrise. Captain Mull was senior officer and in command of the detachment. Just as the sun rose the next morning we moved out of camp, marching a little north of east, and we were then informed that the movement meant a surprise at- tack upon Washington, IST. C, and that we would be joined be- fore we reached the place by other troops. We met on the 19 290 North Carolina Troops, 1861 -'65. •5tli, Ijetween Greenville and Washington, a detachment from the Eighth, and also from the Seventeenth Regiment, and an artillery company, but without cannon, armed as infantry, under the command of Colonel S. D. Pool, who, from this time, being the ranking officer, took command of the force on the march, although General J. G. ]\Iartin had the general direction of the movement. Later, Captain R. S. Tucker, with his company of cavalry, joined us. We camped on the night of the 5th within a few miles of Washington, and be- fore dawn the next morning, we commenced our march upon the town. We struck the Federal pickets just outside of the town before it was fairly light; we followed at double- quick, and with a "Rebel Yell," entered the town. The Fed- eral troops were taken by surprise, and after firing a round or two, fell back through the town upon the river, under cover of their gunboats. We were in possession of the town, the troops from our regiment being stationed on a square near the center of the town. We held the position for several hours, but the cannon from the gunboats were turned upon us, and the Federal infantry, having re-formed, commenced to fire upon us with long range rifles, while we were armed with the old smooth-bore muskets. We were forced to fall back to the place where we had camped the night before ; the enemy did not pursue us, and the next day we commenced our march back to camp. Captains Mull and Williams, both of whom behaved with great bravery, were wounded ; of the men of the Fifty-fifth Regiment engaged, seven were killed and eight wounded. There was no other meeting with Federal forces while the regiment was in this section. On 1 October, while the regiment was doing picket duty at Wise's Fork, between Kinston and New Bern, it was ordered to Virginia, and for a while did provost duty in the city of Petersburg. With the Second, Eleventh, and Forty-second Mississippi, it was formed into a brigade, and General Joseph R. Davis was assigned to its command. The regiment re- mained in this brigade until January, 1865, when it was transferred to Cooke's Brigade. The Twenty-sixth Missis- sippi Regiment and the First Confederate Battalion were brought into the brigade in the early part of 1864. It was a THE NEW T0^5g:i PUBUC UBRA..RY.' A8TOR. LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. KIKTYFIFTH KECilMKNT. 1 James S. AVhitehead, Major. 4. H. G. Whitehead, Captain, Co. E. 2. \V. II. Williams, Captain, Co. I. 5. Robert W. Thomas, Captain, Co. K. 3. P. M. Mull, Captain, Co. F. Fifty-Fifth Regiment. 291 fine brigade. The Second and Eleventh Mississippi, with the Fourth Alabama and the Sixth North Carolina, had con- stituted the immortal Bee Brigade at the first battle of Man- assas, and General Whiting afterwards commanded that brig- ade. In forming the brigade for General Davis, the Sixth N^orth Carolina was sent to Hoke's Brigade, the Fourth Ala- bama was transferred to a brigade of Alabama troops, and the Forty-second Mississippi, which was brought to the Army of Northern Virginia for that purpose, and the Fifty-fifth North Carolina, took their places in the old brigade. Al- though all the other regiments, except the Fifty-fifth, were from Mississippi, their relations with the officers and men of that regiment were quite as pleasant as they were with each other. The regiments of Davis' Brigade were a part of the force which General Longstreet carried to Suffolk, Va., in the spring of 1863. DUELS BETWEEN OFFICERS. It was while near Suffolk that an incident occurred which illustrates the high spirit of the officers of the regiment and how jealous they were of its honor. One evening about dark, a heavy piece of Confederate artillery was cap- tured by an unexpected and sui'prise attack by a brigade of Federal troops. Captain Terrell and Captain Cousins, the one Assistant Adjutant-General of General Laws' Brig- ade, and the other on the staff of that General, reported that the Fifty-fifth North Carolina had been assigTied to protect the battery, whereas, in fact, it was a mistake. As soon as Colonel Connally heard of the report, he went to see those gentlemen and stated to them that they were mistaken ; that the Fifty-fifth Regiment had held the position to which it had been assigned, and was in no way responsible for the dis- aster; and demanded that they should correct their report at once. This they declined to do. Thereupon Colonel Con- nally returned to his regiment, called a meeting of the field officers and Captains, stated the circumstances to them, and insisted that the honor of the regiment required that its of- ficers should demand satisfaction from those who had slan- dered it. He proposed that the field officers should first chal- 292 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. lenge the Alabamians, and if the matter was not satisfactorily arranged, consistent with the honor of the regiment, and if they should be killed, each officer should pledge himself to take up the quarrel and fight until the last man was killed, unless proper amends should sooner be obtained. To this the officers generally assented, but Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, who was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a young soldier of unquestionable bravery, arose and stated that he was conscientiously opposed to duelling, and that he would not resort to that method of settling any question. Colonel Smith's Christian character and his personal courage were so well known, that his scruples on the subject were respected, and Major Belo proposed to take his place ; and so it was aiTanged that Colonel Connally should challenge Captain Terrell, and Major Belo should challenge Captain Cousins, Captain Satterfield, of Person county, of Company H, was Colonel Connally's second, and Lieutenant W. H. Townes, of Granville, of Company D, was Major Belo's. The challenges were accepted and Captain Terrell selected as weapons double barreled shotguns, loaded with buckshot, and Captain Cousins selected the Mississippi rifle at forty paces. According to appointment, the parties next day met in a large field in the neighborhood, in one part of which were Colonel Connally and Captain Terrell and their friends. In another part were Major Belo and Captain Cousins and their friends. As soon as Major Belo and Captain Cousins came to their place of meeting, they took the positions assigned to them by the sec- onds, and at the command, fired their first shot. Major Belo's shot passed through Captain Cousins' hat, and Cap- tain (\>usins' first shot entirely missed Major Belo. Cap- tain Cousins' second shot passed through the coat of Major Belo just above the shoulder and Major Belo's second fire missed Captain Cousins. In the meantime, in the other part of tlio field, tlie friends of Colonel Connally and Captain Terrell were engaged in an effort to make an honorable settle- ment of the affair, and Captain Terrell, who was a gallant officer and triie gentleman, became satisfied that he had been mistaken in the report which he had made and which had been the cause of offence, and he withdrew the same, which Fifty-Fifth Regiment. 293 action prevented any further hostilities between him and Col- onel Connally, and came just in time to prevent the exchange of a third shot between Major Belo and Captain Cousins. SUFFOLK^ VA. On the night of 30 April Davis' Brigade w^as in the front of the town of Suffolk, which was occupied by the Federals, and around which the Union forces were stationed behind fomiid- able intrenchments. About 9 o'clock that night Major Belo was sent with four companies of the regiment to relieve the pickets in the rifle pits to our front, with instructions to hold the position in case there should be an attack. The next day the Federal forces made several demonstrations in front of the rifle pits, and in the afternoon opened upon them with several pieces of artillery. Captain Mull, by command of Colonel Connally, took Company F to the support of the men in the rifle pits, and very gallantly did Captain Mull and his company do this, for they went through a severe artillery fire for nearly three quarters of a mile, and although they lost some of their best men, they never faltered. About the same time two Federal infantry regiments came outside their breastworks, and formed into line. Colonel Connally then ordered Major Belo to reinforce the men in the rifle pits with four other companies of the regiment. This was promptly accomplished under a very fierce fire and not without loss. The Fifty-fifth Regiment was the only regiment on the line that was armed with the old smooth-bore muskets. The oth- ers were armed with rifles. This must have been discoverd by the enemy during the day, and was the cause of their selection of the part of the line occupied by that regiment for their attack. The two Federal regiments moved for^^vard in splendid order for the attack. The Federal artillery ceased firing upon that part of the field. The soldiers of both armies on the right and left were watching with deep interest the movement. The attacking column had moved so near to our position, that the other troops were beginning to whisperingly inquire of each other what was the matter. But Major Belo knew that the effectiveness of the ai-ms, which his men held, depended upon short range, and cool and clear-headed, as he 294 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. always was, lie had ordered that not a shot be fired until he gave the command. The advancing column was now so near, that the features of the men's faces could be distinguished. Every one of the men in the rifle pits had his musket in posi- tion and his finger on the trigger, and at the word ''fire" the sound of Major Belo's command, seemed to expand into one grand roll of musketry; for there had been the fire of five hundred muskets as if by one man. Not one had snapped fire and there was not a single belated shot. The shower of leaden hail was too much for human courage. The assault- ing regiments fell back in confusion, with some loss. But they were quickly rallied by their ofiicers, and returned to the attack. This time the fire by Major Belo's command was reserved until they had advanced several yards further than before, when again a deadly fire swept them back with greater loss. Again and yet again they attempted to storm thq picket force, but were repulsed each time, until finally abandoning their purpose, they retired from the field. The old smooth bore muskets in the hands of 500 brave North Carolina pa- triots had done their work. About this time Lieutenant- Colonel Smith came down to ]\Iajor Belo with Colonel Con- nally's compliments to inquire if he needed other reinforce- ments. Major Belo returning his compliments to Colonel Connally, replied that he thought the battle was over. The Fifty-fifth Eegiment had been but a short while in Davis' Brigade, and it was their first engagement since then, and the cordial words of commendation of the gallant behavior of the regiment expressed by the Mississippians was very grati- fying to us. Thenceforward they were as jealous of and aa quick to defend the honor of our regiment as we were our- selves. Some years after the war, Major Belo met an officer of one of the regiments engaged in this attack, and he in- formeroken, his men mostly escaped," and that he "almost took General Ransom himself, who was accidentally at the post." Our loss was three Lieutenants and 146 men captured, Lieutenant D. S. Ray, of Company D, dying of his wounds next day in New Bern. He was a gallant and meritorious officer, who had the confidence and affection of the company, of which he was in command. Captain John W. Graham being on detail as Judge Advocate of the court-martial at Wilmington. Lieutenant Graham was promoted to First Lieutenant, and Sergeant Wm. Turner to Second Lieutenant. Query: How did it liappen, when it was known at the outpost on the afternoon of 21 May, and presumably at head- quarters early in the evening, that a column was advancing from New Bern on the same road by which the four regi- Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 329 ments had attacked this outpost within the last four weeks, and this cohimn was morally certain to reach it next morning, that an effective force of three brigades at Kinston, only eight miles distant and ample to give the enemy a complete sur- prise by striking the first blow, or at least simultaneously with their assault upon our single regiment and possibly cutting off their line of retreat, if strategically disposed during the night, did not start towards the scene of action until the next afternoon, after the incident was closed ? No explanation is found in the official records or other source of information. 28 May. The brigade is off for Virginia via Goldsboro and Weldon, reaching Petersburg by train in the night. 29 May, on to Richmond, and bivouacked at Camp Lee, (State Fair Grounds.) 2 June. Right-about to Petersburg again, and next day proceeded to Ivor, on the Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad. 13 June. Brigadier-General R. Ransom has been promo- ted to Major-General ; Colonel M. W. Ransom to Brigadier- General to-day. Back in Petersburg and march over to Drewry's Bluff on the James river, half way between Peters- burg and Richmond. The appearance of troops in perma- nent quarters, on garrison duty, is here a novel sight to our command, so constantly in motion. 17 June. Back to Petersburg, and 21 June to Half-way Station, towards Richmond. Occupied former cabins of Daniel's ISTorth Carolina Brigade. During this month all the enlisted men captured at Gum Swamp, have been exchanged and returned to duty. 26 June. Night march to Seven Pines. 29 June. Ransom's Brigade is engaged in dismantling breastworks constructed here by the enemy under McClellan a year ago. Major-Generals Arnold Elzy, Robert Ransom, and Daniel H. Hill have recently been successively in com- mand at Richuiond. Both Ransom's and Cooke's Brigades had been ordered up to participate in the counter-invasion to the north, but at the solicitation of these post commanders were retained for protection of the capital. General Lee's letter on the subject says : "I have always considered Cooke's 330 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. and Ransom's Brigades as part of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia." BATTLE AT CRUMP's FARM. Ours was now a duty of obsei'vation and reconnoissance to meet any demonstration of the enemy from the seacoast. Thus an opportunity was given to participate in one of the most brilliant campaigns of the war — sharp, quick and decisive. The enemy watching our capital could learn approximately the strength of the small force, protecting it. Accordingly General Dix and General Keyes, advancing cautiously by the way of the White House, apparently had a Avalk-over. 2 July. General D. H. Hill, without waiting for them to approach nearer to his fortified line of defence, which he had not enough troops to adequately man, moved out rapidly upon them with Ransom's North Carolina, Cooke's North Caro- lina, and Jenkins' South Carolina Brigades, Branch's Vir- ginia Battery of Artillery and three others,^ — -a total of six- teen guns — and a squadron of cavalry. He met them at Crump's farm, near Deep Bottom bridge, between sunset and dark, and immediately opened such a vigorous assault that the enemy were compelled to assume the defensive, and night found them in full retri^at, doubtless believing that those three brigades must have been immensely reinforced since their last reports had come in. Ransom's Brigade sustained the only loss on our side, one man killed and two wounded. Six or seven prisoners taken admitted a loss of thirty on their side. 11 July. To Petersburg again, and camped on Dunn's farm. RAID AGAINST WELDON BRIDGE CHECKED. 28 July. A part of the Forty-ninth and three companies of the Twenty-fourth North Carolina Regiment and a bat- tery of Georgia Ai*tillery, met Spear's Regiment of New York Cavalry and Dodge's Mounted Riflemen and several pieces of artillery at Boone's Mill, ten miles south of Weldon and two miles from Jackson, N. C. The Fifty-sixtli Regi- ment arrived that evening, but the enemy had withdrawn. Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 331 Disposition was made for attack that night ; but they did not return. The Forty-ninth lost one man killed, and in the Twenty-fourth three were wounded. The enemy buried 11 of their dead on the field. 1 August. Back to Garysburg, and camped near Mr. Moody's. 12 August. To Halifax Court House, and 13th took boat for Hamilton. Down the Roanoke seventy-three miles, ar- riving in the afternoon. 14 August, Company D, under Lieutenant Graham, de- tached to Poplar Point, and threw up breastworks covering the river landing. 16 August. Returned through Palmyra and Halifax to Garysburg. 1 September. Captain John W. Graham, on retirement of Major Schenk, is promoted to Major, Lieutenant Robert D. Graham to Captain, and Sergeant Joseph B. Coggin to First Lieutenant. For the succeeding four months, eight companies of this regiment and the Twenty-first North Car- olina Regiment were posted in the West tO' meet any in- cursions from East Tennessee, and to break up the refuge found there by deserters and lawless characters from the several States, and to see that the conscript act was fairly en- forced. The effort was to gain friends, and make no new enemies for the State in her desperate struggle, and thus keep the people united in domestic tranquility. The moral effect of this movement was salutary, Avhether now viewed from a Confederate or Federal standpoint, and it is beyond doubt that it was so regarded by General Grant when the war was over, and the proscription naturally following it was at fever heat. Two companies, H and E, under Captain W. G. Graves, were protecting the building of the Confederate ram Albe- marle on the Roanoke near Halifax, at Edwards' Ferry. 24 Octx)ber. Adjutant E. J. Hale, Jr., is promoted to Assistant Adjutant-General and assigned to Lane's Brigade. As his modesty naturally forbade the incorporation of his military record in his history of the Bethel Regiment, and as he contributed so largely to the efiiciency of the Fifty-sixth, 332 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. it will be a pleasure to every survivor of the latter to have an outline of so brilliant a career here preserved for the honor of the State that we all love so well. Private in Bethel Eegiment 17 April to 13 November, 1861 ; Second Lieutenant 2 December, 1861, and Adjutant Fifty-sixth Eegiment 1 Augiist, 1862, to 24 October, 1863 ; Judge Advocate Court-martial at Wilmington January to March, 1863. Designated by General Lee to convey to General Grant as- sent and pei-mit to remove his dead and wounded lost at Cold Harbor 2 June, 1864, Grant reluctantly thus acknowledging a defeat. Assigned as Assistant Adjutant-General to Taliaferro's Division, Army Northern Virginia, but reassigned to Lane's Brigade on petition of its officers, in consequence of General Lane being absent, wounded. For ''conspicuous gallantry and merit" recommended by Generals Lane, Wilcox and A. P. Hill for Colonel of the Twenty-eighth Regiment on request of all its officers then present, 26 September, 1864; but the act of Congress was found to provide only for the regular line officers. In March, 1865, he was commissioned Major and Assist- ant Adjutant-General ; wounded at Second Gum Swamp and at the Wilderness, and was in the surrender at Appomattox. At the crisis in the battle of Fuzzell's Mills, 16 August, 1864, (commanding the Darbytown road in front of Richmond), Lane's Brigade was put in under the eye of General Lee to recapture the lost line. Colonel Barber commanding, was wounded and the charge arrested, but the Adjutant-General assumed command and pushed forward to a speedy victory. In the presence of the troops he was thanked by the chief engineer, General Stevens. For the latter's consideration he then recommended that the line of defense be here so changed as to give full effect to the modem long-range small arms, commanding approaches over wide plains, therefore to be pre- ferred instead of precipices. This was then a new departure in fortifications, but was promptly adopted and superintend- ence of the work given to Captain Hale, so that when the next morning dawned the enemy found four miles of such de- Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 333 fences awaiting their assault, and withdrew. It was effect- nallj adopted by the Turks at Ple^^la, while much later the British lost Majuba Hill by adhering to the antiquated sys- tem. ' In the N'orth Carolina victory at Eeams Station, 25 Au- gust, 1864, he had a similar experience. General Conner was disabled and Colonel Speer killed just as Lane's Brig- ade started forward. He assumed command, and they were among the first over the line. Losing only by a legal technicality the promotion to Colo- nel in the line, as above mentioned, the extraordinary com- mission of Major and Assistant Adjutant-General of Brigade was given him as some measure of compensation. He was succeeded as Adjutant by John W. Faison. FIRST EXPEDITIOX AGAIXST XEW BERX^. In January, 1864, an expedition was organized for the re- capture of ISTew Bern, under Major-General George E. Pickett. 28 January. Reached Goldsboro, and on the night of the 80th proceeded to Kinston, where the Fifty-sixth reported to General Corse, commanding a Virginia Brigade. At night General Barton, commanding his own brigade and the other four Regiments under General Ransom, marched out on the I^Teuse River road for 'New Bern. 31 January. Column consisting of Hoke's Xorth Caro- lina, Clingman's J^orth Carolina, and Corse's Virginia Brig- ade (temporarily including the Fifty-sixth North Caro- lina), took the Dover road, passed through Gum Swamp, whence we marched down the railroad track some six miles, turning into the country road again at Sandy Ridge, the scene of a fight between the Forty-ninth North Carolina and the enemy last year, and went into bivouac about eight miles beyond, making twenty-three miles that day. Skirmishers out that night from Corse's Brigade under Major Graham, of the Fifty-sixth North Carolina. 1 February. Set out at 2 a. m. and captured the outpost at Bachelor's Creek. Here Colonel Shaw, Eighth North Carolina State Troops, was killed at the opening of the en- 334 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. gagenient. A portion of Hoke's men, with Companies B and I, of the Fiftj-sixth, were actively engaged. Our total loss was eight killed and fifty wounded. We captured 250 pris- oners with the block house. The railroad crosses the creek at this point, and the Fifty-sixth made a race to strike the track in the rear of the train carrying the residue of the en- emy to New Bern. They escaped. The fort was destroyed and a large quantity of Quartermaster and Commissary stores secured. Our part being thus accomplished, we listened in vain for Barton's guns as a signal for our further advance. At night Captain R. D. Graham, with 100 men from Companies D and K, of the Fifty-sixth, with two pieces of artillery, was posted by General Corse on the Washington road as a force of observation against a garrison cut off in the fort at the cross- ing of Bachelor's Creek. At daylight Colonel Chew came out with the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Virginia Regi- ments and with Graham's detachment moved upon tl"i(! gar- rison. The Thirtieth and the artillery was moved around to the right of the road, while the rest of the force took position on the left. A demand was then made for surrender; and the enemy finding himself within point-blank range of the artillery in his rear, to which he could not reply, without bringing his own outside the fort, capitulated. Our spoils were a section of artillery with caisson, and 100 stand of small arms, with a supply of ammunition. The prisoners, 120 men and four officers. Captain Cowdy commanding. Meanwhile the enemy had advanced from New Bern upon Hoke, and been repulsed. General Martin, on the Wilmington road, had carried everything before him up to the reserve works. Every as- sault had been successful, and General Barton could read- ily have found men to take the task assigned him. But as he reported it impracticable, the whole expedition was finally abandoned, when it seemed the general opinion that a deter- mined assault would have been crowned with success. I leave the above recital, as most of this sketch, just as written during the war. On consulting U. S. Official Rec- ords, I now find that I have expressed the opinion of both Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 335 General Hoke and General Pickett. But it therein also appears that General Barton in his official report, says that before abandoning his attempt to cross Brice's Creek, he made, together Avith the two brigade commanders mider him, a personal reconnoissance. He requested a court of inquiry, and this request was recommended accordingly to Adjutant- General Cooper by General Lee. 5 February. Rejoined our own brigade under General M. W. Ransom at Kinston, and 7 February reached Weldon on train via Goldsboro. 8 February. Ordered to Richmond, but countermanded just as the train is about to pull out. In camp again near the Moody house. Daily exercises in company and battal- ion drill, each Captain successively acting as regimental com- mander. EXPEDITION TO SOUTH MILLS. 26 February. Off for Franklin, Va., on the Blackwater, crossed at Old South Quay, and marched to South Mills, Cam- den county, IST. C. From this point commissary stores are gathered ; and a detachment of the enemy appearing, is chased down the Dismal Swamp canal by Colonel Dearing with his battalion of cavalry to within twelve miles of N'orfolk. Cap- tured a First Lieutenant, Surgeon and half a dozen privates. The object accomplished, the wagon trains under our pro- tection having been loaded and started back, the return com- mences on the night of 4 March, and at the tw^o creeks first to be crossed, Graham's company of the Fifty-sixth, as rear guard, had prepared bright fires that there should be no delay in crossing. The enemy were reported to have ascended the Chowan river, and were expected to pay us some attention before we were back across the Blackwater with our long train of wagons loaded with provisions. Halted at Sandy Cross, twenty miles from South Mills, for two days. !N^o appear- ance of the enemy. EECAPTURE SUFFOLK. 7 March. Proceeded to within eight miles of Old South Quay and learned that the enemy had again occupied Suffolk. 9 March. Passed through Somerton at 10 a. m., and at a 336 North CakolixNa Troops, 1861-65. church within three miles of Suffolk, routed a cavalry out- post and pressed on to the railroad. Here the enemy's cav- alry formed to charge the Twenty-fourth Regiment; but a few well-directed shots put them to fliglit. Captain Cicero Durham, promoted to Assistant Quartermaster for gallantry in the line and known as the Fighting Quartermaster of the Forty-ninth, gathered a squad of a dozen mounted men among the teamsters, and charged them in turn. Seeing the paucity of his numbers, they made a stand, but were attacked with such vigor that they resumed their flight before the infantry could get within range. The Fifty-sixth was second in the column, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Luke, and complimented on the good order sustained on a double-quick pursuit of three miles. The only escape for the cavalry was by com- pleting a semi-circle outside the earthworks, defending the town, before we could run through on the street and road forming the chord to the arc. With their spurs and the aid of the shells from our artillery, they beat the race. We had no cavalry and did not lose a man, but General Butler, like Job's war horse, "smelleth the battle afar off," and pens to the Secretary of War the following bulletin as it appears in Official War Records: Fort Monroe, 12 March, 1864. No. 1. Cole's Cavalry, Second United States, had a skirmish the day before yesterday with the enemy near Suffolk, Va. While making a rcconnoissance, they came upon Ransom's Brigade, consisting of four regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery and 300 cavalry. The enemy made a charge upon two squadrons of Cole's, and were handsomely repulsed with a loss of about sixty. The charge brought the colored soldiers into a hand-to- hand fight with the rebels, and the enthusiastic testimony of their officers is that that they behaved with the utmost cour- age, coolness and daring. I am perfectly satisfied with my negro cavalry. Bexj. F. Butler, Major-General. Hon. E. M. Stanton. Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 337 We pursued them to Bernard's Mills, capturing the camp of the white troops and returned with one piece of artillery and considerable stores. Three negro soldiers took refuge in a house in town and refusing to surrender, j)erished in its flames. Another, rush- ing out with his gun and fighting to the last, was shot. 11 March, rieturned to Franklin via^ Carrsville. 12 Marcli, off by rail to Weldon, and in camp near Mr. Moody's at Grarysburg, and 17 March, muster and inspection for Jan- uary and February, 1864, by Colonel Paul F. Faison. THE PLYMOUTH CAMPAIGN. 14 April. The Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Fifty- sixth ]^orth Carolina State Troops, under General M. W. Ransom, set out by rail and reported to Brigadier-General R. F. Hoke at Tarboro. The Forty-ninth was on outpost duty near Edenton, and its place was now supplied by the Eighth, from Clingman's Brigade. 15 April. The column, consisting of Hoke's JSTorth Caro- lina Brigade under Colonel Mercer, of the Twenty-first Geor- gia Regiment, which was then with it ; Kemper's Virginia, under Colonel Terry, and Ransom's ISJ'orth Carolina Brigade with Pegram's Battery, under General Ransom, and Strib- blings', Graham's Virginia, Miller's, Moseley's and Reade's batteries of artillery belonging to Colonel Dearing's command, and Dearing's Battalion of cavalry, took up the line of march against Plymouth. At Hamilton we were joined by the Thirty-fifth i^orth Carolina. Passing through Williamston and Jamesville, we reached the vicinity Sunday, the l7th, a little before nightfall. Immediately a strong line of skirmishers, including Com- pany I, of the Fifty-sixth, was thrown out from Ransom's Brigade, under Major Graham, and pushed forward nearly to the entrenchments. A picket post of eleven men was sur- prised, nine captured, one killed and one escaped. A recon- noissance in force was made in front of Fort Gray, on War- ren's I^eck, between the mouths of two creeks emptying into the Roanoke, two miles west of Plymouth, and Dearing's ar- 22 338 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. tillery crippled one of the boats so that it sank on reaching the wharf. A redoubt Avas innnediately ])egun on the James- ville road leading south for our 3'2 -pound Parrott gun. The iron-clad Albemarle, Captain J. W. Cooke, was expected during the night. Fort Gray's armament was one 100- pounder and two 32-pounders 18 April. The Albemarle, for some reason, was making slow progress down the Koanoke, and the day passed without a sign of it. Shelling at inter\'als was kept up, the Fifty- sixth suffering but one casualty, the wounding of a man in Company H. During the night Colonel Faison, with 250 men, had completed the earthwork near the Washington and Jamesville road from which to bombard the fort at Sander- son's. At sundoAvn a demonstration on both sides of Lee's Mill, Bath road, was made against the enemy's south front by the artillery and Ransom's Brigade. Our assaulting column w'as formed with the left resting on Frank Fagan's house on the Jamesville road, a mile and a quarter south of town, and two regiments, the Twenty-fourth and Eighth, beyond the Lee Mill road at Redd Gap. The Fifty-sixth was next on the left, and then the Thirty-fifth, while the Twenty-fifth connected us with Hoke's right. The batteries following on the heels of a battalion of sharpshooters composed of Com- panies B, I, E and A, of the Fifty-sixth, under their worthy Captains, Roberts, Harrill, Locldiart and Hughes, led by Captain Jno. C. Pegram, Assistant Adjutant-General, driv- ing the enemy over their breastworks, advanced steadily from position to position, firing with the utmost rapidity, while the rest of the brigade in the line of battle kept pace with tliem. Ransom was conspicuous on the field, keeping his mount throughout the engagement. This was kept up till 10 p. m., the enemy replying with great spirit from his forts and gun- boats, carrying twenty pieces. The object was as far as pos- sible to draw the enemy's fire in this direction, while Hoke's Brigade assaulted in earnest the "85th Redoubt" at the San- derson house, some distance to our left. The fort was carried after a very stubborn resistance and the death of its com- mander, Captain Chapin. Among our killed we mourn the Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 339 loss of the brigade commander, the gallant Colonel Mercer, of the Twenty-first Georgia. Lieutenant Charles R. Wilson, of Company D, and 14 men of the Fifty-sixth North Carolina were wounded at our end. Colonel Mercer was a West Point classmate of Generals J. E. B. Stuart, Hood, Custis Lee, and W. D. Pender. He is buried at TarboTo beside his last named comrade. 19 April. Towards day Colonel Wm. J, Clarke, with his own, the Twenty-fourth, and the Fifty-sixth Regiment, was posted below the town on the Columbia road, to prevent escape in that direction. But the enemy was still confident in the strength of his fortifications, even after the loss of the "85th Redoubt" and the arrival of our ram, Albemarle, the same night passing the big gims at Warren's Neck unharmed. It sank one of their gunboats, the Southfield, and chased off the other two, the naval commander, Flusser, being killed on the deck of the Miami. The enemy still held a continuous, thor- oughly fortified line, well constructed, from a point on the river, near Warren's Neck, along their west and south fronts, and terminating on the east in a swamp, bordering which a deep creek, known as Conaby, a mile or two further east, runs into the Roanoke river, on the south bank of which Ply- mouth is situated. It has four streets parallel with the river and five at right angles to it. Fort Williams, projecting be- yond the south face of the parallelogram, is ready for action on all four sides and enfilades, right and left, the whole south front of the fortifications, while Battery Worth was built to command the west, water and land, approach. Between the latter and Warren's Neck was 85th Redoubt at Sanderson's house. At Boyle's steam mill near the road entering Second street from the west was another redoubt outside the en- trenchments, and within the southwest angle still another at Harriet Toodles'. On the east centre was Fort Comfort, with a redoubt on either side of the Columbia road at James Bateman's and Charles Latham's. General Hoke ordered an assault from this (east) side by Ransom's Brigade. Ac- cordingly that night our sharpshooters effected a crossing of Conaby creek on felled trees with some opposition. A pontoon bridge was laid, and before the night was far ad- 340 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. vanccd, the l)rig-ad(> was over. Witli a line of skirinisliers out in front, tlic brigade slept in line of battle, and perhaps never more soundly, for tired nature's sweet restorer was welcome, even on the eve of certain battle. •20 A]n-il. At the first break of day Ransom was again in the saddle, and his ringing voice came down the line: ''At- tention, brigade!" Every man was upon his feet instantly, and the adjusting of twisted blankets across the left slioulder and under the belt at the right hip was only the work of an- other moment ; the line of battle was formed, "Fix bayonets," "Trail arms !" "Forward march !" and the charge began. The aligiiment was as follows : The Fifty-sixth on the right, flanked by Company I, as sharpshooters, (resting on the Roanoke and near the "Albemarle," then engaged, as it had been at intervals through the night, with Battery Worth on the river face of the town), and Twenty-fifth, Thirty-fifth, Eighth and Twenty-fourth successively on to the left. On our part of the line a large drove of cattle was encountered and driven on as a living w^all between us and the enemy until they reached the canal, down which they refused to plunge, or escort us further. Maddened by this strange spectacle of "man's inhumanity to man," they turned about, and "with no reputation to lose," dashing through our line, sought safety in flight. The canal was found with steep banks, but fortu- nately with fordable water. Ranks were necessarily broken in getting across, but were soon in perfect order on the farther side, and the forward movement resumed. The next obsta- cle was a swamp, in places waist deep, through w'hich the regiment floundered as best it could, impeded by the mire and cypress knees with which it abounded. The Fifty-sixth was the first through, and immediately reforming under an oblique fire from the left, charged up a slight hill, and routed the opposing regiment sheltered behind a fence of palings, here the outer line of the town. This and the adjacent houses blocked further advance in regimental line of battle. But the halt here was only for a moment. Company I pressed straight forward, sweeping everything before them between Water street and the river bank, while the Twenty- fifth on getting through the swamp and finding the Fifty-sixth Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 341 in its front, debouched to the right and thus went up Water street between the Fifty-sixth and its detached company. At the same instant General Ransom, reaching this point, the Fifty-sixth moved off by the left flank and entered the town on the next street east, by filing to the right, left in front. Major Graham was at the extreme left, now head of column, and on gaining the open space about the county jail, deployed the regiment foi-ward into line of battle, just in time to check- mate a battery of artillery taking position to rake the street with its guns. These movements and the obstacles encoun- tered, again divided the regiment, carrying the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel back to Water street to direct the extreme right, while the Major, with eight companies, pressed forward to silence the artillery. The fire, delivered before we could reach them, was fortunately a little too high, the shells in a direct line being plainly visible as they passed over, and the guns were at once in our possession — not, how- ever, until one brave fellow had blown up his limber in our faces, killing his nearest horses and wounding several of our men. It would be a pleasure here to record his name. The man retreating with the caisson was killed in the street, wdth four of his six horses, by a shell from Fort Williams. This wing of the regiment, then, without Avaiting for any support, as all seemed to have enough to do, swept on fighting between these two streets the entire length of the town, and without a halt charged the redoubt in their front, oonstitut- ing a west section of the enemy's heavy line of fortifications, facing front and rear. Here they captured a Pennsylvania regiment, and Major Graham, mounting the works with the regimental flag, waved it to Hoke's Brigade, now under Lieu- tenant-Colonel Lewis (afterwards Brigadier-General), and thus announced that the way was open on that side. In this last charge the Twenty-fourth went in abreast with us, having entered the town by the Columbia road, which leads into Sec- ond street, after crossing Conaby creek with a northwest trend and then midway changing to due west. While the Eighth and Thirty-fifth swung around to invest Fort Com- fort, the Twenty-fourth overcoming all opposition before them at the Bateman and Latham redoubts, pushed forward 342 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. and connected with our left flank as we struck tlie fortifica* tions, — redoubt and entrenched camp. Major Graham's prisoners, some 300 of infantry and artil- lery, were turned over to Captain Joseph G. Lockhart, when, under shelter of a ravine, uniting his battalion with Hoke's Brigade, he swept down first the west and then the south in- trenchments to Fort Williams, into which General Wessels had withdrawn with the remnant of his army. The Twenty- fourth came up on the other side. After consultation with Colonel Lewis, it was deemed unnecessary to assault it, as its surrender would be compelled by our artillery with the aid of shai-pshooters being rapidly posted to overlook its interior from the windows and tops of the nearest houses. The two opposing generals then met in a personal interview, and the demand to capitulate was refused. But the inevitable was soon acknowledged by raising a white flag, as w^e had silenced every gun in the fort. Meantime, the part assigned to Harrill's men, under their fearless leader, had been as effectually accomplished. Through water hip deep, they had crossed the canal and swamp, and keeping near the river, passing around houses and bursting through garden and yard fences, they reached the rear of Battery Worth, containing the 200-pounder, specially pro- vided to anticipate the coming of our iron-clad Albemarle. One volley was sufficient. The white flag was run up and the battery, with some twenty artillerymen, surrendered to him. Taking the prisoners with them from this battery on the river, they immediately charged to their left and thus struck in the flank and rear the right section of the enemy's line of battle occupying the breastworks, here on Water street, fac- ing up the river. His demand to surrender was promptly complied with, and while Harrill here gathered in his prison- ers, largely outnumbering his own rank and file, Lewis' men who had held the attention of the enemy in their front, came in at a double-quick over the causeway leading through the swamp on the west of Plymouth^ passed Hai-rill's position and joined Graham's detachmout at the upper ravine further to the south, as above noted. How (Iocs it happen, then, that tlic eapt\ire of Battery Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 343 Worth, or Fort Hal, noted above as by Company I, has been claimed for Company B, with whom were Colonel Faison and Colonel Bearing, a portion of the Twenty-fifth support- ing the artillery ? Both claims are literally tnie. A correspondent to the Fayetteville Observer, 22 April, 1864, says: "On the river face of the town was a camp en- trenched to resist any attack from the water, and a little lower down an earthwork for the same purpose." The latter, admit- ted to be Battery Worth, we must observe the distinction be- tween the two, though close together. As to the time of the first movement, Captain Harrill's re- port is embodied in the foregoing narration. General Wes- sells report: "x\t daylight the following day, 20 April, while my right and front were seriously threatened, the enemy ad- vanced rapidly against my left, assaulting and carrying the line in that quarter, penetrating the town along the river and capturing Battery Worth." This left the entrenched camp not yet captured, and as no other Confederate troops were in that quarter at that early hour, the claim of Company I to Battery Worth is thus afiirmed. From this point of time General Wessells thus continues: "A line of skirmishers was formed from the breast^vorks per- pendicularly towards the river in hopes of staying the ad- vance. This effort succeeded for a time; but the troops seemed discouraged and fell back to the entrenchments." The conduct of the Fifty-sixth was well calculated to create such discouragement, as it broke through all obstacles, driving the enemy from the streets, yards, houses, cellars, and bomb- proofs from which Major Graham says they came out like a colony of prairie puppies, or g-round hogs on the 2d of Feb- ruary. As those not captured in this charge were thus gradu- ally pressed back to their double-faced entrenchments, the in- fantry garrison in the entrenched camp at Battery Worth, guarding the water approach and, owing to the contour of the ground, not in sight from his side of the fortifications when Capt. Harrill some two hours before had taken the artillery- men out of the battery, appear now to have had their attention diverted from the commotion of the Albemarle down stream to their right and Hoke up the river to their left. They now 344 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'65. for the first time saw their enemy in the town, and were ready with the portion of the retreating line that had joined them, to enfilade Company B as it came up. Here Colonel Faison, with this gallant company under Captain F. N. Roberts, had his hands full for some time and accomplished important re- sults, as described by the subsequent Captain, then First Ser- geant A. R. Carver: "In this charge our Lieutenant, B. W. Thornton, fell on Water street witli a bullet through the side of his forehead near the eye. I stopped long enough to see the wound, and thought liini dead; but he survived for a day or two. Our company had become detached by the evolutions and obstacles in getting through the town. Just before General Wessells capitulated, say by 9 or 10 oS3lock, we had reached the vicin- ity of Fort Hal, with the 200-pound gun bearing on the river. It was full of the enemy, on whom we were firing with our rifles and they were briskly returning our fire. Colonel Faison came up to me during this firing, when I pointed to a hill on the right overlooking the fort, and said if the artillery were posted there, we would have the fort in five minutes. Soon after he left me, I saw our battery open from tlie hill, and immediately a white handkerchief was hoisted on a bay- onet alxtve the fort. T Avas very near and ran fnr the fort. Geiun'al Dearing got across the moat and into the fort ahead of me, and jumped on tbe big gun as if he were going to spike it, wlicii T met an officer at the gate and dcMiianded his surren- der. He asked to be allowed to surrender to some higher ofiieer. I called General Dearing and he told him to surren- der to me. He thereupon handed over his sworell, Sam Green, IL Harrill, J. P. Philbeck, H. W. Price and R. H. Wall. Co:srPANY K — Wounded : Jolm Strider, J. P. Sossaman and W. Auten. In the same issue is found the report of Captain S. IL Gee, x\ssistant Adjutant and Inspector General, giving Ran- som's total casualties in the three days' operations, as fol- lows : Kill* ^d, Wounded. Total. Officers. Men. Officers. Men. 8th N. C. T. 2 18 5 102 127 24 th 2 11 3 85 101 25th 0 3 0 20 23 35 th 1 19 4 84 108 56th 0 4 4 80 88 Maj. Moseley's B. Art. 0 0 0 17 17 Maj. Read's 0 2 1 9 12 5 57 17 397 476 The surrender, already noted, took place at 10 :30 a. m. Several interesting, though partial, accounts of this affair were published in the Fayetteville Observer soon after the battle. 21 April. Major J. W. Graham, with Company I, Twen- ty-fourth, Captain Boykin ; Company K, Twenty-fifth, Lieu- tenant Bullerson ; and Company D, Fifty-sixth, Captain R. D. Graham, was jdaced in charge of Fort (Jray on Warren's Neck. 22 Ajuil. Visited by the commanding Major-General, who found the post in much better order than we had. Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 349 25 April. Detachment rejoined the brigade. At 10 a. m. the column set out for Washington, ]^. C, leaving as a garri- son at Plymouth Martin's ]^orth Carolina Brigade, which has just joined us. 26 April. Arrived in front of Washington, N. C. Some shells thrown at us from the enemy's forts. The enemy withdrew during the night to concentrate at 'New Bern. Thus the second point in the campaign was scored in Hoke's favor, this time without the loss of a man. 28 April — 2 May. At Greenville probably awaiting the arrival of the Confederate marines and pontoons from Rich- mond. Crossed the Tar river here and Contentnea creek at Coward's bridge, where we were joined by Whitford's Sixty- seventh ]^orth Carolina State Troops. 5 May. We passed the l^euse on a pontoon bridge, not far from where we left the Contentnea. On nearing ISTew Bern, Lewis' Brigade made a dash upon the redoubts at Deep Gully; but the enemy fled to avoid capture. The main column then crossed the Trent River at PoUocksville, cap- tured a block house near a mill dam, and took position near the railroad bridge. Dearing's cavalry and artillery moved to the south and captured the block house on Brice's creek that General Barton thought such a Gibraltar last February, and took fifty prisoners. A section of Dixon's ISTorth Caro- lina Battery, from Orange county, under Lieutenant Halcott P. Jones, supported by part of Evans' South Carolina Brig- ade, now under General "Live Oak" Walker, moved to the front and engaged the enemy's railroad iron-clad monitor. Ransom's Brigade was not far from the south bank of the Trent. Preparations were made for putting in the river that night a pontoon bridge, first parallel with the stream, securing it to the bank at the lower end and swinging the other across with the current under the protection of our guns, to the New Bern side within the enemy's line of fortifications. The spirit of the troops assured success, and thus was to culminate our l^orth Carolina campaign of 1864. PETERSBURG AND KICHMOND. 6 May. The intended assault has been abandoned, and 350 North Carolina Troops, 18G1-'G5. Geueral Palmer, U. S. A., is left in quiet possession of New Bern ; for the morning finds us on a forced march for old Virginia again. General Benjamin Franklin Butler is com- ing up the south side of the James river via Bermuda Hun- dreds, with 30,000 men to attack Petersburg. If possible, we must get there first. General II. F. Hoke, in a recent letr ter, says: "Your mention of what was intended at New Bern is correct and I had no doubt of its success. The recall was one of the greatest disappointments I ever had." 8 May. Reach Kinston at 8 a. m. and via Goldsboro pro- ceed to Weldon. 9 May. Off for Petersburg by rail as far as Jarratt's Sta- tion. Here Kautz's Federal cavalry have dashed in and cut the line of railway. March thence along the track to Stony creek, about twenty miles, that night. The weird hooting of the great owls in the swamps was almost human in its in- tonations and called forth comments, half in earnest and half in raillery, here and there along the line, such as: "That is a bad sign, boys ; hard times in old Virginia, and worse a'coming." 10 May. At Stony creek we take the trains that have come out to meet us, and are soon in Petersburg. Stack arms on Poplar Lawn. The generous hospitality of Judge Lyon, Wm. R. Johnson, and other citizens is pleasantly remem- bered. Hear that the place has been held till our an'ival by the single brigade of Johnson Hagood's South Carolinians. Lieutenant-General D. H. Hill, too earnest to be long quiet, is occupying the anomalous position of volunteer Aid-de- Camp to General Beauregard, commanding at Petersburg, pending a dispute with the President as to an assignment proper to his rank. (This quarrel seems to have resulted in a faiJure to present his appointment to the Congress for con- firmation.) He was noted for a disposition "to feeel the en- emy;" and on such occasions his feelings were very rough. Our coup de main of 2 July, 1863, at Crump's farm below Richmond, he had just repeated here with more terrible odds, against General Butler's advancing column. With this handful of men, he had met him near Chester and made such a desperate assault as to put him on the defensive to await THE NEW YORK PUBUC LIBRARY. A8T0R, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. FIFTY-SIXTH RECilMENT. 1. Otis P. Mills, Captain, Co. G. a. A. C. Roliertson, Ord'ly-Sergt., Co. G. 3. W. (i. Graves, Captain, Co. H. 4. L. Harrill, Captain. Co. I. 8. Jos. 31. •Walker, 1st Lieut., Co. I. C. V. Tanner. Cd Lieut., Co. I. .1. F. Mc.N.'.'lv. Captain. Co. K. T. W. Sli.-plieid, 1st Lieut.. Co. K. 9. Chas. M. Payne, 2d Lieut., Co. K. (Picture in Suppl.uieutary Group, 4th vol.) Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 351 further developments. In the time thus gained reinforce- ments arrived, and we knew that with the Army of Northern Virginia we could successfully hold Richmond and Peters- burg against all opposing forces then in the field. With Major-General Iloke, there were now Ransom's North Caro- lina, Lewis' North Carolina, Walker's (formerly Evans') South (.^arolina. Corse's Virginia, and Kemper's Virginia Brigades. This division took position a short distance be- yond Swift creek. 11 May. Moved to Half -Way House. The enemy now appears in great force between us and Petersburg, occupying both the railroad and turnpike. We offer battle; but noth- ing follows beyond some sharp skirmishing. Ransom's Bri- gade forms the extreme Confederate left, near the river. BATTLE OF 12 MAY. 12 May. This brigade is moved across the turnpike and posted near the winter quarters on rising ground to the right, facing Petersburg, forming now the right flank. In the afternoon, advanced down the railroad towards Peters- burg, and occupied breastworks at a point near where the fortified line crosses this road. Here the line terminates after changing its general bourse and running off at almost a right angle (towards the river on the left near • house). Our artillery is engaged with that of the enemy in the woods to the front. A line of skirmishers is scarcely formed and thrown out to our right and rear for a recon- noissance under "the fighting Quartermaster of the Forty- ninth," Captain Cicero Durham, when they receive a volley from a line of battle in ambush, and this gallant leader and many of his brave comrades have fought their last fight. A rush is made by the enemy, and Generals Hoke and Ran- som, just arrived at the house for consultation, barely escape capture. On came the line as to an easy victory, but not as quick as was our command in leaping to the other side of the breastworks. After a sharp fight they were repulsed by the well-directed shots of a portion of the Fifty-sixth Regiment holding the top of the steep bank of earth, while their com- rades in the deep ditch below handed up their rifles as rapidly 352 North Carolina Trooj's, 1 SGI -'65. as they could be reloaded. There were here many instances of individual bravery, and it is a matter of regi'et that the State, at whose call these men offered their lives, has no fuller account of them. In Company B, D. P. Blizzard was killed, and the gallant A. K. (^irvci-, then a Lieutenant and subse- (lucntly Captain, lost an arm. I)a\ier; the streets and sinks kept thorougidy ])oli('ed ; and safe covered- ways construct^^d at convenient intervals to avoid the losses incident to a beleaguered line of l)attle and its c miunica- tions. We are now becoming familiar with a new engine of destruction, the mortar gun. The name is derived from its Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 369 resemblance to the domestic utensil. It is remarkable with Avhat accuracy a shell thrown out at an elevation of from 45 to 75 degrees may be made to come down on a given point. A cannon ball passes sO' swiftly that it leaves the whistling sound through the air to follow it ; but the mortar shell slowly revolving in its descent overhead, aided by the hissing of the fuse, heard first on one side, then on the other, leaves its audi- ence in a state of uncertainty, not to say anxiety, as tO' which seat the stranger intends to take. To' the question addressed to a young Captain by one of his company, "Don't you dread those mortar shells more than anything else ?" the reply was made : "j^o ; they are the first things I have yet encountered that a man ought not to be afraid of." "How is that?" "Why, the oinniverous beast is a ventriloquist; you cannot dodge it ; and it is a poor philosophy that fears what it can- not avoid." For days the losses on both sides are considerable from this annoyance. Then bomb proofs are constructed by making perpendicular excavations immediately behind the trenches along covered ways leading to tliem or beyond ; over these square or oblong recesses are laid stout logs ; then a bed of leaves ; and on that a mound of earth. Gradually sleeping- apartments were thus supplied along our whole eastern front, as at any point along this line, battle might be delivered at any time, night or day. The men thus protected began jocosely to treat mortar-shelling as an entertainment ; and it was not out of order for veterans to run to cover when the play began. As the siege progressed, unexploded shells and fragments were gathered by our ordnance department, and payment made tO' the soldiers who' brought them in from the field. A whole shell was a prize, and races were made in some instances for them while yet in mid-air, with such excla- mations as: "That's mine, I saw it first;" and, "No, you are out of its range; it is coming my way." It might explode in mid-air, or after striking the ground ; but that was viewed rather as a matter of disg-ust than of fear. Mortar guns of proper calibre were specially cast by the Confederates to re- turn some of these shells to the enemy. 24 370 North Carolina Troops, 1861-'C5. fokt hell and moktak bed, Strong forts for heavy ordnance and at points most threat- ened, especially the salients and on the cavalier lines, are constructed and mounted. Of course this was not the work of a day, nor a M'eok, nor a month, but goes on steadily, one third of the coimiiiind under arms, the others working by de- tails. Where the distance between the lines will ])ennit, a picket line is established and protected by rifle pits. This is tiuihiuhI c^icli night to prevent a surprise, and the skirmish- ers withdrawn therefrom at daylight. Near the salient occu- pied by the portion of Pegram's Virginia Battery, on which the centre of the Fifty-sixth Kegiment rested in the battle of 18 June, tlie enemy have gradually dug in towards our line irntil they are in speaking distance. Here at the slightest commotion, taken as a demonstration on either side, an in- ce-ssant musketry fire is begun and continued through the night. The point is called "Fort Hell." The field where our line crosses the Norfolk Railroad is called "The Mortar Bed," for a similar reason. These mis- siles are rained upon Colquitt's salient facing Fort Stedman at the crest of the hill, here nearest the railway, and upon the cavalier line immediately behind it. But' the daily returns have almost ceased to show casualties from the mortars. There is no difficulty in catching a sight of these shells against a white cloud in the air after the report of the gun, and before they have reached the altitude from which they are to descend ; but with a clear sky, the first warning of its vicinity may be the puzzling hiss of the fuse in its descent. 27 June. Wm. Cole died of wounds received in the bat- tle of the 18th instant. He was an exemplary citizen and a good soldier. 4 July, James R. Miller is wounded on the skinnish line guard duty. 22 July. Wm. J. Tinnin is mortally wounded, and dies on the 23d. He had sei'ved faithfully as First Sergeant, and in the diflScult position of Commissary Sergeant. On this date Thomas C. Scarlett was severely wounded. , SAPPING AND MINING. The Army of Northern Virginia, to which Beauregard's [the new "s^oR^I I PUBLIC LIBRARY. ASTOR, LENOX AND Xiuo£N FOUNDATIONS^ FIFTY-SIXTH UKGIMENT. 1. T. P. Savillps, Captain, Co. A. 2. , Henry Williams, Private, Co. A, 3. Frank N. Roberts, Captain, Co. B. 4. J. A. KiuK. -M Lieut., Co. B. 0. J. K. B. Walker, Private, Co. B. 8. D. M. McDonald, 2d Lieut., Co. B. Wni. J. McDonald, Private, Co. B. .Joseph G. Lockliart, Captain, Co. E. Jarvis B Liitterloli, 1st Lieut., Co. E. (^Picture in Supplementary Group, -Ith vol.) Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 371 army has been transferred as the Fourth Corps, under Gen- eral 11. H. Anderson ( Longstreet having recovered from his Wilderness wound and returned to his old corps), has now successfully withstood attacks from front, rear, flank, and overhead. Is there any other direction on earth from which the ingenuity of man may hope to approach ? ISTo. But there is an untried route under the earth. Early in this month, the enemy began running tunnels from two or three different points to undennine our lines. Our sap- pers and miners go down into the earth to meet them, and time after time, while Brigade Officer of the Day, has the writer placed his ear to the wall of a tunnel cut beneath Colquitt's salient, sometimes occupied by our brigade, but was unable to distinguish any sound different from the nat- ural roaring experience by closing the ear. All along our line, at points facing practical bases on their side for such underground operations, we were boring for them with our long range augers. These augers were constructed with poles for handles, and on the larger end a fold of sheet iron or steel securely fastened, which w^ith two upright edges lacking, say, two inches of coming together, formed the bit of the chisel. As fast as these filled with the compact earth in digging, they were withdrawn and cleaned out with a bay- onet. A depth of twenty-five feet had failed to disclose the modem catacomb. But evidently great expectations are raised over the way, and we must be on the qui vive. Three o'clock each morning now finds us in full line of battle, there to remain until the sun is fully up. BATTLE OF THE CEATEE. 30 July. Six weeks ago to-day occurred the dispute over the location of the line to defend the first salient at the ravine north of the Jerusalem road, then held by the right centre company of the Fifty-sixth E'orth Carolina State Troops. Meanwhile our brigade has moved one space to the left, re- placed by Elliott's. To-day the spot takes its place in history to be remembered long after the disputants shall have been forgotten. At sunrise, as our line of battle was about to break ranks for another day, a dull thud is heard to our right and a 372 North Carolina Troops, 1861-65. cloud of dust and suiokc liides the horizon. This salient has thus become tlu^ centre of the Crater at Petersburi;'. Soon after tlie lodg-nient at its foot, to which they had been repulsed, on the lr Lieutenant Palmer. Company I was on the extreme left of that part of the lines lield l)y the C(infe(U>ratcs, and ;ifler the linttle Ii;id been raging for some tini(% Ca])tain Ilarrill received an order from General Kansoni with his compliment.s, saying the tnircrsc there iniisl he held. The defense of this traverse for tlie time, checked the eneniv iMisliinc; al